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Post-coital cystitis

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Post-coital cystitis is an inflammatory reaction occurring in the cavity of the bladder women after intimacy. With this problem faced by many women who begin an active sex life.

Most often, the disease manifests either immediately after intercourse or a few days later.

The symptoms of post-coital cystitis

Among the symptoms characteristic of this variety of the disease are commonly distinguished:

  • Painful feeling in the pelvic area.
  • Frequent urge for evacuation. After a devastation of the body, the patient is a burning sensation and pain, of varying intensity.
  • The increase in body temperature, weakness, sleep disturbance.

  • The allocated portion of the urine may contain blood. Most often she appears at the end of emptying of the inflamed organ.

The complex of symptoms starting to bother the woman after the beginning of regular sexual life, although earlier signs of cystitis could not be observed. Therefore a separate risk group are girls, newly married or found steady relationships.

The causes of post-coital cystitis

Among the possible reasons of the disease development are the following:

  • Anatomical structure of the genitourinary system. When there are anomalies such as the offset of the opening of the urethra, or excessive mobility of the urethra, then the risk of cystitis after intimacy increases.

  • Disregard for the rules of intimate hygiene after sexual intercourse. Inflammation can occur if after committing the act, the woman did not tempted. The increase in the number of pathological bacteria in the genital area can lead to the development of the disease. A particular danger in this respect is the alternating anal and vaginal act of intimacy.
  • STDs is one of the causes of infection of the sexual partner post-coital cystitis.
  • Illiterate usemeans to contraception, lack of selection or the application of the lubricant is a common cause of injuries like genital tract and urethra. As a result, infections are much easier to penetrate into the cavity of the bladder and cause inflammation there.
  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina by bacteria, passed from a partner. Not necessarily they will be completely pathogenic. Colonization of the vagina opportunistic pathogens sexual partner, often leads to the development of the inflammatory process, which may affect the bladder women.

Treatment of postcoital cystitis

With regard to the treatment of the disease, it is reduced to reception of drugs and compliance with doctor's recommendations regarding lifestyle. In some cases, may require surgical intervention. It is advisable if the cause of inflammation of the be anomalies in the structure of the genitourinary system. The effect of the operation is positive in that case, if the urethra and vagina are too close. This intervention is performed in an outpatient setting, hospitalization is not required. The outer hole of the channel for urination slightly lifted. Such interference is called transposition of the urethra. It allows you to eliminate the excessive mobility of the channel by suturing. As a result, he moves closer to the clitoris.

In other cases, resort to treatment using antibiotics. Most often the course lasts no more than a week, though relief may come much earlier. However, if you started taking antibiotics, the course should not be interrupted, to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

To spare the patient from post-coital cystitis, doctors recommend acceptance of the following drugs:

  1. MONORAL. This drug has a broad antibacterial spectrum of action. Taken once, preferably before bedtime. When re-infection can be prescribed double dose, with an interval of a day.

  2. Protargol. The tool is used for installations of the bladder. Effectively fights bacteria and reduces inflammation quickly. This is not a home procedure and conduct it independently you are unlikely to succeed. First, you need to enter in the urethra and the catheter to release the accumulated urine. Then, using a syringe Janet (it's not a simple syringe and a special, wide, for washing the various cavities, itensures sterility of the procedure), introduce a solution until then, until the desire to go to the toilet. After that, the syringe and the catheter is disconnected and release the liquid. And so to 10 times. Used in the chronic form of the disease.

  3. Furamag. Requires longer treatment course can be up to 10 days. The advantage of this drug is its low toxicity and a small set of side effects.

As a rule, the treatment of this form of inflammation is not difficult. Forecast for deliverance from the disease is favorable. During therapy, you should stick to a diet and avoid eating foods that can cause irritation of the patient's body. With frequent relapses should undergo further examination and to eliminate the cause of inflammation, manifested after intercourse.

Prevention of post-coital cystitis

Often, simple preventative measures will be sufficient to avoid the development of this form of the disease.

They are reduced to the following rules:

  • Condom use provides protection from most diseases. If there is no confidence in the partner, to avoid infection, will help, this method of contraception.
  • The basic hygiene rules before intimacy, and after it. Washing with soap will eliminate the conditionally-pathological bacteria that live on the outer bodies, which will reduce the risk of developing inflammation.
  • If possible, you should avoid alternating anal and then vaginal intercourse.
  • Sexual posture is also important in the prevention of disease. So, the missionary position will increase the risk of developing the disease.
  • It is advisable to use condoms with a lubricant that will enable to avoid injury to the vagina due to excessive dryness.
  • Before sexual intimacy should be emptied bladder.

  • It is important to abandon the use of contraceptives with spermicides. They cause violations of the flora. This leads to increased risk of disease.

If necessary, a doctor can be picked up individual course of treatment using immune-boosting drugs.