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Causes and symptoms of vasculitis

What is vasculitis?

Vasculitis – a General name for a group of diseases characterized by inflammation and destruction of blood vessel walls. Usually the disease affects multiple tissues or organs: constriction of damaged blood vessels disrupts the blood supply to organs and causing death of tissue supplied by them. The disease can occur in any organ.

Depending on the causes of vasculitis are classified into two types: primary and secondary. Primary vasculitis occur independently and are not accompanied by other diseases. Secondary vasculitis are concomitant diseases of other pathologies.

The vasculitides are a large number of subtypes and classifications, they differ in the severity, localization and aetiology. Some vasculitis impress only the skin, without causing serious harm to others, others can cause irreparable harm to vital organs and, without proper treatment, lead to death.

– systemic necrotizing vasculitis, among which periarteritis nodosa, micropaiement syndrome Cerca-Strauss, mixed vasculitis;
– Wegener's granulomatosis;
– giant cell arteritis;
– non-specific aortoarteritis;
hemorrhagic vasculitis;
allergic vasculitis of the skin;
– Kawasaki syndrome;
– Behcet's disease and others.

Causes of vasculitis

The etiology of vasculitis studied nudesonline. Often this pathology is associated with various viral infections and immune diseases. Vasculitis often causes an allergic reaction on some medical drugs.

Vasculitis may develop as a complication of infections. In this case, the body is abnormal reaction of immune system to infection, resulting in broken blood vessels.

Precursors of vasculitis can also be long-standing or chronic autoimmune diseases (glomerulonephritis, reactive arthritis, inflammation of the thyroid gland, systemic lupus erythematosus, syndrome, Schwartz-Gampela, etc.)

Symptoms of vasculitis

Depending on the localization of the vasculitis and related diseases varies and symptomatic picture. When vasculitis affects the skin rash appears. In case of damagenerves violated human sensitivity – from hypersensitivity to its complete loss. Violation of blood supply to the brain causes a heart attack (stroke heart). Renal failure may develop due to vasculitis of the kidneys.
General symptoms of vasculitis can be lack of appetite, fatigue, weakness, increase in temperature of the body, pale.

For nodular vasculitis characterized by pain in the muscles, weight loss, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, mental disorders. Wegener's granulomatosis affects the paranasal sinuses in patients with nasal out purulent and bloody discharge, nasal mucous membrane covered with ulcers; you may receive a cough (sometimes with blood), there is shortness of breath, chest pain, may develop kidney failure. Giant cell arteritis is manifested by fever, weakness, weight loss, severe headaches and swelling in the temples. Symptoms of nonspecific aortoarteritis are pain and weakness in the hands and feet, blurred vision, fainting. Behçet's syndrome is accompanied by recurrent stomatitis, ulcers on the genitals, inflammation of the eye.

Treatment of vasculitis

Treatment of vasculitis is carried out depending on concomitant disease and affected organs. Primary allergic vasculitis often go away on their own without special treatment. When the disease affects organs that are important for life (brain, heart, lungs, kidneys), the patient need intensive and aggressive therapy.

For the treatment of vasculitis use corticosteroids, chemotherapy in minimal doses. The aim is not only restoration of function of the affected organs, but primarily the suppression of abnormal reactions of the immune system, destroying blood vessels and disrupts the normal blood flow to the tissues.

The prognosis of vasculitis depends on the type and extent of injury to surrounding organs and tissues. Thanks to high-quality adequate treatment the life expectancy of patients is significantly increased. For the treatment of this disease it is very important to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct medication, does not cause allergic reactions and side effects.