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Chickenpox in children

Common chickenpox is most common in children under 5 years of age. It is a serious infectious disease, the causative agent of which is the known viruses of the Herpes group. For chicken pox, specific rash on the skin in the form of small bubbles with the liquid. Before their appearance first, a slight redness. Then the stain thickens and becomes painful.

It is known that the disease can be had only once in my life. After infection, the body produces a fairly strong immunity. As a rule, sick children aged two to 7 years. There are cases of infection 10-year-old students who reside in the children's groups. I should mention, the older the child, the harder it is leaking from this disease. Up to six months infants develop chickenpox can not, because they are affected by immunity of the mother transmitted during prolonged fetal development.

Often unpleasant chickenpox is transmitted from an infected person to any healthy elementary through airborne droplets. Through the mucous membranes of the entire oral cavity, conjunctiva of the eyes and respiratory tract viruses enter the body of the child. This persistent pathogen is rapidly spreading, which causes reddish rashes all over the baby's body, including on top of the scalp. The incidence of children chickenpox is due to one main factor that the average incubation period of the disease is about two to three weeks.

If the child is not isolated, it is able to infect almost all others. The virus spreads incredibly easily within a team. He becomes totally disabled five days after the last painful bubble. It is believed that when you start to heal rashes on the body, the spread of the virus in the body stops. The child in this period for companies not contagious.

Usually during the long incubation period the disease does not manifest itself. The child behaves normally and does not feel ill. At the expiration of such period occurs a sharp deterioration appear headaches and fever, and also observed in patient apathy and irritability towards others. Possible fluctuations of temperature to 39 degrees. Firstsymptoms include red spots on belly and back.

In the initial stages of the baby lost appetite, a feeling of weakness. Red spots on the body are transformed into a rash that is rapidly spreading across the skin. Pinkish-red bubbles are sealed, and there is fluid where there is a lot of herpes viruses. Bubbles often very itchy, causing the child a lot of inconvenience. Unbearable itching provokes constant brushing, which in turn can lead to bacterial infection in wounds.

The first bubbles appeared after three days dry up and covered with a brownish dry crust. At the same time, new eruptions, which are accompanied by secondary fever. New skin rashes will be visible for another week, then chicken pox begins to regress. The crust formed on the site of the bubbles disappear after about 12-15 days, leaving a pink trail.

In a typical types of chickenpox treatment of the disease occurs in the home. With the development of complications the child will go to hospital and prescribed a course of antibiotics. The major factor for quick recovery are strict bed rest and daily hygiene. You should regularly change underwear, which in addition to washing should be carefully ironed.

Are also very important to drink plenty of liquids and healthy food. The menu should include a variety of dairy products, meats, and fresh vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to avoid chocolate, pickles and baked goods. It is necessary to exclude the bathing of the child and all contact with water, as may occur secondary infection through wounds.

Each bubble is recommended at least twice a day to treat the usual green sludge other antiseptic preparations. This procedure contributes to the rapid drying of the vesicles, which leads to the formation of crusts. To relieve severe itching shown the use of antihistamines. For children, the best choice will be Suprastinum or diazolinum. When the temperature rises reception antipyretic mandatory.

A special effect in the treatment of chickenpox gives a special remedy is Calamine ointment. It is considered an excellent antiseptic that's remarkably protects the child from entering the wound other bacterial infection, at the same time drying with the bubbles and promoting faster healing.