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Cancer treatment with Hemlock method Tishchenko

Conium maculatum – where it grows and how it looks?

The full name of this plant is Conium maculatum – received because of the characteristic reddish-brown spots covering the hollow stem, reaching 1.8 m in height. Hemlock belongs to the family Umbelliferae, is a two-year high herb with triangular leaves, like parsley, and small white flowers on the spot where the tiny rounded Mature seeds. They poured from the umbrellas to the ground, and provide stable reproduction of Hemlock throughout the area. And this plant is found almost everywhere: from Africa and Asia to Northern Europe, and southern varieties of Hemlock contain more biologically active substances than their Northern counterparts.

Young Hemlock can inadvertently mix with the parsley and severely poisoned. All parts of plant are poisonous: leaves, roots and flowers and seeds. Tall flowering Bush of Hemlock in appearance strongly resembles the forest Kupari with which it is confused inexperienced herbalists in the European part of Russia. Copyri harmless, but also useless, so before you decide on a workpiece of Hemlock with the medical purpose, you need to get acquainted with his photographs, or to enlist the support of an experienced pharmacist, naturopath.

The content of the article:

Looks like Hemlock?

Warning: Hemlock is poisonous, so after working with the Hemlock carefully wash your hands. Strictly follow the dosages! Medicine from Hemlock keep out of reach of children.

From the history of the use of Hemlock

The Latin name of this herb sounds like "Conium maculatum", and the word "Conium"means"killing". And indeed, inAncient Greece Hemlock played the role of the official "executioner". The juice of the plant was poisoning people sentenced to death. Some historians believe that with the help of Hemlock was killed by the famous philosophers Socrates and Phocion.

Interested look at Hemlock as medicinal plant, for the first time drew another ancient sage – Hippocrates. He suggested that small doses of the juice of this poisonous Bush can bring health benefits. Later agreed Hippocrates, Avicenna, and Dioscorides all healers, actively used Hemlock in practice. Avicenna repeatedly mentions the Hemlock in all three books of his medical work "Canon of medical science".

In Russia, the Hemlock was well known traditional healer. In the book, "Izbornik Svyatoslav Yaroslavich", released in 1074, described the recipes for the treatment of benign and malignant tumorsand venereal diseases with the help of decoctions and infusions Hemlock.

Modern medicine has not written off the Hemlock, even on the contrary – are now conducted research to develop anti-cancer drugs based on the extract of this poisonous plant. At this point in six developed European countries (Spain, Portugal, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria and France) and three Latin American (Chile, Mexico and Venezuela) Hemlock included in the official Pharmacopoeia.

In Russia this plant is state of the medical status now, but is actively used by homeopathic doctors and traditional healers. And from 1866 to 1902 years, the Hemlock was included in the official Russian Pharmacopoeia as analgesic and antispasmodic.

Since the composition of the present Hemlock tannin, it is theoretically possible to use in the harvesting of the skin, but toxicity of the plant acts as an obstacle for its wide application. The flowers of Hemlock are a good honey plant, but for the same reason, the honey produced by the bees as a result of this pollination, the food. Hemlock juice can be used as a natural and effective insecticide, but the fruit after such treatment must be very thoroughly washed.

The chemical composition of Hemlock

The whole plant contains the following biologically active components:

  • Alkaloids (coniin, contain, conhydrine, pseudoconhydrine, methylconiine);
  • Glycerides petrosellini and Petroselinumacids;
  • Coffee acid;
  • Conyinue essential oil;
  • Kaempferol and quercetin (vitamin PP).

The most toxic element of Hemlock is an alkaloid of coniin. Most of it is contained in the seeds of plants (about 2%), less in flowers (0,24%), even less in the leaves, stems and roots (0,1%). Poisonous leaves varies during the life of the plant: they had more alkaloids before flowering, and then partially move the poisons in the seeds.

Pharmacological actions of Hemlock

Hemlock takes away the pain, it has anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, soothing and anti-tumor activity. Since ancient times, Hemlock was considered a valuable medicinal plant in folk medicine.

The extract of Hemlock has on the human body by the following steps:

  • Anticancer;
  • Wound healing;
  • Sedative;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Immunostimulant;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Hypotensive;
  • Diuretic.

So Hemlock is used to treat a number of diseases:

The collection and processing of Hemlock

With Conium maculatum collect leaves, flowers and seeds. The collection of raw materials falls at the beginning of June and September, also a lot depends on region and growing conditions of the plant. If flowering time has passed, then you can use the seeds, because the plant is biennial, in the fall and early spring, you can use the basal leaves. But the highest quality raw materials – ripe, but not overripe blossoms: essential oils have almost none.

You can protect your hands with gloves, but simply wash them carefully after collection and processing of Hemlock.

It is not necessary to bring children and allow them to pluck the flowers of poisonous plants. Even if the child will lick their fingers stained with the juice of Hemlock, this can cause mild poisoning.

Ripped umbrellas it is best to just chop and pour rubbing alcohol (40-70%) or vodka, because conyinue essential oil is volatile, thus, the Hemlock quickly loses its therapeutic properties in the air. Bring a glass container filled with alcohol or vodka, a gathering place to put the crushed Hemlock. Cut the florets just the clean, sharp tailor's scissors.

What if Hemlock is gone?

Might be a question: what if the Hemlock had finished flowering, do we have to wait for the next season? Of course not, because the Hemlock at any time throws out small leaves, which are located near the roots. It is a good raw material, and then the seeds will go. The main rule – take only the green, fresh and fleshy parts of plants, which have the juice, as the withered and dried leaves contain almost no valuable alkaloids.

The recipe of tincture of Hemlock

There are several recipes to create remedies against cancer with the help of Hemlock. Here will be described the easiest, safest and at the same time, the most effective method.

To tincture was correct, you need to keep the proportions:

  • Two parts of inflorescences and seeds of Hemlock;
  • One part of rubbing alcohol or vodka.

Therefore, going to the place of Assembly plants, bring a quart jar with a tight screw-on metal lid, and pre-pour one Cup (250 ml) vodka or alcohol. This is to ensure that the Hemlock has not lost its healing properties after cutting, as after grinding the harvested Hemlock begins to warm up and loses its properties. You will only need to dial 2 cups of raw (not Packed), cut it with scissors, to put Hemlock in the jar, cover and shake.

You cannot grind the raw material with the help of the grinder, since it is released very high amounts of chlorophyll, which changes the quality of the raw materials not for the better. We need to get clean was the hood, which is achieved in the aforementioned manner.

In some sources it is proposed to take 0.5 liters of vodka 1 Cup, 100 g and 50 g of grass, but it's wrong concentration of tincture will be weak.

Came home and put the Bank out of the reach of children in a cool and dark place. Insist the medication for at least three weeks (21 days), but it is better to wait 40 days. In cases of emergency to start on the third day. Daily jar you need to shake, better to do it 2-3 times a day. The cover in no case do not open, since the therapeutic alkaloids are volatile properties. Years of experience healers shows that tincture of Hemlock is best prepared in the cool – at a temperature of 15-20 degrees Celsius alkaloids most effectively transferred to the alcohol environment.

Ready infusion should be carefully strain through several layers of sterile gauze, again pour into a clean glass jar with a tight screw cap and put into the refrigerator. Make a sticker with a warning inscription to your household (especially children) accidentally drank out of the jar!

How to determine the quality of the tincture?

Tincture of Hemlock is a popular pharmacological agent, which is sold in finished form. There are small businesses and herbalists engaged in the manufacture and sale of tinctures, which raises the question: can we trust them? Is it worth it to save time and to abandon the self-production of medicines, and not turn this economy buying a fake?

Counterfeiting tincture special economic does not make sense, since Hemlock is found everywhere, and procurement of raw materials, any difficulties does not cause. However, the quality andthe concentration of the tincture can cause confusion. A good product will have a rich blue-violet color and a characteristic "mousy" smell is conyinue essential oil, the main therapeutic component of the tincture.

How to take tincture of Hemlock? "The Royal circuit"

There are several ways of treatment with tincture of Hemlock, but in practice the best-proven so-called "Royal" technique. It is used in all tumours, both malignant and benign, as well as in protracted chronic diseases: tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, lupus erythematosus and many others.

Regimen: morning, before meals drink one drop of the tincture, diluted it in a glass of water. On the second day already drink 2 drops. In the third 3 drops, and so on, gradually increasing the dose, it is necessary to reach up to 40 drops (if the body is already severely weakened, use a lower dose, which will act softer).

You should then go in the opposite direction, reducing the daily dose by one drop, and walk to one drop, is a single circle. During the year the patient it can take a full course, and this is usually enough to heal even from the most serious diseases. Cases of beating cancer with the help of tincture of Hemlock, however, argued that the successful treatment consisted only in receiving infusions, we will not.

Note that in 30% of cases, tincture of Hemlock has no effect on the body. In this case, the herbalists normally vary the Hemlock on any other plant, for example, Aconite Jungar.

The subtleties of the treatment tincture of Hemlock

Taking this medicine is best in the morning, on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before Breakfast, dissolve the tincture in a small amount of clean water – enough a quarter Cup. Gaining a bit of medicine, first rinse the mouth and hold the liquid, and then swallow because the sublingual way of taking tincture of Hemlock is more effective orally.

Weak and elderly patients it is recommended to start treatment of Hemlock with a reduced rate – 20 days to the body gradually accustomed to poisonous alkaloids. However, even young patients can experience side effects – nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, digestive disorders, skin rash. If this happens, you need to reverse the reduction in dosage, it does not matter what stage of treatment the patient is located.

How does the tincture of Hemlock?

Why poisonousplants help people cope with the disease, although logically they should only bring harm? Here, the principle of homeopathy: like cure like. Our body perceives coniin and other poisonous alkaloids, as foreign substances such as pathogens and tumour cells. Trying to get rid of the poison, the immunity of the person passing gets rid of the disease.

A small amount of toxic substances we are well able to adapt over time, but our illness is not, because she's not human and is not immune. Those antibodies that are given to human blood in response to the presence of a poison, to cope with an external threat – an infection, a tumor, or even with its own immune cells that behave inappropriately, as happens in autoimmune diseases.

Alternative dosage forms

Skin problems (ulcers, growths, lesions of erysipelas, eczema, skin cancer), as well as pain in the joints and tumors of external location, it is recommended to combine intake of alcohol infusions Hemlock inside, using therapeutic oils.

The recipe of oil of Hemlock:

  • Olive or sunflower oil – 500 ml;
  • Crushed blossoms and seeds of Hemlock – 2 cups.

Cooking oil in a glass jar with a tight screw-on cap, and let stand in a dark, cool place for 21 days, in the same way as a tincture. Then strain and store in the refrigerator or somewhere on a high shelf, out of reach of children, because the oil of Hemlock is not spoiled at room temperature.

The affected skin can use oil twice a day, and if it hurts the joint, then applied a sterile dressing soaked with oil, top cover with cellophane and wrap a warm scarf. So it is possible to significantly improve the health of a patient with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, or gout, but remember that a hot compress is contraindicated in the high temperature and inflammatory processes in the joints!

Lotions with oil of Hemlock for 2-3 hours is applied to ulcers and poorly healing wounds. Helps this oil, and varicose vein – affected areas to lubricate daily at night. Hemorrhoids you can enter into the anus sterile swabs soaked in oil of Hemlock, before you sleep, it relieves pain, reduces inflammation and bleeding.

Contraindications to treatment with Hemlock

Individual intolerance of Hemlock and allergic reactions to it are extremely rare. However, in some cases, treatment with Hemlock is better to refuse to harm from the poisonous alkaloids are not aggravated the situation. Take this medicine is generally necessary only when the risk is justified, and other, safer ways to heal, just no.

Tincture of Hemlock should not take:

  • Very elderly, the weak, emaciated patients;
  • Small children and expectant mothers;
  • Patients who has recently undergone surgery;
  • People with congenital dysfunction or severe liver disease.

About the liver need to tell apart – this body is responsible for cleansing the blood from toxins, so hepatitis, cirrhosis and chronic alcoholism deprive men of the chance for treatment with Hemlock. As for cancer patients who had a tumor removed, 2 months after the surgery provided normal state of health they even need to start taking tincture of Hemlock, to prevent the occurrence of relapses and new metastases.

It is known that for some people (about 30%) Hemlock has expressed no therapeutic action. Just for some reason the alkaloids do not stimulate the production of life-giving antibodies. Such patients can recommend other bitters on the poisonous plants of celandine, Aconite. Maybe some other alkaloid will trigger the desired response.

What to do in case of poisoning with Hemlock?

To come poisoning, a man quite inadvertently eaten a small tuft of grass, for example, confusing grown in the garden the Hemlock with parsley. Animals require large doses – for example, grazing in a meadow a horse or a cow to poison Hemlock, but only if you eat 2 or more pounds of grass.

Symptoms of poisoning with Hemlock

In case of serious poisoning with Hemlock show signs of ascending paralysis. Limbs are heavy, felt cold all over body, get cold chills in extremities, pale face, swallowing is difficult, there is dizziness, dilated pupils, vibrations and rasplachivat items before my eyes. In the throat there is a burning sensation, felt nausea, vomiting. Possible respiratory paralysis.

In addition, a person poisoned with Hemlock, there are the following primary symptoms:

  • Nervous excitement;
  • Increasedblood pressure;

  • Nausea;
  • Dilated pupils;
  • The pallor and blueness of skin and lips;
  • Tachycardia;

  • Abundant secretion of saliva;
  • Tremor of the hands;
  • Swallowing and speech.

Alkaloid coniin effect on the body like acetylcholine, nicotine and to curare. First, there is activation and then sudden depression of the Central nervous system. If the dose of Hemlock was large (20 g and more), the human condition will begin to deteriorate.

The poison Hemlock is most often due to the fact that it is very similar to other plants. In the first year of life are difficult to distinguish Hemlock from parsley. Root plants – carrots. In the second year of life it is similar to dill, markovnik.

At the final stage of severe poisoning with Hemlock are such signs:

Emergency care for poisoning

The cure for Hemlock poisoning has been known for a long time, it is also the most effective antidote.

For its preparation take warm water and add in a significant amount of wood oil (it is the lowest grade of olive oil). If not, add flax or hemp oil. Poisoned fills to the throat of the funnel and pour straight into the stomach this mixture until it is sick. And so you need to repeat until he regains consciousness. Then we should give him to drink warm water mixed with honey, and then come relief.

If necessary, give artificial respiration. Inside you can also take 30 tablets of activated charcoal. Recommended fresh air.

If the victim is not time to provide medical assistance, can occur fatal. For poisoning a small amount of Hemlock is enough to give the man to drink half a liter of warm milk with the addition of potassium permanganate (to colour the milk a pale pink color), to provide rest and bed rest. But if poisonous plants were dangerous, requires immediate hospitalization and stomach pumping.

The effectiveness of cancer treatment with Hemlock

The greatest interest Hemlock calls from cancer patients, since the treatment of suchserious diseases it is advisable to consider all possible means, including homeopathic, folk and alternative. I would like to warn all who hope to be saved from cancer or to cure their loved ones with the help of tincture of Hemlock: it is not a magic potion, not a panacea for all ills.

The efficacy of tincture of Hemlock and other similar drugs based on the natural protective forces of the organism. In other words, as far as man himself is capable of cure, so he will help tincture of Hemlock. If the immune system does not give adequate, pronounced response to the attack of poisonous alkaloids, and from tumor to get rid of will not help.

Cancer treatment with Hemlock quite effectively... but not a panacea! Hemlock is a powerful pain reliever. Despite the fact that Hemlock is poisonous in moderate doses it is easy to carry any body. Living cells it touches, the device is quick. But patients cancer cells he has a very detrimental effect. For this reason, he acquired great fame.

The second point to keep in mind – to succeed in the fight against cancer, you need to approach treatment in a holistic manner. This means that you can't just give up on the recommendation of the oncologist and bump into folk medicine. One does not exclude the other, and in war all means are good, so treat doctor's appointments and the advice of a herbalist very seriously and responsibly.

There are many other medicinal plants are not only poisonous, the use of which helps to cope with cancer. Taking one tincture of Hemlock, you most likely will not succeed. But if in between the courses, you'll move on to other drugs in this range, for example, tincture of Aconite Jungar, or of celandine, the probability of a successful outcome is higher.

About the idea of treatment of poisonous herbs – many cancer patients perplexed at such a prospect. They ask, why poison the body with poison when he is already weakened by the tumor? Let me ask a counter question: and chemotherapy, which assigns an official attending oncologist, isn't is, in fact, poisoning? In this case, poisons the doctors are trying to kill cancer cells, but simultaneously poison and the patient. But homeopathy goes much more humane – it simply triggers a natural protective reaction by introducing into the body a tiny amount of poison.

In regard to the treatment of tincture of Conium maculatum, the most reasonable will be the position midway between the sweeping hope and bitter skepticism. I advise you to treat this method of treatmentcancer with proper attention, especially if you or a loved one in a difficult situation, and does not have to choose. Perhaps this is the chance not to be missed. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Consult a herbalist Helicat Suleymanova on the application of Hemlock, Aconite, and celandine