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Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children

Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children of different ages

In the presence of obsessive fears depending on the age of the individual child and changes the content of the various phobias. Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children of younger age often include all kinds of obsessive fears, such as contamination or pollution. Such children are afraid of sharp objects like needles, knives. Often there are fears of enclosed spaces.

The older children – for example, adolescents often dominated by fears of death or illness. Children and other obsessions – such as fear of choking while eating. There are often fears related to appearance and behavior: fear of blushing or fear of speeches (the most common in those who stutter). Fear for the health can be transported and loved ones, it most commonly manifests itself in various forms of fear for the health of the relatives.

The causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder in children

Aware of the various kinds of manifestations of phobic neurosis in adolescents. For example, you should pay attention to neurosis expectations. It has characterized by anxious expectation, fear of impending failure. This can occur even when performing any action which has become habitual. Often, such a neurosis manifests itself in a waiting time survey in class. Fear of expectations fear flows in oral responses in class, at the blackboard. Causes of obsessive fears in children are fear of not cope with the task, with the inability to coherently present the material. This fear is present even with a great knowledge of the subject. Neurosis expectations often is a secondary disorder coupled with other neurotic disorders (stuttering, enuresis, neurotic insomnia).

Similar symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescents may be expressed in the form of compulsive movements or various repetitive actions. In children of preschool or primary school age also have similar compulsive movements, but they are based on simple actions.

The Intrusive nature of motion in high school much bigger. Often blinking, jerking of the shoulders, "sniff"the nose,"mikania", cough. Similar similar symptoms when illness or nervous disorder have several signs that you can see with neurotic tics.

Obsessive tics usually occur on the basis of defensive movements, most often at the level of reflexes (e.g., blink reflex initially appears wheneye foreign bodies; wrinkles the forehead when going down the hair, and licking your lips in the manifestation of dryness), in the future, these movements lose their original character of protection.

In a patient with such obsessive tics have irresistible need to repeat the movement again and again. It is often associated with emotional stress, and it is amplified in the case if you try to hold it movement.

Often, these compulsive movements recognized by the patients (except children of early preschool age). Patients perceive them as foreign, harmful. School-age children often try to hide their compulsive tics, greatly embarrassed them, mask the extent of his powers.

Such obsessive tics are not always obvious signs of neurological localization (there is no clear dominance of any one side). But in neurosis, tics, having a residual organic origin, such localization is present.

Increase like Tiki with waves and in situations that can cause psychological trauma. However, if this tick has occurred in the case of physical illness, he changes or diminishes.

How to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder in children

Tics, compulsive in nature, usually combined with neurotic disorders, up to obsessive fears, different fears. Psychotherapeutic measures such ticks give a good effect quite often, whereas in the case of neurotic tics conventional therapy (not including autogenic training) has no effect.

Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder in children should be performed in the complex drug therapy needs to be combined with psychotherapy. Treatment strategy should be developed depending on which mental disorder has helped to develop this obsession. On how to correctly diagnosed, the effectiveness and adequacy of treatment, and hence the recovery of the patient.