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Benefits and harms of beans

Beans ancient bean culture, the world had discovered more than 8 thousand years ago. Since then its popularity is only growing exponentially. Today some Nations of the world can't imagine any meal that would have passed without the beans. So, in Japan, a very popular cakes with bean paste and the British Breakfast with beans in tomato sauce with toast and grilled sausages.

Russia's beans is a popular dish among vegetarians and among people who practice good nutrition. However, this legume is not as simple as it may seem, and its use has certain contraindications. But knowing what the benefits and harms of kidney beans for health, you can fearlessly use this product in the food.

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What is the benefit of beans?

In the world there are about 200 types of beans, for example green beans, red beans, green beans, purple and yellow beans, white and black beans. However, due to its chemical composition and the nutritive value of these legumes is not much different.

The benefits of beans to human health is obvious, because it contains an impressive set of vitamins and minerals. In the beans is the entire set of b vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iodine, chromium, phosphorus and other minerals necessary for normal functioning of the body.

Among the useful properties of the product are the following:

  • Beans contain large amounts of protein, which is the main building material for body cells. Beans recommended to include in the menu of people involved in sports or heavy physical work. Due to protein, it helps to gain strength and will give the opportunity to properly build muscles.
  • In beans high in fiber, which helps the body rid itself of toxins.
  • The use of beans in the food is not conducive to sharpthe rise in blood sugar and, therefore, reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Beans contains arginine, so it is recommended to include in the menu of people already suffering from diabetes.
  • Due to the members of the bean plant fibers, polyphenols, phytosterols and saponins, regular consumption can reduce cholesteroland therefore reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

  • There are indications that the beans prevents the development of colon cancer.
  • In the beans have choline, which helps to normalize the work of liver, kidneys and brain, and also takes part in metabolic processes.
  • Regular consumption of beans increases the secretion of gastric juice, which promotes the removal of stones from the gallbladder.

  • Sulphur, part of the beans, helps to eliminate pain in rheumatism, helps the body to quickly deal with intestinal infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • The beans contain ascorbic acid which increases the body's resistance to various infections. The vitamin C content of the beans exceeds the peaches, plums and apricots.

  • Beans are rich in antioxidants that prevent premature aging of the body. The darker the seeds, the more beans of antioxidants.
  • In the beans contain amino acids such as tyrosine and methionine, which are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system and allow you to get rid of depression.

  • Beans are good for teeth, it prevents the appearance of Tartar.
  • Good to eat beans women during menopause, as it is present in quercetin and anthocyanins that contribute to the normalization of hormonal background.
  • Beans in moderation should be present in the diet of pregnant women. It allows you to cover the body's need for iron, which prevents the development of anemia. Also beans helps reduce swelling due to its diuretic action, as it has a lot of potassium.
  • A diuretic effect of beans also helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  • Beans is a dietary product. It can be used for holding days of discharge people with excess body mass. Beans promotes rapid saturation and allows for a long time not to feel hunger. Vegetarians eat beans as a replacement for meat.
  • Beans on the menu of patients with arrhythmia.
  • In beans contains sulphur and zinc which are necessary to preserve the beauty of nails, skin and hair.

The use of canned beans

Beans in jars a delicious product that is ready to eat and requires no cooking. So it is often used for cooking various dishes and as a garnish. However, to use canned beans, make sure that it should be properly treated.

It is no secret that conservation is used acetic acid, salt and other substances designed to extend the shelf life of the product. Therefore, before serving or before adding to the finished dish, canned beans should be rinsed under running water, and contained in jar pickle best drops. Thus it is possible to obtain a useful product, no harm to the body.

In canned beans is preserved vegetable fiber, potassium, magnesium, protein, but while there is almost no fat. In General, canned beans saves more than 70% of nutrients. So it can be added to salads, vegetable stews, and also eaten as a separate dish. Tinned beans helps get rid of excess weight as a long lasting feeling of satiety. However, to use the product in moderation.

Beans from tins enhances intestinal motility and increases the secretion of gastric juice. This helps to normalize digestion and stabilization of microflora. It is not necessary to use the product in food on a background of colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers and in gastritisnot to overload the work of the inflamed digestive organs.

Does use frozen beans?

Freezing beans allows it to be stored for a long time, but many people are interested in the question does use frozen beans. After freezing and re-thawing in the beans remain practically all the nutrients. The vitamin content decreases, but only slightly. As for fiber, it is retained in full. In addition, the freeze in industrial scale use the system of partial dehydration of the product,therefore, frozen green beans will contain 2 times more protein than fresh.

Use frozen beans comparable to the benefits of fresh product, and it can be used at any time of the year. The only thing you should pay attention to is re-freezing. The more thawed and re-frozen product, the less there is of vitamins. Therefore, when laying in the freezer large quantities of beans, divide it into portions. If green beans freeze fresh the beans need pre-boil.

Does the use of boiled beans?

Beans after cooking preserves all the nutrients, but the amount of calories it increases almost 1.5 times compared to raw beans. Heat treatment of beans are required, fresh product is not edible. In raw beans contain toxins that are destroyed during cooking. Therefore, to refuse thermal processing of beans is impossible.

What is the calorie content of beans?

Calorie 100 g beans is about 100 calories. These are averages for all types of beans. Most low-calorie product is green beans, 100 g which contains 24 calories.

Possible harm and contraindications

While beans possess many useful properties, in some cases, it may cause harm.

Of the carbohydrates contained in beans, the human body can not digest, leading to bloating. To reduce the content of these carbohydrates before cooking the beans must be soaked for several hours in water with addition of soda.

Contribute to increased flatulence a lot of fiber, and enzymes secreted by the pancreas, can not cope with it. The bacteria residing in the intestine, fiber split, but emit much gas. As a result, people suffering from flatulence. To avoid this, you need to use the beans in moderation and to cook.

Raw beans can cause poisoning of the body. It contains such poisonous substance, as fasin, but during heat treatment, it falls apart. Therefore, take particular care when eating sprouted beans. It can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms of intoxication.

Contraindications to the use of beans:

  • Gastritis with high acidity.
  • Ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers.

  • Colitis.

  • The cholecystitis.
  • In beans contain high amounts of purines, so it is not recommended to include in the menu for people suffering from gout, so as not to provoke the exacerbation of the disease.
  • Old age. This does not mean that the beans should be abandoned altogether, but the elderly are often reduced metabolic rate, and therefore include this product in the menu to be very careful.

With caution should eat beans lactating women, as it can cause bloating not only the adult but also the child. Therefore, if a baby suffers from colic, from beans at a time should be abandoned.

Allergic to beans extremely rare. As a rule, it occurs in those people, the body which gives a similar reaction to other legumes, e.g., peas or lentils. If skin rash appears, it is necessary to abandon the use of the beans and to consult with an allergist.

How to cook beans?

Beans need to cook correctly, in order to obtain from it the maximum benefit. Therefore it is necessary to observe following recommendations:

  • For starters, the beans need to touch, to remove damaged fruit or foreign debris.
  • Then beans should be soaked in cold water with a small amount of baking soda. Water should be two times more than beans. Leave the beans to vymachivanija should be 10 hours. Possible during this time water a few times to change.
  • Before cooking, change the water to new.
  • The pan during cooking cover to cover is not necessary. To interfere with the beans also should not be, otherwise it will lead to the deterioration of the fruit. The fire should be small.
  • Salt beans after cooking. If you do it early, the fruit will be hard.
  • If during cooking the water boils, then add only need boiling water, otherwise it will crack.
  • To improve the taste, you can add to beans 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • The beans definitely need to bring up to full readiness. Otherwise, you can get not onlybloating, but also poisoning.

The average cooking time of beans with preliminary soaking is 40-90 minutes, depending on the grade. Properly cooked beans is sure to delight not only its use, but excellent taste.