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Treatment of osteoarthritis folk remedies

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Jelly - the best dish for the joints

Patients with diseases of the joints must enter into your diet jelly, which has the following properties:

  • restores the function of the synovial fluid;
  • prevents the progression of osteoarthritis;
  • restores cartilage cells;
  • prevent deformation of the joints, etc.

Regular consumption of jelly allows the body to regenerate the cartilage at the cellular level. This result is achieved due to the content in this product is large amounts of protein required for the normal development and functioning of connective tissue. The jelly also includes the collagen, vitamins and minerals that help to strengthen ligaments and joints and increase their flexibility.

To make jelly you need to purchase by-products (tails, bones, feet, etc.), which, after a thorough cleansing, you have to put in a large pot, cover with water and put on fire. The cooking process may be delayed for 6-8 hours, need to wait for the moment when bones will begin to separate the meat. For the entire cooking needs with its surface to remove the foam. At the last moment in aspic, add all spices (salt, pepper, garlic) and remove from heat. After complete cooling the broth, pour into prepared containers on the bottom are laid out boiled meat. To jelly good frozen must be placed in the refrigerator and leave it there for at least 5-7 hours. After complete curing of this dish is ready to eat.

If you have problems with joints, you can use another dish which is prepared on the principle of jelly – hush. For its preparation used beef or pork leg with spices and additional components are boiled for 5-6 hours. This dish must eaten hot, as only in this form it saturates the body with necessary microelements and activeon cartilage and joints.

Chicken cartilage

Chicken cartilage are used in folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.). This product helps to restore cartilage, relieves inflammation, and acts as analgesic.

In the treatment or prevention of diseases of the joints need daily (on empty stomach) take 1 teaspoon of chicken cartilage, pre-shredded. For better absorption of this medication by the body, you should wash down the cartilage freshly squeezed juice from oranges. Also patients who have problems with musculoskeletal disorders, it is recommended to eat boiled chicken cartilage.

Currently, some foreign companies that spetsializiruyutsya on the mass production of food additives, produce and dried ground chicken cartilage.

On topic: Other effective home remedies

The role of lecithin

Lecithin is a very important trace element, which belongs to the group of phospholipids. It penetrates into human organism together with food and has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems. The richest source of lecithin is hen's egg yolk, which must be included in the diet of any person.

Large quantities of lecithin is concentrated in the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, which are vital organs.

This component performs a very important strategic function in every human body:

  • provides reliable protection for the vital organs and systems from any adverse effect;
  • helps the body for a longer period to save energy;
  • takes an active part in building cell membranes.

Lecithin has an effect on the human body at the cellular level. Any damage to the cell membrane, this trace element instantly turns on in the recovery process, thus preventing the development of various diseases. Lecithin is the body's most powerful source of phosphoric acid that is necessary for its full operation.

A sufficient amount of lecithin prevents the development of obesity, as this trace mineral controls fat metabolism in the body. With itbetter absorbed important vitamins, groups A, E, g, K, which are classified as fat-soluble.

The use of eggshell in diseases of the joints

Very often in the recipes of traditional medicine, through which treated various diseases of the joints, use eggshells. It's 90 percent is composed of calcium carbonate, which is necessary for the development and functioning of the musculoskeletal system of man.

In addition, eggshells contain in its composition of 27 useful minerals:

  • fluorine;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc, etc.

In most cases, the shell of chicken eggs is used as a main component of a medicine intended for the treatment of joints because of the presence of molybdenum and silicon. These minerals usually come in the human body in small quantity, together with food. Therefore, further saturation of the silicon and molybdenum of the body, its organs and systems. Regular consumption of milled eggshell normalizes for different biochemical reactions and stimulates bone marrow function.

Topic: Tinctures for treatment of joints - recipes and cooking

Treatment of osteoarthritis rastertime

Some time, one woman could not go to sleep at night, to move because her knees ached terribly. Then she read in the newspaper about people's treatment of osteoarthritis. You need to wrap inner legs with lard, then put on top of polyethylene and bandage. Keep a week – both day and night. The bandage will fall off, sore spots will burn, the skin becomes itchy. If skin irritation occurs apply a baby cream. After this treatment of osteoarthritis of the knees can be bent.

Then do yourself rubbing the tincture of the flowers of lilac, tincture of flowers chestnut and tincture of horseradish and sprouts of potatoes. To prepare the tincture of lilac flowers take fifty grams and five hundred gramsvodka. This nastoyku as possible and take thirty drops three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

In addition, buy in a drugstore massager that will help you. Now, when you have the first symptoms immediately do rubbing and massage.

Treatment of osteoarthritis oil, honey and mustard

Indian take onion, peel it , chop finely and pour vodka so that the liquid level has exceeded the level of the bow.

Steep for fourteen days, then strain. This tincture and RUB it on the joints to dry, then wrap the feet with woolen scarf. Maybe the skin will burn.

There is another proven method in the treatment of osteoarthritis: take vegetable oil, honey, dry mustard – all on a tablespoon. Stir and put on fire until, until it boils. Then put the medicine on the cloth and make a compress on the affected joint. On top of impose cellophane and scarf. Keep them so for two hours.

Treatment of osteoarthritis with herbs

Recipe 1. Take two tablespoons of cones of hops, the flowers of sweet clover, the flowers of Hypericum perforatum.

Add fifty grams of butter and mash everything. Put the ointment on a cloth and apply it to the joints on top, close the plastic wrap and scarf. Keep for two hours.

Recipe 2 . Take two tablespoons of needles of any coniferous tree, add half a Cup of water, boil for twenty to forty minutes. Strain the broth and soak it in fabric, then wrap the fabric joint, put on top of cellophane and a scarf. Keep within the hour.