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Fracture treatment of folk remedies

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Treatment of fractures of lemon, honey, cognac and eggs

Folk remedy for treatment of fractures. You need to take five lemons, five eggs, fifty grams of cognac, two tablespoons of honey. Brandy can be replaced with a Cahors. Mix raw eggs with honey, and shell them dry. Crush the shell and mix with fresh lemon juice. After a couple days the shell should dissolve in lemon juice, then mix this composition with the second and leave for the day. Use once a day for thirty grams of this mixture. Before you will accept – shake the cure.

After consume about three servings, you can finish the course of people's treatment of fractures. Fractures much faster thanks to delayed egg-shell.

When you become a little better, five times a day to do the exercises. You need to get up and go to bed. Gradually, the constant amount of exercise should be increase. Well as fractures to recover faster will help the consumption of cottage cheese, jelly.

Treatment of fractures of the nuts and shells from the eggs

One grandmother broke her hip, the relatives could pick her up fast enough. Helped to heal the fractures in traditional medicine checked more than one generation already.

You need to take half of the shell from one egg, dry it and grind into powder. Film from the shell remove. Then, the resulting powder mixed with lemon juice. This mixture must be taken daily once.

Grandmother every day eat two walnuts. And another family took a pound of beef bones, filled them with water and within four hours cooked them. Water should be sufficient to get the bone was completely flooded with it. The mixture should cook until the bottom of the cookware will remain for two tablespoons of broth. Let these two teaspoons twice a week to a sick person. The broth should be salty.

Topic: 12 people's ways of home treatment for

Treatment of fractures of the salt and eggs

src="/all/images/382-0.jpg">If you periodically disturbed old fractures or you have stretched the tendons hurt, you will help the next popular method of treatment. Take half a teaspoon of small salt and raw egg yolk, mix until smooth. Then put this mixture on a cloth and apply the compress to the injured place.

The next day the poultice will become hard like plaster. And you just cut the dressing with scissors. Do the procedure every day for as long as the pain will cease to bother you.

Onion broth for bones

Take two small onions and slice them, then fry in vegetable oil. Then put the onions in boiling water with a volume of one liter and boil for ten minutes. Strain a cure not necessary, just drink it before meals three times a day one glass.

Also anoint the fracture site fir oil and use of dried egg shell from the egg. You need to take half a teaspoon of powder from the shell in the morning and evening.

Treatment of fractures of the magnet

In folk medicine there is one popular method of treatment of fracturesbased on the application of the magnet. If your house has a loudspeaker or the device for processing water, then remove them from the magnet. Best of all, if you do specialist. Then you can take a plastic jar of Shoe Polish and glue to it the plastic handle, and then this plastic jar and attach the magnet. Before use of this device need to wash you hands with soap, the particles of the magnet does not have any effect on the skin.

Within twenty minutes, move the device in a circle, clockwise, where you had a broken bone. The course of treatment is about twenty days. Then you need to take a break for a month and a half and to repeat the treatment.

Magnet markedly accelerates the healing of bones, relieves pain, swelling, swelling. But this treatment is contraindicated in patients with stroke, a heart attack, or hypotension, tumors, blood diseases.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"