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Treatment of tracheitis

Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies

Treatment of tracheitis BlackBerry

Folk medicine makes extensive use of the BlackBerry for the treatment of many respiratory diseases. Was no exception and tracheitis. To defeat the disease, you need to regularly drink hot tea from the leaves of this plant. Steep a couple of tablespoons of raw materials in half a liter of boiling water, leave for one hour and strain.

Used for the treatment of tracheitis and roots of blackberries. You need to grind 2 tablespoons of well-washed roots of plants, pour water (500 ml) and simmer about 10 minutes. Then leave the drug for a couple of hours, strain and take one glass. Hot infusion drink 3-4 times a day.

Another way to prepare the blackberries: combine two tablespoons of the leaves with cold boiled water (500 ml) and leave for the whole day (at least 12 hours). Then you need to boil the cure, a little cool and strain. Drink the broth instead of tea.

Treatment of tracheitis by European ungulates

Often poisonous plants are the best healers. This applies to the grass called "European wild ginger". It has expectorant action, promotes waste phlegm and relieves inflammation. But to prepare the medication you need to strictly follow the instructions and following the dosage.

Fresh leaves of European wild ginger (2 teaspoons) brewed in boiling water (200 ml) and infused for two hours, then carefully strain and drink one tablespoon up to four times a day.

Don't forget also be applied on chest and throat mustard, doing hot foot bath, drink tea with medicinal berries (cranberry, raspberry, strawberry).

Treatment of tracheitis pine forest

For the treatment of tracheitis folk medicine uses remedies made from the buds and shoots of pine forest. You can prepare a decoction consisting of 20 g young buds and 250 ml of water. Drug boil for 5 minutes then drink hot 1 tablespoon. In one day you need to make 4-5 moves.

You can also fill 100 g pine buds water (2.5 l ) and boil. Whenthe amount of liquid is reduced to 500 ml, strain the broth and add the sugar ( 250 g ), mix thoroughly. Then, after the medicine has cooled, you will need to add more 250 g honey. Drink the potion thrice a day for 100 ml. Bulgarian medicine recommends putting in a decoction of cloves (5 g), cinnamon (10 g) and one grated nutmeg.

Treatment of tracheitis centipede common

Grass centipede common can be used for the treatment of tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. This requires the plant along with the rhizomes and grind 3 teaspoons pour cold water (200 ml). The drug must be infused within one hour, after which it is mixed tsedyat and squeeze with a glass of boiling water. Leave it another hour and then strain, after which connect the liquid. Thus, the daily dose of the medication is 400 ml In a day means drinking in small SIPS.

Treatment of tracheitis thyme and mullein

When tracheitis, bronchitis , and dry painful cough, it is recommended to drink the infusion grass creeping thyme. The raw material is crushed and 5 teaspoons for one hour in the brewed Cup of boiling water. To drink the infusion of need from four to six times a day one tablespoon.

Expectorant and anti-inflammatory action has also mullein is high. The leaves of the plant need to pound and 2 teaspoons brewed in boiling water (200 ml). Leave the medicine for an hour, then strain and drink a couple of SIPS during the day.

Similar therapeutic effect has and Veronica officinalis. A tablespoon of herbs to pour boiling water (150 ml) and leave for a couple of hours. Then carefully strain the infusion through cheesecloth and drink a tablespoon before each meal.

Treatment of tracheitis of the mallow and herbs

Aboveground part of the plant (stems and leaves) to grind and brew in boiling water (300 ml). A couple of hours, the medicine must be infused,after which it the company and drink a few techniques during the day.

It will also be helpful to take the collection of herbs: 10 pieces of creeping thyme, fennel and mint combined with 20 parts of mother and stepmother and 15 pieces of plantain , and licorice root. The components are crushed and mixed, gaining 4 tablespoons of the mixture and brew them in boiling water (800 ml). Capacity, where is brewed the cure, close lid, wrap in a blanket and leave for an hour. Then, the infusion of the tail and heated up. For the day you need to drink a couple of glasses of infusion, adding honey to taste.

Spend at tracheitis inhalation with leaves and essential oil of eucalyptus, medicinal herbs, potatoes, garlic, and chamomile.