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The treatment of astigmatism in children

Astigmatism in children

Children astigmatism is a defect of vision due to the fact that on one axis the cornea of the eye refracts light rays stronger than the other. Because of this, in the eye there are two optical focus instead of one. One of them is in front of or behind the retina, making the image fuzzy. Depending on its location in children is complex, simple or mixed astigmatism.

Astigmatism in children – a defect, usually congenital. Often it is transmitted genetically from parents. So if someone in the family suffers from this disease, the child should take the examination as early as possible. Detected early astigmatism better treatable.

Complications in children with astigmatism

Children astigmatism does a lot more harm than do adults. Due to the fact that the child since childhood, sees the image is not in focus, there is a delay in the development of the visual system as a whole. Deteriorating functioning of the visual cells, leading to progressive loss of vision due to the development of amblyopia.

This defect is often called "lazy eye", which is not fully true, because in this situation, not yourself lazy the eye, and the brain cells responsible for vision. In this situation, even with the use of points, the child is hard to achieve 100% vision.

Treatment for children astigmatism, complications of amblyopia requires an individual approach for each individual case. Therapeutic measures should be comprehensive and include various exposure methods (optical, physical, functional).

The treatment of infantile astigmatism

Use of achievements of modern medicine and a holistic approach to treatment have a positive effect in most cases. Conservative methods of treatment that stimulates the less active part of the retina, also have a positive impact on the condition of the eye. My child's eyesight becomes sharper, reduces image distortion that can reduce the power of glasses. There is a high probability of ridding them.

First and foremost, the doctors are trying to save a child from amblyopia. To get the same from the of astigmatism by glasses or contact lenses is impossible, as in this disease a defectof the cornea is congenital. There are various methods involving the alternate use of lenses of different power. But they only work as exercises to train your eyes and improve their work in General and the activities of selected intraocular structures responsible for focusing images, in particular. Thus, points are not treated, but only compensate for the astigmatism.

Full recovery from this disease is possible only through surgical intervention. In our time, to resolve this problem, experts have resorted to the excimer laser correction. The method consists in the fact that the doctor a special laser burns the extra layers of the cornea, which creates the curvature of the refraction of light rays to create the perfect spherical shape. Basically, these transactions are without complications, and the postoperative period is shortened to several days.

Children who have astigmatism, should be in the account at the doctor before the full development of the visual system. Treatment for them should be courses, at least three times a year. In the intervals between courses of treatment, parents should watch that the child is not over-loaded eyes, doing special exercises and performed all of the recommendations of the doctor. And remember: early detection of astigmatism – the key to successful treatment.