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Treatment of gastroduodenitis folk remedies

Treatment of gastroduodenitis mint

Take the fresh herb of mint , and pour one liter of boiling water. You can also take half a Cup of dried herbs of mint. Allow broth to infuse overnight in a thermos. Take the morning on an empty stomach half a Cup, and then another two or three times before eating during the day.

Also one third of the dishes to be filled with celandine and fill completely with alcohol. Allow to stand for two weeks. To drink you should start with five drops and add each time one drop every day. When will bring number of drops to fifty, start to lower the number of drops by one, until five drops. Sometimes fifty drops too much, so you can take the thirty.

After a month take the infusion of celandine. To do this, boil one tablespoon of celandine in one Cup water for ten minutes. Take three times a day before meals one tablespoon of broth. Course national treatment gastroduodenitis is one month.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis by len

When gastroduodenitis will help you the proven folk remedy on the basis of flax. Take the flax and to grind, then one tablespoon pour into an enamelled saucepan with half a liter of boiled water. Put on fire and after boiling will keep on the heat for another fifteen minutes. Leave for one hour.

Medication to use requires three times a day half a Cup an hour before a meal. Treatment of gastroduodenitis – 4 weeks. Then you need to take a break for ten days and again repeat the course of treatment. So it is necessary to conduct three courses with breaks – and the disease will pass.

You can also drink water instead of the following infusion: a pinch of each herb – St. John's wort, celandine, chamomile, you need to brew two gallons of water. Helps with polyps and bowel diseases and gastric ulcer.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis herbs

Take medicines only plant-based, and not different pills that the doctor prescribes. For example, for the treatment of gastroduodenitistake the herbs chamomile, St. John's wort and yarrow – all in equal proportions of one tablespoon of this mixture pour boiling water (one glass).

Take three times a day half an hour before meals. Treatment of gastro – ten days. During treatment you must exclude from your diet fatty, acidic, fried foods. But remember that St. John's wort and yarrow can often lead to constipation.