Home / Treatment / Causes, symptoms, extent and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

Causes, symptoms, extent and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

Knee osteoarthritis is a deformation and destruction of cartilage. The disease has a chronic degenerative nature, accompanied by pain of varying strength. It can lead to complete immobilization, with loss of functionality. Disease develops more often in women than in men. And obesity and venous disease are considered to be factors that increase the risk of osteoarthritis significantly. Not surprising that the majority of obese women after the age of 40 suffer from joint problems. Most older people are faced with osteoarthritis. It can be bilateral or unilateral depending on, affects only one leg or both. At a young age the disease is usually caused by injuries received during sports or in the process of performing physical work.

Initially, changes are observed at the molecular level, and then they affect the physical and chemical properties of cartilage. The cartilage becomes mint, thin, covered with cracks and splits. All these processes can be detected when studying the cartilage tissue. If you do not carry out the necessary treatment, the cartilage will collapse completely. In the end it will lead to exposure of the bone.

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The causes of osteoarthritis of the knee

To arthrosis of the knee joint can include the following reasons:

  • Injury. These include fractures, dislocations, and damage to the meniscus. It develops after trauma gonarthrosis at a young age. If the damage of the knee joint to perform flexion-extension movement becomes impossible. Treatment of the injury in this case involves the temporary fixation of the limb, which leads to poor circulation. This causes the development of post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint.

  • Of particular importance are the menisci. Damage provokes"looping" of the knee. If the patient removed the meniscus 9 out of 10 cases it leads to osteoarthritis of the knee joint.
  • Increased loads. Sports should be based on the age of the patient. Very often people in old age tend to train as active as in his youth. In most cases, is a direct path to injury: fractures, sprains. Sometimes there microtrauma. They are not felt, but cause serious damage to joints. So sports after 40 should mean a moderate load. In old age the joints can't handle the load, which is easily tolerated in youth, because the cartilage eventually wears out, becomes thinner. For this reason, during the sport all movements should be smooth. The greatest harm to the knee joints causing a run on the asphalt and squats. These exercises should replace other types of physical activity.
  • Excess weight and obesity. This reason in itself does not lead to damage to cartilage tissue, however, it contributes to the injury of the meniscus. Such damage full people carry heavy, and after a knee can hardly be restored. Injuries to the meniscus usually culminate in the development of osteoarthritis of the knee. In addition, the legs get additional load due to the presence of excess weight, and she falls to her knees. The most heavy situation when obesity is combined with varicose veins. In this case, you may develop the most severe form of knee arthritis.

  • Weak ligaments. This phenomenon is known as "loose" ligaments. It is usually combined with high mobility of the joints. This man has a very flexible body and can without a warm-up to perform various exercises, such as stretching, sitting on the twine. However, such physical activity leads to microtraumas of knees, and eventually to osteoarthritis if damage becomes too much. Along with weak ligamentous apparatus, the mobility of the joints can be caused by a violation of the sensitivity of the feet. The person is not experiencing severe pain when damaged, so don't notice it.
  • Diseases of the joints. Most often osteoarthritis of the knee is a result of arthritis. It can be rheumatoid, psoriatic, reactive. Arthritis the inflammation leads to accumulation of synovial fluid in the joint cavity, tumors. In the result of occurrence of all these processes cartilage is destroyedfabric. This leads to osteoarthritis of the knee.

  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body. As a result, tissues do not receive the necessary nutrients and minerals. Lack of calcium affects the condition of the bone and cartilage.
  • Stress. Even permanent nervous tension and mood swings affect the health of the joints. It is recommended to frequently change the situation, to alternate physical activity with mental, more rest, to avoid the development of osteoarthritis. In most cases, women after the age of 40, suffering from this disease, had accumulated emotional fatigue, which led to the deterioration of blood circulation in the legs, swelling and the appearance of inflammation.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee


Pain do not arise suddenly, usually in the early stages of the development of arthrosis of the knee joint, the pain is weak. This condition can last for months or even years, until the worsening of the disease. Weak pain occurs during active exercise, running, walking. Abrupt onset of discomfort can be a symptom of osteoarthritis. Most likely the pain in this case caused by trauma: by the jamming of the meniscus, dislocation, fracture.

With osteoarthritis of the knee 2nd degree, discomfort is felt much stronger. If before the pain occurred only as a result of excessive exercise, it now appears dormant. The most prolonged seizures occur after prolonged walking or heavy lifting. To get rid of discomfort in the knee, needed to rest for a long time. However, if you then to renew physical movement, the pain is back.

Deformity of the knee

It becomes noticeable in the later stages of the development of arthrosis. When the first symptoms knee may look swollen, but retains its normal shape.


This term in medicine, refers to the accumulation in the joint cavity of the synovial fluid. When its amount exceeds the permitted limit, there is such a thing as a Baker's cyst. As indicated by the appearance at the rear of the knee crisp stretch education. The most prominent Baker's cyst in the unbent state. She is treated successfully, it does not require surgical intervention.

Characteristic crunch

It appears in case of arthrosis of the knee joint 2 and 3 degrees. The crunch has to be distinguished from sounds that are heard whenflexion of the knee in a healthy person. Crunch with osteoarthritis and is accompanied by sharp pain. In all other cases it is due to weakness of the ligaments, or excessive joint mobility.

The limitation of the knee joint

This symptom is also apparent in the later stages of the development of arthrosis. The patient is not able to freely bend and straighten the leg. Attempting these movements are accompanied by severe pain. Bend the leg at just the right angle. Further movement causes a sharp pain. Simultaneously with the limitation occurs and deformity of the joint. It is well expressed externally.

3 stages of osteoarthritis of the knee can be fully fixed. Some patients because of this, moving on bent legs. Pain in the knee often caused by changes in the weather. They have aching in nature, arise as with motion and at rest. Patients often because of the pain I can't sleep, so you have to resort to using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The degree of arthrosis of the knee joint

Osteoarthritis of the knee 1st degree

In this case, the disease is characterized by slight pain when performing active movements. May accumulate synovial fluid in the joint cavity, which leads to the formation of Baker's cyst. Pain occur during movement, but are at rest. The cartilage tissue is damaged, but externally, the deformation of the joint is not noticeable.

With the help of x-rays at this stage of the development of osteoarthritis diagnosis difficult, requires additional methods of examination.

Osteoarthritis of the knee 2nd degree

There is a narrowing of the joint space, the cartilage is damaged to a large extent. In the picture obtained during radiography, it is possible to notice the growth of bones. Acute pain is accompanied by any movement which involved the knee joint. At rest the unpleasant sensations are, but then appear again. The pain adds a distinctive crunch when performing flexion-extension movements.

Gradually the function of the joint becomes impossible. The knee ceases to bend and straighten. Externally, the doctor can determine the bone deformation.

Osteoarthritis of the knee 3 degrees

Sometimes the cartilage becomes thinner, finally, the formation of bare areas of bone. On the radiograph clearly seen a large number of osteophytes– salt deposits in the joint cavity. In addition, there may be discovered free of the body.

External changes are becoming more noticeable. To cope with the pain, stop the movement, now fails. It persists and when exercising the joint and at rest.

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Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint caused by the deposition of salts. They often affects women with excess weight. In the early stages the disease affects the inner side of the joint, the later – captures and external.

The main symptoms of deforming arthrosis of the knee – the acute pain and characteristic crunch. The treatment of this disease should begin at an early stage. In this case the chance to keep the cartilage above.

How to treat osteoarthritis of the knee?

Modern treatment methods of knee joint arthrosis

Along with medication in modern medicine used such methods as:

  • Ozone therapy. This impact on the patient's knee joint with the help of ozone. In this method of physiotherapy treatment substance may be administered by injection, or used topically. Ozone therapy allows to achieve maximum effect, while its use is possible in most cases. Treatment with intramuscular and subcutaneous injections of ozonized physiological solution, ointments and creams based on ozone has almost no contraindications and side effects. Ozone therapy has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, restores blood circulation in the knee joint. To strengthen the effect of this method allows simultaneous reception of chondroprotection and glucocorticosteroid drugs.

  • Kinesitherapy. In this case, the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint by means of special exercises. The load is selected in accordance with the degree of disease development and physical preparation of the patient individually. When you perform some exercises use special devices or equipment. When this involves not only muscles, tendons and joints, but other organ systems in the body: endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive. It is very important when doing these exercises to breathe correctly. Therefore, it is recommended to dounder the supervision of a physician.

    Exercises allow you to improve blood circulation in the knee joint, restore the elasticity of the ligaments, improve the nutrition of the cells of cartilage, contributing to its recovery. This load has a positive effect not only on physical but also psychological condition of the patient, as the process produces hormones of joy – endorphins.

  • BAD. These funds have been used recently, but is already widespread. Nutritional supplements are a good alternative to other drugs (Modern BAD recovery of the joints ).

  • Homeopathy. It involves the medication in small doses. The treatment lasts only a few weeks, but this time, when properly selected drugs completely restored the normal circulation and nutrition of cells of cartilage. Furthermore, homeopathy helps to strengthen the immune system, improve overall health.

Treatment of gonarthrosis by Bubnovsky

S. M. Bubnovsky – doctor of medical Sciences, razrabotchika unique technique to combat osteoarthritis of the knee. Feature of his treatment is that it does not involve the use of drugs or surgery. As the main causes of the disease Bubnovsky allocates reducing the amount of synovial fluid that acts as lubrication. This factor impedes the normal functioning of the knee joint.

Bubnovsky's method involves kinesitherapy and physiotherapy. Before you can assign specific exercises and procedures, the doctor will conduct x-ray examination. Treatment is chosen individually and depends largely on the degree of development of osteoarthritis. All the physical exercises in the framework of kinesitherapy and other treatments are under the supervision of a specialist.

According to Dr. Bubnovsky, relieve pain in osteoarthritis of the knee better by applying ice and contrast showers. If the physical form of the patient is poor, he is assigned gentle physical exercise.

Gradually, the load will increase. In the result the following results are achieved:

  • power is restored to the cells of bone and cartilage of the joint;
  • is pain syndrome;
  • improving the characteristics of the cartilage tissue;
  • fully restores the function of the knee joint and its mobility.

The treatment by the method of Bubnovit is recommended to go to the sauna, swim in the pool, enjoy a massage.

Treatment of gonarthrosis by Evdokimenko

Known rheumatologist Evdokimenko believes that effective treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is possible with the combination of medication and method of physiotherapeutic procedures.

It allows you to:

  • to restore mobility of the knee joint;
  • to get rid of pain;
  • to improve blood circulation in the knee joint;
  • to ensure the flow of nutrients and essential elements to the cells of cartilage.

The method Evdokimenko involves the use of:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • chondroprotectors to restore cartilaginous tissue;
  • intra-articular injections to quickly get rid of the discomfort;
  • creams and ointments that have analgesic effect;
  • light physical activity;
  • manual therapy;
  • physical therapy;
  • compresses on the basis of Dimexidum, Bischofite.

In addition, according to Dr. Evdokimenko, it is important during the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee stick to your diet. Proper nutrition in combination with all the other methods allows to achieve good results in a short time. To completely eliminate osteoarthritis of the knee in the early stages of development quite. In the case of disease 2 the degree will take several years to cure. Running knee osteoarthritis, which is 3 degree, Dr. Evdokimenko's not a cure, and encourages recourse to surgical intervention. It is therefore important to diagnose the disease, to avoid surgery.

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Chondroprotectors in osteoarthritis of the knee

Chondroprotector – a group of strong drugs that help to relieve pain in osteoarthritis of the knee joint and affects the cartilage, restoring and strengthening it . Unlike other agents for the treatment of this disease they are most effective and contain glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. These substances affect the cartilage.

  • Don is one of the most famous drugs amongchondroprotection. He is represented in the form of capsules, ampoules for injection and powder. The drug can be diluted in water thus inside. The best effect is achieved if not only the powder but also to do intramuscular injections. The active component, which is part of the Dona is the glucosamine.
  • Hondrolon. Participates in the construction of bone and cartilage, blocking enzymes that destroy cartilage. Hondrolon affects the production of synovial fluid. This is very important because it acts as a lubricant, improving joint flexibility, reducing pain in contact of the articular surfaces. The drug is fast acting: after an hour of discomfort in the joint are. This chondroprotector injected intramuscularly. Treatment lasts 1.5 months. After his passing, the effect persists for a long time. Six months later it is recommended to repeat the course.

  • Teraflex – chondroprotector, which is represented in the form of capsules. The drug promotes regeneration of cartilage. With the help of teraflex, you can maintain the viscosity of synovial fluid, increase the secretion of hyaluronan. The drug has virtually no side effects. However, in the absence of visible improvements, it should be replaced by another chondroprotector.
  • Structum. It is also available in capsules allows to reduce the leaching of calcium from the body, restores the function of the knee joint with osteoarthritis. The positive effect is achieved six months after the beginning of treatment. The result is stored for a long period of time.

  • Symptoms. Unlike most chondroprotection symptoms – medication is presented as tablets and ointment. It can be applied to the knee joint to reduce pain. When taking chondroprotectors should know that the result of the treatment will be visible only after a few months. For complete relief will have to take a few courses of medication. However, as a result it will be possible to get rid of pain caused by knee joint arthrosis, and to restore cartilage. The use of chondroprotectors justified only on the 1st and 2nd stages of the disease. When the cartilage completely broken down, as it usually happens in 3 stages, the treatment with these drugs will be ineffective.

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In medicine there is no single view regarding the reception of funds that contain both chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. There is an assumption that, together, they operate less efficientlythan separately. Rationale this idea was not, so you should seek the assistance of a specialist who will diagnose and will prescribe the necessary drugs.

Exercises for osteoarthritis of knee joint

Exercise helps to restore function of the joint and strengthen it. Perform them slowly and carefully so as not to cause a sprain and not to exceed the permissible load.

The most effective are the following exercises:

  1. Slowly alternately raise straight legs, lying on his stomach. In this exercise involved the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. We can not allow the load is transferred back. Raise the legs too high is not worth it. The main thing is to strain the muscles in the upper point;

  2. This exercise is similar to the first, only now should be to lift the leg bent at the knee. At the top of thigh should be further strain. On each leg exercise you need to perform the same number of times;

  3. Lying on the floor (on stomach) raise the straight leg up and then breed and settle. For this exercise you need a strong trained muscles, so it is not suitable for all patients. In addition, when it is executed can rise blood pressure. Patients suffering from hypertension or other cardiovascular diseases, it is better to abandon it;

  4. For the following exercises need to lay on my side, lying on the floor bend the leg at the knee and the other slowly raise and hold at the top. It is important that the angle when you perform on each leg was the same;

  5. For this exercise you will need a chair. Sitting on it, legs alternately straighten up, rise up and linger for as long as possible in an erect position;

  6. It is useful to rise on tiptoes, holding the back of a chair or bed. As when performing other exercises, you need to stay at the top for a few seconds and additionally to strain the muscles of the legs;

  7. To intensify the circulation of the lower limbs allows smooth movement with the toes to the heel. To perform such motion should alternately: while one foot rests on the toe, the other on the heel, and Vice versa. All movements should besmooth;

  8. Leaning on the back of a chair or bed, stand on your heels for a minute, lifting her toes up. If you are not able to stand in this position for a specified time, start with less and gradually increasing it;

  9. Massage is performed in a standing position. The feet should be rubbed vigorous movements, directed from the knee up to the thigh. Complete the massage necessary to RUB the skin.

On the topic: Exercises for osteoarthritis of knee joint

Diet for osteoarthritis of the knee

Proper nutrition is an important component of successful treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee joint. This is because often the cause of this disease are disorders of metabolism. An unbalanced diet and overeating leads to excess weight. This phenomenon is not uncommon for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint. But the extra weight is more stress on lower limbs and joints of the legs during movement. Therefore, you should bring it to normal. In this diet, which is recommended to adhere to not only during the course of treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, but in the future to avoid health problems in the joints.

Patients with this disease should give preference to products rich in vitamins and essential body minerals. However, it should monitor caloric intake to avoid weight-gain. If you have extra weight, you must expend more calories than you consume. This will allow you to reduce body weight.

Fasting or a strict diet in this case is not the solution. Radical methods have a negative impact on the digestive tract. In addition, in the case of fasting those extra pounds will go, but when returning to normal diet the body will begin to store fat in large quantities. As a result, the weight may again reach a critical point. Strict diets lead to a washout from the body of calcium and other useful minerals, which is inadmissible in case of arthrosis of the knee joint.

Breakfast for patients with this disease is mandatory and is the most abundant meal of the day. It will provide the body with energy for the whole day and to increase metabolism. To eat more often, eating the small portions. This will allowto speed up the metabolism, leading to weight loss. Between the main meals if you experience bouts of hunger are allowed snacks. They can be fruits, except grapes and bananas, whole-grain bread.

You need to eat more greens, vegetables, and cereals.

From the diet should exclude:

  • Sweet drinks
  • Semi-finished products
  • Fatty foods
  • Spicy food (flavor enhancers are extremely harmful in case of arthrosis)
  • You also need to give up fatty meats: beef and pork. It is better to replace for chicken or Turkey. Cooking meat should be steamed or baked in the oven, not frying in oil.

Vegetables and fruits are helpful, but only in moderation. Some of them should be abandoned altogether.

Banned vegetables include:

It is recommended to abandon too acidic fruits for example oranges and lemons. Bananas and grapes are too high in calories, so those who are trying to get rid of extra pounds, should be avoided.

A positive effect on the joints have a gelatinous dishes:

  • Jelly
  • Jelly

Due to the high content of collagen, they help to rebuild and strengthen cartilage. Jelly is prepared from the pig's head, bones, feet. They are a good boil, then the broth is filtered. The meat expands on the tanks, which is filled with a thick, rich broth. When the mass hardens, the jelly will be ready. The dish turned out less fatty, remove the skin.

To use the jelly should be in limited quantities. On the one hand, it is a good prevention of arthrosis, and on the other dish quite rich in calories, so leads to excess weight. You can replace it with fruit jelly. It should be prepared without sugar. Jelly can be a stand-alone dessert or alternative to candy and sweets for tea.

Patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint requires a large amount of protein. Its sources can be:

  • Cheese
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Low-fat sour cream and other dairy products
  • In addition to chicken and Turkey meat, you can alsothere are dishes with rabbit.

    Vegetable protein rich legumes. Delicious meals are obtained from peas, lentils, beans. The diet must include nuts, such as almonds, cashews, and fish, which are a source of vitamin E.

    A balanced diet involves enough amounts of carbohydrates. They can be simple or complex. In case of arthrosis of the joints is needed is a complex that is contained in various cereals, including oatmeal, whole-grain products.

    During the day you should drink up to 2 litres of water, provided that the patient has no kidney problems. The last meal should be several hours before sleep. Do not abandon a light dinner, as an empty stomach is hard to fall asleep. Patients with osteoarthritis should give up chocolate and sweet confectionery.

    Doctors are recommended to eat frequently and to keep a food diary. It helps to follow the diet, not to overeat. During exacerbation of osteoarthritis you can conduct fasting days under the supervision of a physician. This means that throughout the day you should eat only vegetables or fruit. The specific number and diet for fasting days should recommend a doctor.

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    Sample menu

    • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge on the water without butter and sugar, fruit juice, boiled egg
    • Second Breakfast: a glass of skim natural yogurt
    • Lunch: meat or fish, steamed, steamed vegetables, tea without sugar
    • Snack: cottage cheese pie with nuts, a glass of fruit juice
    • Dinner: vegetable salad, Apple, tea without sugar

    • Second supper: a glass of nonfat yogurt

    andidate of medical Sciences Dmitry Volkov S., surgeon