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Bruising under eyes from shock - what to do?

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A black eye is a fairly common phenomenon, and this is a temporary inconvenience can occur in people of any age and gender, because of injury, no one is immune.

Bruising on the face may be the result of a quarrel with an opponent, clumsiness or a simple accident. That is why almost everyone sooner or later have to deal with the treatment of bruises, for which various methods are utilized.

What could be the consequences of a black eye?

Any injury in the eye area, can lead to serious and sometimes irreparable consequences. If the bruise appeared as a result of the strong impact, the victim should immediately contact the medical facility for obtaining qualified assistance.

The most disastrous consequences of mechanical impact on the eye area include:

  • Massive hemorrhage leads to retinal detachment;
  • Givea, that is, accumulation of blood in the anterior chamber, which usually disappears within a few days;
  • Hemophthalmus, in which bleeding occurs into the vitreous body, thus increases the risk of blindness;
  • Injury to the eye is trauma, often causing the loss of visual acuity.

What to do if eye there was a bruise?

If, after receiving an injury in a human eye there was a bruise, he must immediately to the scene of the injury apply cold to keep you want for 30-60 minutes. As a cooling compress can be a towel with ice, hot water bottle, filled with cold water, the product package from the freezer, etc. If at hand was no cold, then the victim should grate the potatoes and place it in gauze. Forming from the mixture obtained and fabric compress, you need to attach it to the place of injury and keep for 7-10 minutes. In the absence of a grater you can use a cut in half potato, one part of which is fresh cut is applied to the bruise. After the procedure, the eye area should be washed with running water and lubricate any nourishing cream(best to use baby cream).

In the case when a person has doubts about the future of vision problems, he should visit an ophthalmologist to be examined and to obtain professional advice.

Sometimes after a trauma in the nose or in the frontal area, people can start a nosebleed. To stop the bleeding you need to apply ice to the injured area. To prevent a black eye and swelling, the victim should not blow your nose (after you stop bleeding he can take a horizontal position).

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Medication bruising

If eye there was a bruise, to treat it both medical and traditional methods. Drug therapy involves the use of medicines, creams, ointments and gels. Best cope with bruises those drugs, in which composition contains the following components: heparin acid, piyavochnoe enzymes chestnut extract. To achieve a good result, the victim should immediately after the injury (no later than 1 hour) to begin to apply a medicine. In this case, it is likely that the eye will not occur the formation of a bruise and swelling.

Many experts suggest after the appearance of a bruise start doing the warming. Such a recommendation due to the fact that upon contact of the damaged cells with a high temperature will start enhanced blood flow to them. As a result of the complex procedures the hematoma will dissolve several times faster. As the warming element, you can use any improvised means, preferably canvas bags heated in a pan with salt.

Very popular among people involved in contact sports, use of ointments and gels, the main component of which is the pain of the needle of a sea sponge. Currently such means of dealing with bruises can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are sold in tubes, which considerably simplifies their application. To eliminate black eye by means of ointments with the content of badyagi, you need to use them in strict compliance with the instructions. Some people may experience discomfort when skin contact with irritating components of these ointments. In this case, they have half the time which is given to the absorption of the ointment, that is, to removeits remnants after 5-10 minutes after application. Regular use of an ointment with the pain will allow several times to get rid of a black eye and to restore circulation to the damaged area.

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Traditional methods of treatment of bruising

Folk medicine known various methods for the treatment of bruises, hematomas and edema resulting mechanical stress on the eye area.

Everyone can individually choose for themselves the most appropriate method of treatment of bruising:

  • A compress of hot salt. To implement this method in folk medicine it is necessary to use rock salt, a pan and a cloth pouch (you can use a sock). You need to put the pan on the fire, pour into it a packet of salt and heat. Then pour the hot salt in a bag and apply it to the bruise. It is important to ensure that the thermal effect was moderate, and the skin is not formed burns. This compress should be done twice a day, duration of the procedure up to 30 minutes;
  • You can also use a hot compress of grated onion, horseradish, black radish, Apple cider vinegar and vodka;

  • Aloe leaves accelerate the absorption of bruises and reduce swelling at the injury site;
  • Paste made of boiled beans with walnuts, often involved in folk medicine for the treatment of bruises, hematomas and edema. This paste should be applied on the site of the bruise several times a day, evenly distributed over the skin and repeat the procedure until visual mitigation of the impact.