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Causes, symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children

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Sinusitis in children is a significant problem for the child and for his parents. Sinusitis in a child urgently needs to be treated, until he began to awaken adenoids. The classic symptoms of sinusitis in children are nasal discharge, feeling of stuffiness, irritability and fatigue. Moreover, you should pay special attention to the cold, if he does not pass for the week.

Often the development of sinusitis in a child confused with a banal flu or a cold. In order to begin treatment and avoid complications, you need to be able to correctly identify the first symptoms of the disease and to identify the causes of its occurrence.

Signs and symptoms of sinusitis in children

The occurrence of sinusitis can be accompanied by several symptoms:

  • Severe headache. It is localized in a certain area, more often affects the forehead and temples. As a rule, more severe pain is present on the side of the face where the sinus is affected. With a sharp tilt of the head, sneeze or cough the pain increases, and in the supine position, the child almost ceases to feel, the Pain may be constant, and periodically increase depending on the child's activity and position of his body. (See also: 7 reasons for headache in children)

  • Toothache. Pain syndrome may become more pronounced when chewing food. Often suffer from the chewing teeth, which are very sensitive to any changes in the structure of the nasal sinuses,

  • Congestion of the sinuses. It occurs due to the accumulation of pus in them it is displayed in the usual way. When sinusitis is often the child complains that he's not breathing only one nostril. However, it can change when the right begins to breathe, the left is clogged and Vice versa,

  • The increase in temperature. It is associated with the beginning of the inflammatory process of sinus, which occurs due to the accumulation of purulent secretions in the sinuses. Also the high temperature caused by the body's fight against disease

  • the appearance of the nasal discharge. They can be transparent or purulent. While ordinary bismarckiana does not bring long-term relief. The condition may improve only for a few minutes, after which again follows the deterioration of health,

  • Redness and swelling of the cheek. Suffering one half of the face, which is inflamed sinus,

  • A change of behavior. In particular, the child becomes Moody, deteriorates its activity. In some cases even refusal to eat. Possible external signs – change the color of the face and pronounced apathy,

  • Decreased sense of smell. When clogged sinuses child could not properly perceive the smell,

  • Twang. It occurs because of accumulation of secretions in the sinuses, which interferes with the normal conversation,

  • When you click on the center of the cheeks or on the inner corner of the eye, the child will experience severe pain. Also pain can occur when you press the bridge of your nose

  • The appearance of chills. Often this symptom shows up only after the fever, but perhaps "causeless" his appearance

  • Soreness in the throat, dry and scratchy. These symptoms may occur when the normal sinus enters the stage of chronic.

The appearance of at least a few symptoms of these symptoms is a reason to see a doctor for a thorough examination. The correct diagnosis can only specialist, so no need to self-medicate. Timely intervention in the disease will help to significantly reduce the headache, remove all the other signs of the disease and completely cure the child.

Causes of sinusitis in children

For proper treatment it is necessary to know the causes of disease. In the case of maxillary sinusitis there may be several:

  • Rhinogenous sinusitis occurs as a complication of various diseases – ORVI or ORZ. Typically, when the flu and colds normal flow of mucus is impeded, resulting in the body through the nasal passages become infected, which becomes a pathogendisease

  • Allergic rhinitis, which can later develop into sinusitis, occurs due to the presence of irritating substances. Accompanied by severe swelling of the sinuses,

  • Trauma may also be the cause of the disease. Fracture of the nasal septum, severe injury or other damage can trigger the development of disease, to hasten his appearance, or be a catalyst for the emergence of chronic forms of sinusitis,

  • Infection. The virus enters through the blood. The cause of sinusitis can be a infectious disease. The rapid development of disease due to weakened immunity. This reason is most often diagnosed in children,

  • A complication of periodontitis, osteomyelitis, periostitis. The cause of sinusitis is less common for children's age,

  • Improper work of blood vessels. The most common cause is decreased tone, which is typical for dystonia. Deteriorating blood supply of the respiratory tract, which could lead to infection, leading to sinusitis,

  • The appearance of the inflammation of the adenoids. Besides the shortness of breath and accumulation of mucus, adenoids can cause sinusitis, as they themselves become a source of infection,

  • Diseases of the oral cavity. Most common are the causes of sinusitis, like dental caries or stomatitis,

  • Trivial decrease in immunity. The body's defenses are weakened, and any virus can cause the disease. In addition, in case of immunity decrease significantly deteriorates the body's ability to fight viruses, and any disease faster

  • Congenital disorders of the structure of the sinuses. For example, a deviated nasal membranes leads to a labored conclusion of mucus due to the accumulation which develops sinusitis,

  • A hereditary disease. The most common cause of sinusitis is getting cystic fibrosis.

The correct identification of causes will help to remove it completely, resulting in a much easier fight with the disease and recovery will come much faster. It is often determine the cause of the sinusitis becomes a huge advantage in the fight against this disease. To correctly determine the beginning of the development of the disease will be able only a professional doctor.

Treatment of sinusitis atchildren

Treatment of sinusitis in children folk remedies

How to implement the treatment of sinusitis in children? In modern medicine the treatment is carried puncture, puncture of the maxillary sinus. But this operation is carried out only in patients with severe stagnation of pus in the sinuses and high temperature. In the early and middle stages of sinusitis can be cured with folk remedies. Folk remedies yield even persistent and chronic sinusitis.

For the treatment of sinusitis in children most are well suited for the following recipes:

  • Tie 2 matches with cotton wool and soak it with propolis ointment. Then paste them in the nose and hold for five minutes.
  • Squeeze the juice of carrots and buried it in the baby's nose. Juice should always be fresh.
  • Steep one teaspoon of green tea per Cup of boiling water. After you strain it, rinse the nose with a small syringe 5-8 times a day. And at night decoction instilled 3-4 drops in the nose.

Topic: How to treat sinusitis at home?

How to wash procedure

You dial the tool into the syringe, insert the end into the nose and ask the child to breathe. It was at that moment when he starts to inhale, you slowly pour in the medicine, and then ask him to blow his nose. Adult children can simply draw medication nose from a flat saucer.

Read more: How to wash the nose?

Tips ENT doctor

You begin to notice that your child snores at night and is breathing with the mouth? You wanted to know why this is happening and what to do now? Your questions will be able to meet ENT doctor. Here are the possible causes of this state of your child:

  • the nasal septum is crooked (could be due to trauma or hereditary);
  • pharyngeal tonsil is enlarged; C) infectious rhinitis (inflamed nasal passages);
  • allergic rhinitis;

  • chronic sinusitis.

Due to the occurrence of the disease due to various reasons, treatment can greatly vary. But if there are several symptoms, you should consult different doctors. The childmay develop delayed speech development, and impaired attention, if for a long time he is disturbed nasal breathing and the body not getting enough oxygen.

If the child has difficulty breathing, this may lead to the emergence of hearing loss and otitis media. Otitis media can develop in a painless form. It manifests itself when the child begins to ask again, and proper attention parents do not give it. The result of such relations may be revealed at a reception at the ENT doctor expressed a degree of hearing loss.

If your baby often cough and colds, sore throat, then deal with that will help physician-otolaryngologist (ENT).