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IRR: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Dystonia abbreviated IRR is a complex disease that is characterized by several pathological manifestations on the part of many organs of the body. However, all these disorders are due to a single cause – a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

Dystonia is a term that means the lack of balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. This situation essential way affect the functioning of the organism as a whole. Harmful man quickens or slows the heartbeat, suffers from urination, defecation, breathing and other life support functions. Therefore, the symptoms VSD very diverse and can mimic various pathologies. The key word here is "mimic" as the inner body is able to function normally. Broken only controls its operation. These mechanisms are the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. In the end, the man makes various complaints and suspects a diseases, which actually is not. All pathological symptoms provoked by nervous disorders.

The content of the article:

Fragments of the autonomic system are present in all structural units of the body. They are responsible for heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, extension of the lumen of the respiratory tract, in how well the digestive tract perform their work, etc. the Synthesis of insulin and adrenaline also controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

The nerve endings pick up signals from different organs and send them to the spinal cord. There, these impulses are processed automatically, and is a correction function for a particular system. This process is incredibly fast and coordinated. You can just imagine that every second dorsal brain processes billions of signals. It allows the body to work as one. Autonomic regulation can be considered a database management a complex mechanism, which is responsible for the analysis of operation parameters and gives the necessary orders.

To better understand whatis this system, you can see an example of her work: people took food, causing his stomach was filled. Nerve endings or as they are called, receptors, reacted to this fact and sent the right signal in the spinal cord. He processed the information received, and gave the command for the production of gastric juice. This will allow to digest the food.

So, the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the proper functioning of internal organs by means of nerve impulse transmission containing the command from the spinal cord and back. The function of the autonomic nervous system provides automatic "run" of these or those processes. For example, it instructs the stomach to begin to produce, bronchi at the right time to expand or to contract, blood pressure to rise or fall, the leg stand at a certain angle, etc.

Such an automatic regulation system allows to free the brain of unnecessary work. Due to this, a person able to create, to learn, to learn about the world, and not to send their full potential on the adjustment processes of life support every second of what is happening in the body. It is quite logical that doctors and people who understand the device operation of the human body can not underestimate the importance of the autonomic nervous system to maintain normal life.

Any failure in this system leads to pathological symptoms. The imbalance in the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions entails unmotivated, jumps in blood pressure (in this case they will not be the signs of hypertension), disturbance of processes of digestion (but not diseases of the digestive tract), palpitations, etc. And to develop dystonia may on the background of pathologies of the nervous, somatic and psychic systems.

So, the IRR is not a single pathology but a syndrome, which is accompanied by various clinical symptoms and can combine neurological, somatic, emotional and other violations. Therefore at suspicion on vascular dystonia it is necessary to send the patient on high-quality and most comprehensive survey. The only way to get to the true causes of the violations occurring in the body. Only a full study will continue to choose ethological treatment, which will eliminate the root cause of violations and not the symptoms.

The diagnosis of VSD what is plain language?

The autonomic nervous system consists of 2 departments:the sympathetic and parasympathetic. If they both are functioning normally, in the body there is a balance. Thus, the sympathetic system promotes vascular tone, the revitalization of the nerves and muscles that enables the body to cope with stress. However, she has an overwhelming impact on the process of urine formation and the digestion of food.

The parasympathetic system, in turn, inhibits functions of the body, which are needed to overcome stressful situations. Normal two systems monitor each other, so a balance is maintained.

If this balance is disturbed, it develops a condition called dystonia. It manifests multiple pathological symptoms. And they can attend on a regular basis, and occur with a certain periodicity. The main symptom indicating the development of dystonia, is a violation of the tonus of the arteries and veins and as they permeate all organs of the human body, respectively, the clinical picture is diverse VSD.

Symptoms of VSD in adults

Symptoms of VSD in adults are the following:

  • Disorders of the heart and blood vessels. This is expressed in the heart pains, changes in blood pressure, failure of heart rate. Disruption of the autonomic nervous system affect the heat transfer that causes frequent hot flashes or cold feet even in hot weather. Palpitations one feels quite clearly. Patients often compare the tachycardia on the background of VSD with heart beats on the chest. At such moments, the person may experience panic and fear of death, feeling of choking, dizziness, increasing weakness.

  • Disruption of the digestive system. These symptoms are diverse and are expressed by pain in the abdomen, problems with normal bowel movements, increased discharge of gases, etc.

  • Respiratory disorders (Da Costa syndrome, irritable heart, effort syndrome). The most vivid manifestations of respiratory disorders on the background of the VSD can be called the appearance of spasms in the region of the larynx. This leads to the fact that the person begins to experience shortness of breath. Throat like a lump is formed. Sometimes the nose is laid. To get rid of the breathing problems, the person begins coughing, sniffle, deepto breathe. On the background of respiratory disorders develop headaches, pre-existing conditions and even fainting. Appears before the eyes blurred, the ears noise appears. Frequent companions of respiratory disorders are such uncomfortable symptoms as belching, bubbling in the stomach, nausea. In addition to spasm of the larynx, the person may experience spasms in feet, legs, arms. They are felt as a shaking type chills.

  • Malfunctions of the urogenital system. In adults, reduced libido in men may develop impotence. Can also disappear orgasms or erection will be weak. The imperative urinary incontinence – a symptom that occurs in some patients with VSD. While abnormalities of the urinary tract will not.

  • Problems with sweating. Excessive sweating is observed for a long time or bother the person periodically. Especially profusely sweat secreted during emotional shock and agitation.

  • Irregularities in the muscles and joints. In different parts of the spine can appear seal periodically person suffers from pain in the joints and muscles.

  • Disorders of lacrimation and salivation. Eyes harmful can tear, and can actually be too dry (the latter condition develops less frequently). As for violation of salivation, the saliva production may be either too abundant or insufficient.

  • Violations of the emotional sphere. The person becomes restless, irritable. He suffers from a performance, he gets tired quickly. Most often in people with VSD low mood, there is a tendency to tearfulness.

  • Violations of thermoregulation. Body temperature can remain high or low for a long time without apparent reason. Sometimes one feels the chills, that is expressed by tremors in the extremities. Subfebrile temperature VSD can remain unchanged for several years. Moreover, the reception of fever-reducing drugs does not lead to its decline. However, during a night of rest, she comes back to normal.

Causes of VSD

Doctors to date are not able to pinpoint reasons why a person develops dystonia.

Experts name several factors that can influence this disease process, among them:

  • A certain set of morphological andfunctional characteristics of the human body. In this case, the dystonia is hereditary and its symptoms will reveal themselves at an early age.
  • Expressed physical, emotional and mental stress on the body. In this case, the dystonia can develop at any age.
  • Any sudden changes in a person's life. A negative impact can a change of residence, or even changing jobs.
  • Disorders in the endocrine system. Bad influence on the autonomic nervous system diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis.
  • Failures in the Central nervous system.
  • Sexual disorders.
  • Transferred neurotic disease.
  • Frequent stress, or rare, but severe emotional distress.
  • Pathology of the spine (osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, subluxation of 1 vertebra).
  • Period hormonal surges that can be caused by puberty, pregnancy, menopause, etc.
  • Alcoholism.

  • The presence of severe chronic disease in the body.
  • Transferred physical injuries.
  • Poisoning of the body.
  • The tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Somatic pathology: gastric ulcer, colitis, pancreatitis, asthma, etc.
  • Endocrine changes that occur in the body with age.

Are panic attacks harmful

Panic attack and dystonia are two completely different States, but due to the similarity of their symptoms are very often confused. At the time of attack of dystonia and panic attack blood is thrown adrenaline, noradrenaline and acetylcholine. Therefore, many professionals put people prone to panic attacks, a diagnosis of "VSD". But it is fundamentally wrong conclusion. To get rid of dystonia, a person needs to take drugs to stop panic attacks, you need to seek the assistance of a therapist.

Actually, to confuse IRR and panic attack is quite simple, and in the CIS countries the doctors do not recognize this diagnosis as a panic attack, therefore, all patients being treated for dystonia. Although getting rid of panic attacks no need for medication. A person needs onlypsychotherapeutic help. It will stabilize blood pressure, eases headaches and heart pains. Well-built interaction with the specialist will give the opportunity gradually to completely eliminate panic attacks, as it is a neurosis. While dystonia is a malfunction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Such a condition requires medical correction.

Pain in VSD

Pain can have a variety of manifestations. Most people complain of headache, pain in region of heart and stomach pain. Unpleasant symptoms show no signs of strengthening, but most often are present on a permanent basis.

Headache harmful

About 1/3 of all people with VSD suffer from changes in blood pressure. It may be normal, elevated, low, or unstable. The most pronounced jumps in blood pressure are observed when a person is anxious.

The higher the pressure, the stronger the complaints of headaches and heartaches. Sometimes even there is pain in the region of the spine.

If the pressure is low the pain occur type of migraine. In parallel, in humans, dizzy, gait becomes shaky, there may be a feeling of suffocation. If the pressure drops too much, then it is possible fainting.

Heart pain/chest with VSD

People can celebrate periodically arising pains in the heart area. They may be aching, stabbing, throbbing, burning, pressing, pulling. In the area of the nipple of the left breast often appears uncomfortable feeling.

To say for sure exactly where localized pain, people can not. They often lack boundaries and are "blurred". The pain may radiate to the shoulder, could sweep in the axilla, occur in the region of the hypochondrium, etc.

Sometimes a person with a VSD it seems that he had a sore jaw and aching perfectly healthy teeth.

Distinctive features of pain in the heart on the background of dystonia: they are not cropped by taking nitroglycerin, have no connection with physical activity, but significantly reduced after taking of Validol or sedative drugs.

On the background of cardiac pain patients often report the following symptoms:

  • The feeling of lack of oxygen;
  • The feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • The appearance of ants who "run" for the language tipthe nose and skin.

In addition to painful sensations in the heart region and chest, patients complain of irregular heart rhythm. The heart beats faster, in parallel, increased blood pressure, the skin reddens or turns pale, the lips may turn blue.

Abdominal pain harmful

The intestine in the IRR begins to operate erratically, the same applies to the stomach. It is therefore not surprising that the syndrome causes nausea, stomach pain, heaviness in the epigastric region, belching air.

Constipation alternate diarrhea, there is enhanced intestinal peristalsis. Gases overwhelmed him, so patients complain of flatulence.

The types of VSD

VSD on the mixed type

This type of dystonia is characterized by instability of the vascular tone. He then gets higher, then decreases. In the foreground a symptom like a jump in blood pressure. Mixed type dystonia person will alternately troubling symptoms of VSD hypotonic and hypertonic type.

VSD on cardial type

The main symptoms of VSD on cardial type is cardiac pain. She may have a different localization and character. In parallel, the patient concerned about attacks of strengthening heartbeat. The clinic has a tendency to increase in the period of emotional stress, or hormonal surges (during pregnancy, puberty, etc.). And from time to time, the person feels normal, and cardiac examination did not reveal any pathological changes of the heart. Over time the condition of people with VSD on cardial type is not deteriorating.

VSD on hypertonic type

The main symptom of VSD on hypertonic type is the increase in blood pressure. Average his numbers are equal to 140/90 mm. article In the period such changes patients have expressed headaches, appears unmotivated feeling the heat, the skin in the chest (near the heart) becomes very sensitive.

If for a long time to ignore the symptoms of this type of VSD, it threatens the development of hypertension. Additionally, you experience the following symptoms: cold extremities, marbled coloration of the skin, redness of the face and neck. Frequent companion of high blood pressure stands high temperaturebody. And it does not remain consistently high, and has a discontinuous range.

VSD on hypotonic type

The main symptom of VSD on hypotonic type it is reduced blood pressure, which remains at 100/60. Vascular tone will also be reduced, joined by signs of heart failure.

For VSD on hypotonic type is indicated by the following clinical manifestations:

  • Dizziness followed by fainting or lightheadedness a condition;
  • Weakness;
  • Haze before eyes;
  • Cold hands and feet;
  • Lividity of the skin, especially the face and neck;
  • Low body temperature without apparent reason;
  • Excessive sweating.

The main treatment of VSD

Treatment of dystonia must be comprehensive. In addition to getting rid of the underlying disease, therapy should be directed at addressing the negative symptoms of VSD. Correctly chosen treatment can significantly improve the quality of human life.

If the dystonia is accompanied by disturbances in the nervous sphere, then the treatment will take place therapist. A possible implementation of such techniques as hypnosis, auditory training, etc.

Methods of non-pharmacological correction of VSD:

Depending on the type of VSD and its clinical manifestations may assign the following drugs:

To resolve the pain of heart prescribed Verapamil, Atenolol, Propranolol, Valocordin, pepperthe patch, etc.

Antidepressants are recommended for admission to the event, if the pain fails to correct other medicines. With VSD you can assign Coax, Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Imipramine, etc.

To deal with constipation, you must modify the diet to include adequate amounts of dietary fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables. Good to eat fish and meat low-fat varieties. If changes in menu does not allow to fully solve the problem of constipation, there are laxatives, among which Duphalac, Normase. You can also use Lavacol, Fortrans, Transipeg.

When the tendency to diarrhoea necessary, however, to abandon the use of products containing an impressive amount of indigestible fiber. In patients with severe diarrhea will help drugs such as Imodium, Lopedium. Popular sorbents are Smekta, Filtrum, Polifepan.

Bad habits in VSD contribute to its progression, so they need to go.

When a person suffers from excessive sweating, then you need to follow the hygiene of the skin. They can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, tannic acid. Elevated body temperature down with medication or Phentolamine, Pirroksan.

To improve cerebral blood flow allow nootropics, for example, Cavinton, Vinpocetine, Sermion, Nootropil, etc.

Vazoket, Detralex, Vineplant – preparations for the treatment of venous insufficiency. They should be taken for 30-60 days.

Drugs with Ginkgo biloba to help eliminate headaches hypotension. It can be Megaplant, Ginkofar and others.

Fast relief from the vertigo allows the drug Betaserc. It also helps to eliminate noise in the head.

Of course, that all drugs should appoint a doctor. Their list is quite extensive, but you need to choose those medications which help to cope with the negative manifestations of VSD.

What kind of doctor treats VSD?

Treatment of dystonia must deal with the neurologist.