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Treatment of hematoma

Treatment of hematoma folk remedies

Treatment of hematoma in clay

Many books written about the healing properties of clay. Now, the clay can be used in the treatment of hematoma. For example, when the dislocation is all you need to do is apply the compress three times a day, and a day later the bruising is gone.

No matter where you will collect the clay, its color and other qualities do not affect the healing properties. The easiest way to buy clay at the pharmacy already cleansed. If you read the book, almost all written that the clay can help even those bruises that you have had for a long time. As for the fabric, then there are at cotton. Put under her oilcloth or cellophane on top of the clay is also something you need to put to make it easier to remove.

The clay often enough insulated when applied. Keep the compress for about two hours, after which the fabric that you insulate, you can wash and use again. Clay can also be used several times. It soaked for about a few minutes in water, then water change and repeat. Thus, you clay just wash out.

Extract, grape seed vs hematoma

To get rid of the bruising can be a simple folk recipe. Namely, hematoma, should be smeared with extract from the skins and seeds of grapes, together with the extract of the bark of pine trees. You can buy them at a special pharmacy.

Will be held approximately thirty days and you should be much better. In General, the hematoma will be held. But this recipe may have other positive qualities. For example, you can improve eyesight, will cease to hurt the heart and all the body and the bones. This recipe can also help in the treatment of papillomas. One woman, a long time suffering from this disease and has undergone multiple surgeries. But she helped this popular treatment of the hematoma.

The treatment of hematoma salt

Few people know that salt helps to get rid of bruises. The place that bothers you, apply a dressing of salt. The fact that salt through the pores, which you can find in the skin, starts to be absorbed and thereby the disinfection of the cells and the output of the dead. Also resolve bruising and swelling. The pain should pass.

You must make tengrams of salt in half a glass of water and put a gauze bandage. As soon as the bandage is saturated, it is possible already to use it. Apply it on the affected area and secure with a scarf or a regular bandage. As soon as you start to operate a salt compress fluid in the body will move more intensively, there is a disinfection of the whole body and tissues.

Treatment of hematoma ointment of wormwood and honey

In order to recover from hematoma, you will need wormwood mixed with honey and castor oil. All triturated and stirred, you should get some ointment or something on it.

Apply this cream for fifteen minutes, twice a day, until you improve the condition. Also this medicine can help with bruises and sprains. It is very well relieves pain.

Compresses from urine hematoma-treat

One woman suffered a misfortune: her daughter when she was little, got hit by a car. And the body of a girl formed a different kind of hematoma. That can always help a person is his own urine. For her to go to the pharmacy don't need. But you will need a medium urine, that is, one that middle and the end. It soak cotton balls and attach to the site of the hematoma, put the cellophane. Secure with a bandage or scarf. All this must be done before going to bed. Pack should last a whole night.

As soon as you Wake up, the compress can be removed. As for the light time of day, you can help the following means: a compress of vodka. Vodka must be diluted in proportions of one to one with boiled water. For starters, you can take a glass of vodka and water. As in the previous recipe you moistened gauze or cotton wool also need to do one here. Then secure the poultice with something. For a more effective national treatment hematoma can soaked a cloth sprinkled with soda.

All treatment to do as long as you do not pass hematoma. It might take approximately one week.

Here are a couple of tips. As soon as you knocked, it is necessary to apply cold. Don't make mistakes and don't put warm. You can also use cabbage. It has remarkable properties. To do this, pour over cabbage leaf with boiling water, then attach and secure it.

"Bishofit" in the treatment of hematoma

src="/all/images/104-1.jpg">Once, while at work, the man received a leg injury. Hurt his leg quite badly. But he was lucky that the fracture was not. All that he was formed, so this is a huge hematoma. But he remembered enough simple folk remedy treatment of hematoma.

You'll need "Bishofit"to do gadgets. It is sold in the pharmacy. Chilly – and you will see that the bruising is almost gone."Bishofit" should be diluted with water for about one to two.

Treatment of hematoma herbs

Fresh-water sponge. You should have the dough. To do this a couple of spoonfuls of concoctions should be diluted with one teaspoon water. Namesite dough and apply it to the affected area. This is a very powerful tool. The dough needs to be changed twice a day. Instead of water, use oil, but one-to-one.

St. John's wort. This recipe helps with injuries of the chest. One tablespoon of herbs, best with flowers, one Cup of boiling water. Drink what you will need before eating. You can also make compresses, to give the tincture just to cool down.