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Black tongue coating

Black coating on the tongue is the appearance of layers on the body with a corresponding color, different thickness, density and stiffness. It is known that the norm of the receptor body should be pink. Therefore, the blackening of the surface of the tongue is a symptom of the fact that the body proceeds in the pathological process. Some time ago doctors regarded the blackening of language as a definite symptom of cholera. With the development of medicine, it became clear that the RAID that color may have other causes. According to statistics, from the black plaque on the tongue most often affects men than women.

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Causes of black patches on the tongue

The reasons of occurrence in the language of the plaque in black can be the following:

  • Consumption of foods with ink based. It can be candy canes, mulberries, blueberries , etc. to Paint the language can also activated charcoal.

  • Disturbance of acid-alkaline environment of the body that often occurs due to excessive consumption of sweets, fats and carbohydrates, with total disregard for the products of plant origin.

  • Intoxication with chronic. As a rule, the language becomes black, when the toxins accumulate in the blood a significant amount.

  • Diseases of the digestive system. In addition to the black plaque, a person complains of a bitter taste in the mouth, appearing in the morning hours.

  • Disease, accompanied by a prolonged increase in body temperature.

  • Chromogenic fungal infection.

  • Chronic alcoholism.

  • Poisoning chemicals.

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach.

  • Diet by unprofessional, incorrect product selection.

  • Cholestasis (congestion of the gall bladder) and calculous cholecystitis. Often the language is not just black and yellow-black colour.

  • Crohn's Disease.

  • The high contentmelanin in the mucous membranes.

  • Dehydration of the body.

  • The use of drugs.

In children the cause of black patches on the tongue may be too early introduction of complementary foods. If the language the child has turned black, so his body is not ready to cope with the new food and requires support in the form of preparations containing bifidobacteria. At older ages the causes in children black overlays on the tongue are diseases of the digestive system.

The symptoms are black patches on the tongue

Black plaque is a symptom of a disease or of an inflammatory process occurring in the body.

You should pay attention to the following features characterizing the emergence of the black plaque:

  • Its hue. It can range from a bluish black to a light black, can have slightly yellowish or brown color.
  • Zoning RAID. Overlay can be placed over the entire surface of the tongue, and in its center, closer to the root or the tip of the body.
  • The mobility of the substrate.
  • Relief the linguistic surface.
  • The presence of other formations, in the form of ulcers, ulcers, pimples, etc.
  • The presence of sour breath.

  • The presence of bitter taste.

All of these symptoms helps to establish the cause that led to the formation of black coating on the tongue.

Besides much depends on the type and shape of the plaque. If it is in the form of small black dots, then this is evidence of fungal lesions oral cavity, about the aggravation of chronic diseases of the digestive system or the poisoning of the body lead (in addition, a black border covered by the gums, in the mouth a metallic taste).

If black patina is shaped like a large spot, it speaks about the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, the exacerbation of chronic diseases, the development of serious complications after infections of the infection of the urinary tract.

Treatment black coating on the tongue

Deposits of black color rarely appear by themselves and are not caused by any disease. So if they are not removed with a brush or a short time appear again, you must seek the advice of a doctor. Itwill help to determine the cause of his education, and appropriate treatment. This may be the stabilization of the intestinal microflora using preparations containing bacteria, removal of existing inflammation in the digestive organs, etc.

Sometimes a revision of diet and lifestyle in General, including the rejection of bad habits. We should not forget about taking vitamins, but only on prescription.

Important drinking regime. This is especially true in complex therapy of intoxication. The day should consume no less than 2 liters of pure water.

It is not necessary to self-medicate, because the black scale may be a manifestation of serious diseases such as Crohn's disease. She, in turn, requires acceptance hormonotherapy drugs in combination with antimicrobial therapy and course assignment immunosuppressants.

To find out the cause of the black overlays on the tongue, you should consult a dentist or physician. After studying the problem, the doctor may either self-prescribe therapy or refer a patient to another specialist, such as gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, etc.

When the plaque, black color, which is caused by improper oral hygiene, will help the following recommendations:

  • Cleansing the tongue with a soft brush. The movement must go from the root of the tongue towards its tip. They must be light, without the application of force.
  • Wiping the surface of the tongue 5 or 10 percent solution of retzina. It has disinfectant, astringent and cauterizing action. Promotes the stimulation of regenerative processes, in this case is used as an antiseptic. However, you should remember about contraindications that has this tool, so before using it consult a doctor. Banned for use in children.
  • As a disinfectant you can use salicylic alcohol, which are several times a day, wipe it with a language.

These methods are effective, if the plaque is formed due to inadequate oral hygiene. The exact cause able to establish only the doctor.