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Injection phlebitis

Injection thrombophlebitis – reaction of human body to chemical or mechanical the aggressive action of drugs, which is pronounced quite strongly.

Causes injection phlebitis

The reasons for injection phlebitis there is quite a lot. These include alteration of vascular walls, change the basic characteristics of blood, the violation of its physical and chemical composition, blood stasis, reducing blood flow changes in the blood system (clotting, antivermeans), the presence of blood pathogens. Injections cause irritation of the nerve endings located in the walls of blood vessels, which leads to spastic contraction of the veins. Blood clots provokes a slowing of blood flow. Yourself blood clots by acting on the nerve fibers of the vascular wall, causing more severe spasm of the main venous trunks and collaterals. On the background of venous spasm may develop arterial. From arterial spasm, there is another cause of the transition of the inflammatory process of the venous bed into the arterial. Prolonged spasm of the veins and congestion of their blood clot lead to a rise of venous pressure in the blood vessels and capillaries, as a result of high pressure can cause edema, leading to increased permeability of the vascular wall.

Symptoms and diagnosis of injection phlebitis

The first symptom of phlebitis injection becomes acute pain at the site of the affected vessel. Body temperature rises significantly, significantly worse overall health. In the first days after the onset of the disease causes severe swelling of the limb in circumference, which occupies a large area. Three days later it is noted melkopeschany swelling localized in the hand and forearm. At this stage of the disease, it is important to establish the diagnosis, to avoid surgical intervention in case of phlebitis be adopted for cellulitis veins of the extremities, superficial. The most severe form of injection phlebitis is periflebit.

Often the disease develops as a consequence of the withdrawal syndrome. In this case, the expressed concern of the patient, complaining of severe pain in the extremities interfere with accurate diagnosis. In this case, in addition to the characteristic symptoms of the disease, pay attention to certain signs: redness of the skin, a partial increase of the limb twice, localized muscle tension. Four days later, in the lesion tissue becomes softer, develops fluctuation.

Thrombus formation in Central venous trunk may cause reflex spasm of the artery, is located nearby. In this case, the patient may receive an erroneous diagnosis of "acute arterial obstruction".

Treatment injection phlebitis

Injection phlebitis in most cases treated conservatively. As drug therapy can be prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, ointment dressings. At an early stage of the disease using hypothermic treatments. From physiotherapy is recommended to give up to avoid suppurative inflammation.

In the case of the home purulent inflammation of the surgery. During the operation, purulent hearth is opened and excised the wound edges.

Local injection in the treatment of phlebitis at the site of inflammation bandage was applied. Softening of the tissues under the patch indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process and the presence of purulent focus. In this case also required surgical intervention, further treatment is carried out without sutures, allowing you to accelerate the process of wound healing.