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The sorrel horse

Useful properties and applications of sorrel

Botanical characteristics of sorrel

The sorrel is a perennial plant whose height can reach 150 cm. This grass belongs to the family Polygonaceae (Polygonaceae). The plant has a thick, many-branched rootstock and a rather large root growing deep into the soil. Stem usually solitary, erect, he bared almost the entire length except for the top branched part.

The leaves of the plant of large size, regular. Lower leaves long-petiolate, cordate, upper ones short – petiolate, ovate-lanceolate. The flowers are small, greenish, bisexual, they are collected in thin, thick and long inflorescence flowers metelkovidnymi. Sorrel blooms from late spring (may) to July. In rare cases there is a secondary bloom in late summer (August) and early autumn (September).

Full ripening occurs in June-July. The fruit of the sorrel is a three – edged nut light brown. The plant is propagated with seeds and division of rhizomes (vegetative). It grows practically in all territory of the CIS countries. It can be found in open clearings, meadows, along rivers and lakes, ditches, also sorrel growing in the gardens. It is known as meadow weeds.

The useful properties of the sorrel horse

The sorrel – herb. As medicinal raw materials use the roots, rhizomes and aboveground part of plants (leaves with petioles, flowers, fruits). The roots sorrel identified derivatives of anthraquinone (up to 4 %), among which hrizofanova acid and chrysophanol; tannins pyrocatechol group (15 %), flavonoids, vitamin K, organic acids (oxalic, coffee), resin, essential oil, iron.

The fruit of sorrel contains tannins and anthraquinone derivatives in the leaves – flavonoids, rutin, hyperoside, carotene and ascorbic acid. The flowers are revealed a large amount of ascorbic acid. In all parts of sorrel contains oxalate of calcium. The composition of plants provides an opportunity to talk about its antibacterial, astringent, hemostatic properties.

The use of sorrel

The sorrel horse in medicine (scientific and popular) is used as decoctions and powders. The root and rhizome of the plant are used by traditional healers as an effective laxative, astringent, anthelmintic, hemostatic, wound healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory drugs. Leaves (fresh) are an effectivevulnerary, antiscorbutic, naivnym means. The fruits have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent.

The internal use of sorrel in powder form having a fastening (in small doses) and a laxative effect (at increasing doses of powder). In addition, the powders have a positive effect on the body with anemia, regulates the digestive tract. This remedy is prescribed for the treatment of the gallbladder (passing of bile). In the form of infusions and decoctions of the plant is recommended for the effective treatment of colitis, of hemocolitis, enterocolitis.

The sorrel horse has a positive effect in chronic hemorrhoids, and also in the cracks of the anus, hemorrhoidal, uterine and pulmonary bleeding. Infusions are appointed as antiscorbutic, antiseptic and haemostatic means. In powder form the plant is used to treat anemia, as well as a means to establish the gastro-intestinal tract. The sorrel horse is not only used in domestic medicine, but in the overseas – in China, Germany, Uzbekistan and other countries.

Recipe with sorrel

Recipe No. 1. To prepare the broth must take 1 tablespoon of crushed roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, then to insist 2 hours and the resulting broth drain. Regimen: 100 ml 3 times a day. The tool recommended to improve blood circulation in cerebral vessels.

Recipe № 2. To prepare the broth you will need to take 1 tablespoon of raw material (rhizomes with roots), pour 0.2 l of water, put on fire, for 15 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes and carefully squeeze. Regimen: 1 tablespoon to 5 times a day. This decoction is recommended for bleeding hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, colitis, enterocolitis.

Recipe No. 3. To prepare the broth must take 1 tablespoon of raw (dried fruit of sorrel), pour a glass of water, put on fire for 10 minutes, then insist 1 hour and strain. Regimen: 3 times a day for 70 ml of the decoction. This medicine recommended for bloody diarrhea.

Recipe No. 4. To prepare the broth should take 2 tablespoons of raw (the roots of sorrel), to pour two cups of water (boiling water), put on medium heat for 15 minutes, then insist 4 hours and strain. Methodreceiving: douching (the broth is designed for one procedure). The number of douches – 12 procedures. The drug is recommended in cancer of the uterus.

Recipe № 5. To prepare the broth should take 30 grams of raw material (the crushed roots of sorrel), pour 6 cups of water, put on a small fire for 60 minutes, then to insist 30 minutes and strain. Regimen: 0.5 cups twice a day. A decoction is recommended in diseases of the liver.

Cooking recipes salads

From sorrel tasty and, most importantly, healthy salads

Recipe No. 1. You need to take 50-75 grams of sorrel, wash thoroughly with cool water, then slice. Additional ingredients: hard-boiled egg, salt, sugar, pepper, parsley. For the filling, use sour cream or mayonnaise.

Recipe № 2. You need to take sorrel (100 g), fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in equal proportions (100 grams), green onion and radish (50 g), cut in capacity. Additional ingredients: green peas (50 g), boiled or roasted meat (150 g), egg, hard-boiled, herbs, salt. For the filling you can use sour cream or mayonnaise.

The root of sorrel

The roots sorrel is rich in healing substances. In their composition were detected derivatives of anthraquinone – hrizofanova acid (chrysophanol); tannins (8-12 %); emodin; coffee acid and flavonoid neodin. Also in the rhizomes contains oxalic acid calcium (9 %). In the roots of sorrel has also been identified useful macronutrients (K, CA, Mg, Fe) and microelements (Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Al, BA, V, Se, Ni, Sr, Pb, I, In).

Recipes of decoctions of roots and rhizomes sorrel

Recipe No. 1. To prepare the broth, it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of raw pour a glass of water (200 grams), put it on the fire for 15 minutes, then to insist 2 hours and carefully squeeze the raw material. The regimen: up to 5 times a day 1 tablespoon of broth. The drug is recommended in atherosclerosis.

Recipe № 2. To prepare the broth you will need 1 tablespoon of crushed roots pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, then to insist 2 hours, the resulting broth drain. Regimen: 100 ml 3 times a day. The broth is recommended for improving the blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

Recipe No. 3. Powder prepared from the roots of the plant. Regimen: take 0.25 grams 3 times a day. Powder is recommended for diarrhea.

Growing sorrel

In the spring the human body suffers from a lack of vitamins. In this period it is recommended to add to salads and other dishes leaves of sorrel, due to the composition which you can easily quench occurring vitamin hunger. In addition, sorrel improves digestion, it minimizes the development of putrefactive processes in the intestine.

Sorrel can be grown as in the garden. For growing in normal home should choose the following classes: "Altai", "Maikop", "Odessa latifolia". The plant easily tolerates shade, the ideal temperature is from 5 to 20 °C. Sorrel likes a soil rich in humus, you can use slightly acidic soils "Begonia". Sow sorrel seeds in furrows with a depth of 0.8–1 cm is Necessary to keep the distance between rows 6-7 see

Prepared grooves fertilize with humus. Seeding plants produced throughout the year, the main thing – to withstand the range of 30 days. Sow sorrel in the summer for a year and a half of usage, spring for the biennial. To care for the sorrel is quite simple: as soon as the first seedlings, they are thinned, it is necessary to leave between them a distance of about 4 cm.

An important step in the mass launch of new capacities is to prepare the soil for sorrel, namely clearing of weeds. After harvesting, the predecessors of the dock (for example, perennial grasses), the soil must be husk to a depth of at least 6-8 cm high weed infestation requires the use of ammonium nitrate in order to accelerate the germination of weed seeds. After 10 days it is recommended to repeat the peeling to a depth of about 14 cm and sprinkle the area with organic fertilizer.

Sorrel does not like fresh manure fertilizer. Watering is done regularly, it is important to keep the soil constantly wet. Additional forage is recommended 2-3 times per month. Reproduction of plants using seeds and rhizomes, which are specially procured and planted in September into pots or boxes.

Sorrel kids

In its composition celery seed contains calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. In addition, sorrel is rich in vitamins B1, K, s and organic acids. These substances are of particular value to humans, as are contained in the rare products. Sorrel has the same value as the rest of the green, that's why it should not be distinguished as a separate group, and avoid its availability in the diet of the child. Children can consume sorrel with the same time as dill, parsley, salads, etc.

Seeds of sorrel

Sorrel is not afraid of cold weather, the seeds in which the reproduction may freely germinate at a temperature of +3 °C. On the 8 th January 14 th day after sowing shoots appear. For seeds of sorrel favorable terms smallshading. The seeds of the plant contain tannins.

The leaves of sorrel

The leaves of sorrel suitable for consumption. Collection occurs in spring and early summer – the period when other greens have not yet appeared. Sorrel is rich in vitamins, it is able to compensate the vitamin deficiency which is produced in the human body after winter. From the leaves of sorrel delicious green soup, it is used as a filling for pies, use in all kinds of vegetable and meat salads.

The leaves of sorrel have a specific sour taste, which give the plant a acid, included in its composition (oxalic, malic and citric). In addition, the leaves revealed crude protein, tannin, large quantities of ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, salts of sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, molybdenum, zinc, Nickel, fluorine and other substances.

Calorie sorrel

Sorrel, like any other greens – healthy and low-calorie product. The caloric value of a fresh product is only 19 calories, boiled (we recommend cooking no more than 3-5 minutes with the aim of saving the vitamin content) -15 calories.

Varieties of sorrel

The most common varieties of sorrel are "Balwinski", "Large", "Deciduous", "Maikop", "Spinach", which differ from each other by color, size, taste and other characteristics.

Balwinski variety has large, fleshy leaves, which are characterized by light green color. They have thick stalks. The variety brings the highest yield, easy to tolerate the cold. The slightly acidic taste of sorrel.

For broadleaf variety is characterized by sheets of medium size and ovate form. Color the plants green. The variety gives high yields.

Macrophylla cultivar: leaves rather large, oval-ovate, light green color. This variety produces a large crop. Taste of a plant srednekislye. Large-leaved sorrel is not afraid of cold weather, resistant to frost.

Maikop variety also has large, fleshy, leaves broad ovate. It has a light green color with a barely noticeable yellowish tint. The taste srednekislye.

Spinach cultivar also has broad, large leaves of dark green color. It Matures earlier than other varieties. In its leaves is oxalic acid smaller than other varieties, but the lemon and Apple – more. The slightly acidic taste of the leaves.

Sour sorrel

Sour sorrel is a perennial herbaceous plant height of up to 1 meter. The stalk is erect, ribbed, usually at the base dark purple color. Ends stem paniculate inflorescence. The plant is dioecious. The leaves of sour sorrel different: basal –dlinnochereshkovye, with a pronounced vein in the center, entire, taste sour; stem leaves alternate, almost sessile.

Flowers are gathered in a cylindrical panicle, they are characterized by pink or reddish color. Seeds are small, triangular, pointed, their color is black and brown. Sour sorrel is used as a medicinal and food plant. In the composition of stem and leaf discovered proteins, lipids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins B, C, K, iron salts, carotene, and oxalic acid.

Sour sorrel is used by healers to normalize the digestive process, to increase appetite, and also as an effective antiscorbutic diuretic and blood purifying remedies. A tea made from the dry herb is an effective remedy for skin diseases.

Sorrel small

Sorrel small (or pygmy sorrel, wavelet) is a perennial plant whose height ranges from 15 to 55 cm Rhizome creeping him. Stems erect, subramose. Leaves long-petiolate at the base, and stem leaves are sessile or short, the leaves of which are usually bent in the direction of the blades. This plant is dioecious. Its flowers are unisexual, green with a reddish tinge. The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences.

The taste of sorrel, small and sour, with an astringent effect. This species blooms from may to June. In its composition the plant contains oxalic acid, tannins, essential oil, resin, vitamin K, thereby used as a medicinal plant in folk medicine. Preparations made on its basis, are recommended for diarrhea, diseases of the joints, delay of urine. Effective small sorrel as a hemostatic agent, prescribed for severe menstrual.

Growing this species in southern North Africa, Japan, Turkey and southern America. It is common and in the CIS, is widely represented in Siberia, the far East and the Caucasus.

Contraindications to the use of sorrel

Sorrel, in spite of his favor, to use in large quantities is not recommended, as it cannot be consumed daily. Sorrel helps to wash away from the body calcium, the formation of kidney stones. It is contraindicated in pregnancy. Large amounts of oxalic acid can contribute to the development of osteoporosis and kidney failure.