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Sumac leather

Growing, care and recipes use of useful properties of smoke tree leather

Botanical characteristics of smoke tree leather

Sumac leather is a large deciduous shrub or tree that can grow up to 5 meters. The trunks of the plants are much branched, have grayish-brown bark, and young shoots are green or reddish in color. Ovate leaves are smooth-edged leaf blades with very noticeable veins. Top leaves painted dark green, bottom – gray-green. Closer to autumn the leaves turn yellow, then turn red and eventually become scarlet.

The flowers of this species smoke tree of small size, are collected in inflorescence-panicle. The stalk of the flowers have hairs, which lengthen after flowering, which panicles can reach up to 30 cm Inflorescences become very fluffy. Every Bush plants can be with different color hairs. For example, one plant can stand out beautiful with white hairs, and another to be completely green. Sumac has bisexual flowers, which develop separately: the male flowers in the inflorescence, and the female in another.

Smoke tree the fruit is drupe, small in size, with dry pulp. The fruit is green in color and is located on a length of the stem. In the process of ripening the fruits become black. Sumac leather blooms from may to July. The fruits ripen in late summer – early autumn. This plant is a survivor and can grow for about 100 years. Sumac leather prefers to grow on rocky slopes or among shrubs. This species is distributed throughout Russia, Ukraine, Caucasus and Crimea.

Growing smoke tree leather

Sumac likes a dry, warm soil and a Sunny position. This plant can perfectly grow in natural conditions, it does not need fertile soil. The stagnant water in the soil stops the growth and development of plants.

The sumac can be propagated by layering, softwood cuttings and seeds. For propagation by layering, you need a little incision in the lower branch and press it to the soil. Secure the branch by simply sprinkling it on the soil. When the branches have formed roots, the plant can be separated from the parent plant.

The way green grafting involves harvesting of cuttings the summer. Cut the prepared cuttings should be soaked for 12 hours in a special solution of IAA. After soaking, the cuttings should be planted in a greenhouse. Immediately after planting the cuttings should be watered often, as they are very long root.

For seed propagation collect the fruits in late summer andextracted from the seeds. When seeds will be stage stratification can be sown either in spring or in autumn – but then the seeds are not strategicgrowth.

Care sumac

Sumac is not a capricious plant, and therefore, does not need to create special conditions of care. Immediately after planting and in dry weather the plants need daily watering. So that the soil retains the moisture required soil mulching. If shoots begin to wither and die, they should just delete.

Sumac responds well to pruning, but this does not mean that this process can be done every day. If pruning to produce too frequently, it will lead to a deterioration of the flowering plants.

Useful properties of smoke tree leather

In the leaves of the smoke tree contains tannin, by which this plant is used as a binder and anti-inflammatories. Sumac has choleretic and antiseptic properties. Due to the content in the plant tannins and flavonoids, it is used in the treatment of various liver diseases. The plant helps with diseases of the biliary tract. Sumac is a tool that stops the bleeding with periodontitis or ulcerative gingivostomatitis.

Most often, sumac is used externally, as it gives good results in the treatment of sweating feet, whiter in women, festering wounds, frostbites and boil.

The use of smoke tree leather

In folk medicine, sumac is used mainly externally in the treatment of ulcers, wounds, ulcers and swelling in case of frostbite. The sumac used as a means for rinsing with inflammation of the gums. A decoction of the roots of the smoke tree is recommended to be taken in the treatment of fever. For medicinal purposes harvested branches, leaves and rhizomes of plants. Sumac is a constituent component in the preparation of gathering, used for the treatment of lung diseases.

Collection from smoke tree in pneumonia. Take 2 tablespoons of the smoke tree and the same amount of hyssop, add 1 tablespoon St. John's wort and Siberian milkwort. Mix everything thoroughly and this also sprinkle 2 tablespoons of repucci creeping and the same number of eucalyptus with chamomile. Now take 6 tablespoons ready-made collection and pour two liters of boiling water. Leave it to infuse1 hour. Ready warm collection, take half a Cup about 9 times a day.

A decoction of the smoke tree to rinse the mouth with gingivitis. For its preparation you need to take 5 grams of the herbs and pour 150ml of boiling water. Put the composition on the fire for 10 minutes and remove immediately from heat. Strain the finished broth, use it to rinse the mouth three times a day.

Cream with smoke tree with festering wounds. Take the fresh leaves of the plant and grind them. Now mix them with butter in a ratio of 1:2. Ready oil lubricates the purulent ulcers and wounds several times a day.

Contraindications to the use of smoke tree leather

The sumac can not be applied to people who have liver disease.