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Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

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Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with fennel seeds

Dill water

Dill water is used in Pediatrics for the normalization of intestinal motility in infants and relieve spasms, is an effective remedy for treating flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome in children and adults.

Dill water can be taken even for infants bloating and flatulence. To prepare fennel seeds pour boiling water in the ratio liter of water per tablespoon of seeds and leave in the thermos for at least an hour. After the allotted time infusion filter through cheesecloth and take a teaspoon three times a day before meals (for children) and 100-200 ml for adults.

To store dill water in a dark place at a low temperature, and before use, warm to room. In addition to carminative action, this tool stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, relieves spasms of the stomach and intestines, improves the flow of bile and prevents indigestion.

Carrot seeds

Carrot seeds as well, and dill seeds possess carminative properties, helps with flatulence and prevent intestinal disorders. In the preventive purposes it is recommended to take carrot seeds three times a day, in the amount of one teaspoon.

At the first sign of flatulence take powder of carrot seeds – it is previously dried for five minutes in the oven and grind in a coffee grinder. Single dosage to 1 teaspoon.

Fresh dill

For the treatment of flatulence and abdominal discomfort in irritable bowel syndrome also used fresh dill – it is useful to add in food or just eat a sprig of fresh dill after each meal. Dill is rich in nutrients and minerals, has choleretic and diuretic effect, relieves spasms of the stomach and intestines, removes discomfort and pain caused by irritable bowel syndrome.

Of dill, as well as from seed, you can prepare an infusion – a tablespoon of shredded branches pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist hour. Take food for 100 ml at a time. This toolrelaxes smooth muscles, normalizes the activity of digestive enzymes and prevents digestive issues.

Read more: Useful properties and application recipes dill

Melissa (lemon balm) from irritable bowel syndrome

To remove the spasms, pain and flatulence, which is accompanied by irritable bowel syndrome, you can use a folk recipe based on lemon balm or lemon mint. For cooking and medicinal broth 4 tablespoons of vegetable raw pour hot water (1 Cup) and boil for 15-20 minutes in a water bath. Drink three times a day tablespoon before eating.

The effectiveness of remedies based on lemon balm is due to the presence of a large number of essential oils in its leaves. Melissa essential oil contains citral, citronellal, vitamins, tannins and bitterness, geraniol, bioflavonoid, resins and organic acids, has a sharp lemon scent, from which the plant got its second name – lemon balm.

Melissa has a calming effect, relaxes the intestinal wall and facilitates gas release. Products based on lemon balm have a choleretic action, normalizes digestive function, and also have a light hypnotic effect.

Make peppermint need in the specified dosage – when used in large quantities its effectiveness does not increase.

The best remedy for irritable bowel syndrome

There is an effective folk remedy that allows you to cope with irritable bowel syndrome with garlic. According to this prescription to prevent cramping, indigestion due to lack of secretion of digestive enzymes, excessive gas and pain in the gut, enough to eat a clove of garlic for an hour before a meal. If it is, it must entirely, drinking plenty of water. Unlike other traditional recipes using garlic, here you do not risk a whole day to smell the garlic aromas – cloves, swallowed whole, leaves no unpleasant odor.

This tool enables you to cope not only with irritable bowel syndrome, but also helps with gastritis and gastric ulcer, wound healing properties of garlic promote the repair of damaged intestinal mucosa, and its antiseptic action prevents the development of pathogenic microflora.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome wormwood

If flatulence and spasms of the intestines caused by the activity of parasitic organisms, bacterial or fungal infection, or giardiasis, helminthiasis, then get rid of these symptoms forever they'll burn, bitter wormwood.

Wormwood has a strong anti-parasitic properties, so after a course of reception tincture of wormwood, even without the use of additional drugs, the parasites disappear. Especially effective is the remedy against helminthiasis caused by pinworms and Ascaris and other parasitic worms.

The infusion is prepared as follows: 300 grams of hot water take a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials, insist in a thermos all night, and then filtered and divided into three equal parts. Take 100 grams three times a day, regardless of mealtime. You can eat it with a grapefruit or tangerine to remove the bitter aftertaste.

Read more: Useful properties of wormwood and application of tinctures, herbs

Cumin with irritable bowel syndrome

Useful properties of cumin seeds help to remove the unpleasant symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. So, cumin normalizes the secretion of gastric juice and the production of digestive enzymes, which prevents indigestion and putrefaction in the intestines. In addition, biologically active substances in the composition of cumin relieve spasms by relaxing smooth muscles of internal organs, remove pain, caused by an increased formation of gas.

In disorders of intestinal motility and function of the gallbladder is also recommended to take caraway seeds in form of infusion or caraway oil can be used in combination with other herbs – chamomile, Valerian, sushenitsa.

Caraway water to treat bloating and flatulence in young children, it is given a teaspoon at a time for the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

Cumin oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome take 3-5 times a day three drops, which is distributed on the cube of refined sugar.

Caraway infusion for flatulence, bloating and irritable bowel syndrome are 2-3 times daily 100 ml at a time, after meals. Prepare it as follows: 250 grams of boiling water 2 tablespoons of seeds in a thermos insist fifteen minutes, store the mixture can be no more than two days.

Read more: the Use of black cumin in various diseases

Activated carbon with irritable bowel syndrome

Activated carbon is traditionally used for the treatment of poisonings as it absorbs toxins and removes them from the body during a bowel movement, not allowing them to get into the bloodstream. However, it can also be used for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and its negative manifestations. Thus, the charcoal sucks toxins and substances that provoke the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, during which a large amount of gases. Bloating and pain in patients with irritable bowel syndrome often associated with increased flatulence.

Dosage of activated charcoal required for positive treatment outcomes depends on the mass of the patient and is calculated from the ratio of one tablet per ten kilograms. So, when patient's weight is 70 to 75 kg, he needs to take 7 pills at a time.

If you drink activated charcoal more than recommended increases the risk of constipation. However, this is only temporary, and after a few days the stool is normal.

Activated carbon can be replaced with smektoj, which not only absorbs toxins, and helps eliminate them from the body, but also helps with bloating, stool softener, excess gas.

Smecta dosage for adults is 1 packet for reception number of receptions three times a day. Children only one package smecta, in divided doses per day.

The course of treatment is 3-7 days, you can take each time you encounter the unpleasant symptoms and discomfort.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome peppermint

  1. Recipe 1. Peppermint, which is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, helps to relax the muscle wall and relieve pain with the bloating. Izmalylovo to prepare an infusion, Bay two tablespoons of dry powdered leaves in 200 ml of boiling water, or add fresh leaves of the plant in a salad. A peppermint infusion can be used instead of tea.

  2. Recipe 2. Relax the muscles of the intestine and reduce inflammation helps the infusion of Dioscorea, chamomile, peppermint, marshmallow and canadian Goldenseal. Dry chopped herbs, taken in equal quantities, mix two tablespoons collection pour 500 ml boiling water and infuse for one hour, afterthen filtered. Take three times a day in hot tea instead. If the disease is accompanied by stress, it is recommended to collect herbs to add hops.

List of medications for irritable bowel syndrome

  • Duspatalin, dicetel, papaverine, spasmomen, but-shpa – belong to the group of antispasmodics reduce spasms of the intestine and eliminate related pain. Contraindications to the use are eye diseases (glaucoma), disorders of cardiovascular activity (hypertensive heart disease) and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Prokinetics (koordinaks, motilium) allow to normalize peristalsis, improve the intestinal motility and prevent constipation.
  • Other laxatives , mukofalk and duphalac – also contribute to normalization of stool, thus restore the normal intestinal microflora as a prebiotic preparations.
  • Loperamide, smecta – Antidiarrhoeal drugs, which allow to eliminate such unpleasant symptom as diarrhea. In the same vein, you can apply herbal remedies and berry decoctions of blueberry, cherry and mint, chamomile, bloodroot, serpentine.
  • Espumizan and other defoamers on the basis of simethicone and Dimethicone eliminate another manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome – bloating.

Espumizan with irritable bowel syndrome

Drops are often used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, one symptom of which is bloating. This is a drug of the group of antifoams, which destroy the bubbles of gas produced in the intestines. The advantages of Espumizan to other drug treatments:

  • Safe to use as adults, and children, and women during pregnancy, contraindication is hypersensitivity and predisposition to allergic reactions to the active component of the drug – simethicone;
  • Eliminates bloating any etymology, giving instant relief;
  • Removes the pain that occurs in the intestines due to stretching its walls gases;
  • Despite the fact that it is a temporary remedy that can eliminate the symptoms not affect the cause of the disease, it can be used long term;
  • There are no contraindications receive in conjunction with other medications, capsules easy to swallow even without water forzapivaniya;

The tool is available in the form of emulsions, drops, and capsules for adults and school-age children administered two capsules at a time (take 2-4 times a day after meals) in the treatment of young children use of the emulsion.

The mechanism of action of Espumizan – destruction gajowygugala active components of funds, after which the gas is absorbed or leaves the intestine.