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Biliary dyskinesia in children

In children this disease is among the most frequent pathologies of the biliary system. In the literal translation of the term "dyskinesia"means"disorder of movement" and refers to the uncoordinated, unnatural function of smooth muscles. In many cases in children dyskinesia is detected quite late, with the result that treatment of patients is not timely and further prevention of diseases of the digestive organs in adults can be difficult.

Recently, a significant weight found that dyskinesia is not a primary disease but a clinical manifestation of a more dangerous pathology of the upper part of the alimentary tract (pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer). The source of stagnation of bile are disorders of the sphincters (simatelex muscles) and motor functions of the biliary tract. The stagnation of bile (called cholestasis) is manifested as disorders of the circulation of bile in the intestine and liver.

Also change the physico-chemical properties of bile and its components. In consequence of cholestasis bactericidal properties of bile is reduced, whereby helminths (worms, parasitic worms) are easier to colonize the intestine. In children biliary dyskinesia often observed in a mixed form or hypertonic, hypotonic form is much rarer.

The clinical picture of pediatric psoriasis

During a hypertensive form of the disease, the children feel the stabbing pain of a paroxysmal character in the right side or in the right hypochondrium. The younger children complain about the umbilical region. In very rare cases, radiating pain in the scapula or right shoulder. The feeling of severe colicky pain in right side during fast walk or fast run is a common symptom for this condition.

Striking manifestations of this symptom can occur in training, in physical training, dancing, with participation in outdoor games or other physical activities. For hypotonic form of dyskinesia characteristic of almost constant dull aching pain in the right side. To worsen the pain sensation when excessive emotional shock or in connection with malnutrition. Biliary dyskinesia is almost always accompanied by dyspepsia (violation of the stable operation of the stomach).

Appetite in children is reduced, they are often persecuted nausea. In many cases they have intolerance tosweet and fatty food after eating it children experience vomiting and nausea. In some cases, in older children there is the appearance of bitterness in the mouth. Also characterized by unstable stool. During the objective medical examination, palpation identifies the area of pain in the right hypochondrium. Many young patients the liver increases, and its edge can be felt a couple of inches below the costal arch.

Diagnosis of pediatric biliary dyskinesia

The disease is diagnosed based on the results of additional methods of examination, obtained in the inspection result data and analysis of complaints. A good method of diagnosis is an ultrasound. Ultrasound examination makes it possible to diagnose existing abnormalities of the biliary tract (torsion, break and other), to establish the nature of motor disorders of the gall bladder. Dyskinesia often occurs as a result of such features of the structure of the gall bladder or biliary tract.

It is also possible to conduct the child of fractional duodenal intubation. The type of disease determines the change of performance in different portions of bile. Often when bile microscopy detected the violation of the colloidal equilibrium bile. Often in the bile of the children identified different parasites Stroingyloides stercoralis larvae, eggs opisthorchis vegetative forms of Giardia. In certain cases and only under strict indications are made radiopaque study.

Treatment of biliary dyskinesia in children

Therapy in this disease is complex. Is antiparasitic therapy restores the body's defenses by improving the diet and daily regimen, exercise other prescribed activities. Food with psoriasis should be thermally, mechanically and chemically sparing. To ensure that the separation of bile, it is recommended to exercise five or six meals a day. In addition, food for the day should be distributed relatively evenly.

Dinner of the child should occur about three hours before bedtime and do not contain abundant of meat dishes. Overeating with psoriasis is unacceptable. In addition to proper nutrition, it is necessary to strictly observe the designated competent doctor for treatment.