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Hemorrhoid treatment folk remedies

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Garlic milk from hemorrhoids

Garlic has krivorozchskiy properties, improves the quality of blood, prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, prevents the deposition of LDL (low-density lipoproteins, forming atherosclerotic plaques) on the walls of blood vessels. These and other beneficial properties of garlic make it an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, has long been used in Eastern medicine. Among the popular methods of hemorrhoid treatment deserves special attention garlic milk, the recipes of which are presented below.

  • Two heads of garlic is cleaned from the rough husk without separating the cloves. Further them along with skin boil in a saucepan with 200 ml of milk for 30 minutes, until the garlic is not soft and easily punctured with a fork. Garlic milk is cooled on the windowsill and take a tablespoon each meal. The course of treatment is ten days, if necessary, repeat it after a fortnight break.
  • Peel the garlic and divide into cloves, five of them free from peel and chop on a grater or in chesnokodavilke. Add to the resulting homogeneous mass of 200 ml of milk and leave for two hours in a cool place. Drinking garlic milk infusion to three times a day for half a teaspoon, the course of treatment is a week, three days after necessary, repeat.
  • The easiest way to use garlic with milk to vascular spasms and improve blood circulation – is it three tines a day, one after each meal, drinking a Cup of milk.

Contraindications to the use of garlic is the stomach ulcer and gastritis in the acute stage, inflammation of the pancreas, epilepsy. During pregnancy you need to be careful with the garlic, to the woman prior to their use for therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Find out more: Useful properties and applications of garlic

Effective hemorrhoid treatment prescriptionquack

One wise woman often approached by people to cure hemorrhoids, since medical drugs that they buy in a pharmacy, only for a short time remove the pain, but not cure. In the treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies she became famous all over Yekaterinburg. And all because of a recipe using one herb, with which she cured thousands of people suffering from hemorrhoids of all types and at all levels! And most importantly, already disappears after a few days of bleeding, and a week later you've already forgotten, the sick.

And still people would go to it if one person figured out what this grass. It was mullein, which is also called the "Royal scepter". Now for the recipe of a medicine woman and can be treated at home, not necessary to go to Ekaterinburg. And here's a recipe: you just need 3 times a day to brew the flowers (fresh or dried) of this plant and drink tea instead. And in a week you are completely cured from hemorrhoids.

Source: newspaper HLS

Stone oil from hemorrhoids

Stone oil or pacsun mineral growths that form in the crevices of rocks, and has long been used in Oriental medicine for the treatment of various diseases, is valued, primarily, for anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Rock oil soluble in water, has an astringent sour taste, can be used externally and internally. To treat hemorrhoids, it is recommended to combine both methods of application.

After a three-month course of treatment of stone oil in the form of microclysters and solution for drink hemorrhoids absorbed, normalizes the bowel movement, disappear pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Pacsun effective even when other means of candles and ointments for local applications do not give significant results.

Stone oil for internal use dissolve in the proportion of 3 grams per two liters of water and drink a glass thrice a day half hour before meals. Gastritis high acidity of the solution needs to be drink one hour before meals. The course of treatment is two months, if necessary, repeat it, after a break of two weeks.

Microclysters with solution stone oil daily after bowel cleansing, of treatment ranged from two weeks to a month, after which take a break. To prepare the solution in a pint of warm water, take 3 grams of stone oil and a tablespoon of honey. Microclysters volume – 100ml, keep it inside until it is absorbedsolution.

Learn more: Properties and application of stone oils

Hemorrhoid treatment ice pack potato

To eliminate the burning sensation in the anus for external hemorrhoids use grated raw potatoes. This folk remedy not only removes discomfort after the first application, but also contributes to the treatment of hemorrhoids. In the clean cloth wrap the grated potatoes and kept for 10 minutes. Before the procedure it is necessary to wash carefully to avoid infection and inflammation.

For internal hemorrhoids raw potatoes can also be useful, but use it differently – cut and placed inside the anus, so that it could easily be out.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

Heparin ointment contains three main active component is heparin, benzocaine, benzylsuccinic that support its effectiveness in treating hemorrhoids, both chronic and acute forms.

  • Benzylsuccinic contributes to the rapid absorption of heparin, causing the effect of the application of the ointment appears a few minutes after application.
  • Heparin, has thrombolytic properties, reduces the amount of fibrin in the blood, which prevents the sticking of blood cells and blood clots. On already formed clots heparin does not affect – he cannot reduce or remove blood clots, but can stop their growth and prevent new ones.
  • Benzocaine in the composition of the heparin ointment provides its anesthetic effect, eliminates the pain and discomfort.

Heparin ointment used to treat external hemorrhoids, as treatment internal hemorrhoids problems can occur. The main danger of the heparin ointment in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids massive bleeding. Major hemorrhoidal formation may be injured by contact with solid feces (which often happens in constipation) and bleeding. Heparin ointment possesses anticoagulant properties, disrupts blood clotting, which in this case could lead to big losses and the need of medical assistance.

Treatment of hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is an effective folk remedy for treatment of hemorrhoids, which is safe in use, even during pregnancy, when you cannot use other ant hemorrhoid remedies.

  • Sea buckthorn is rich in organic acids, tannins and vitamins, able to regenerate damaged tissue. Relieves pain the anti-inflammatory effect, reduces bleeding and discomfort, stops the growth of hemorrhoids.
  • Vitamin C in the composition of sea buckthorn oil is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which provides the tone and strength of blood vessels. Vascular walls become resistant to stretching and damage, bleeding stop new hemorrhoids are formed.
  • Tannins reduce inflammation in the region of damaged blood vessels, eliminate puffiness and soreness of hemorrhoids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in sea buckthorn oil – stearic, linoleic, palmitic and oleic – improve blood rheology, prevent its stagnation in the veins of the pelvis.

How to use sea buckthorn oil to treat hemorrhoids?

Good results are obtained with complex application of means – sea buckthorn oil taken orally and topically to prevent the formation of new hemorrhoids and stop the growth of existing ones. Increases the effectiveness of sea buckthorn, a special diet high in fiber of bran, vegetables, dried fruit, which prevents constipation.

Sea buckthorn oil drink upon waking on an empty stomach just one tablespoon a day. Proceed to the food can in half an hour.

Compresses and lotions with sea buckthorn oil on the affected area and contribute to the resorption of hemorrhoids, the restoration of damaged blood vessels. Applied to hemorrhoidal formation in the anal area, changing three times a day. A cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil, leave it on the affected area all night, so as to accelerate the healing process, you need to be on bed rest. Treatment continue until the complete elimination of symptoms – pain and tension, bleeding in the stool, eslovenia formations.

Other vegetable oils for internal use are required to include in the diet to normalize digestion and chair. Effective oil to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, flax, corn, olive and grape, they filled in salads, or drink raw, on an empty stomach.

Other folk remedies for hemorrhoids

  • The decoction of nettles. It is known that people who sedentary work often suffer from hemorrhoids, it may very well help the following recipe from nettles. You must take half a Cup of dry nettles, pour boiling water, cover and infuse until cool, not forgetting to stir. Then have it all drain. Get green water. This water drink in the morning, afternoon and evening and hemorrhoids pass.

  • Dogwood berries. Take three cups of berries of dogwood and eat them in the morning one tablespoon before meals, thirty minutes. And in the afternoon two teaspoons, at night, one spoon. Slowly, chewing well. But during the course of treatment should avoid drinking alcohol, Smoking, eating meat dishes and spicy condiments. The course of treatment 2 weeks. If you have trouble running, take four glasses for the course.

Exercise for treating hemorrhoids

Maybe you remember how in school we were forced to do this exercise as a "birch". This is when lying on your back, resting on elbows, it was necessary to raise the legs and lower torso up as high as possible. And now try to perform this exercise, pausing in this position for three minutes. Do this the moment a deep breath and slow exhale through the mouth. Repeat this exercise several times a day, the last time before you go to bed. It will take only two days and the bumps will begin to disappear. And try to always wash the problematic area with cold water.

Modern methods of treatment

In medicine there are several ways to treat hemorrhoids:

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist