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Hookworm in humans (hookworm)

Approximately 30% of all cases diagnosed helminthiasis accounted for hookworm. This disease causes round parasites of the family Ancylostomatidae. They are divided into two subspecies: krivodanovka (Ancylostoma duodenale) and necator (Ancylostoma duodenale). Despite some differences in size, structure of the oral cavity, in terms of achievement of larvae sexual maturity, these carriers of hookworm has a lot in common.

The content of the article:

The life cycle of hookworm

In the body hookworm in humans undergo a cycle of maturation to Mature individuals, i.e., it is a parasite to the final host. Main place of activity of the helminth – 12-perstny intestine, where the eggs come together and feces into the environment.

The development cycle of a hookworm:

  • After contact with soil, the larvae transformed into abdomenul form, and then become filariidae larvae. This form is able to infection. For such a transformation eggs in the larvae need certain conditions: a minimum temperature of +27°C, high humidity, aerated soil.
  • Within one and a half years filarioidea the larva retains the ability to invasion (penetration) in the human body, in order to achieve sexual maturity.
  • Percutaneous method of infection is through the skin. Penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, the larva enters the bloodstream, then to her shock gets into the respiratory system, the mouth, and from there enters the intestine.
  • Oral way of infection is when the ingested larvae. They immediately fall into place of their habitat and begin to infiltrate the intestinal mucosa.
  • After 1.5-3 months of dwelling in the digestive tract hookworm females become sexually Mature and lay eggs.
  • After isolation of hookworm eggs along with the feces begins a new cycle of development of the helminth.

The performance of a single female hookworm – 6-55 thousand eggs a day. Eggs are not visible to the naked eye, they are oval, thin shell, visible only under the microscope.

The wayinfestation:

  • When walking barefoot;
  • In the use of raw water and poorly washed vegetables, trapped in the body with soil particles;
  • When working in the mine;
  • Upon contact of children with soil-contaminated sand on the Playground.

The symptoms of hookworm

During the hidden movement of the hookworm larvae in humans, the organism is not always possible in time to determine the onset of infection. The disease occurs in two forms: acute and chronic.

Symptoms of the acute form, diagnosed only if the infection percutaneous (through the skin):

  • Dermatitis at the site of penetration of larvae, red and itchy skin, peeling, cracks, erosions and blisters;

  • Allergic rhinitis, swelling and rashes due to toxic injury;
  • Secondary infection of the skin (pustules, scratching, pyoderma);
  • Symptom Leffler during the migration of larvae in the respiratory system (dyspnea, shortness of breath, hoarseness, the symptoms of false croup).

Symptoms chronic, diagnosed in the localization of the parasite in the 12-duodenum:

  • Dyspepsia (vomiting, nausea, lack of appetite, heaviness in the abdomen);

  • "hungry" pain in the stomach high intensity;
  • Spasmodic pain around the navel;
  • Diarrhea;

  • Iron deficiency anemia (fatigue, pale skin, brittle hair and nails, alopecia, burning sensation of the tongue).

Hookworm is almost always accompanied by inflammation of the small intestine (duodenitis, periduodenit).

Diagnosis of infection with hookworm

The main method of diagnosis of hookworm in humans is the study of feces. Holding coprogram allows to detect not only eggs of the helminth, but adults and hookworm. In addition, the infectious disease physician in the diagnosis takes into consideration the anamnesis data of the patient. It can alert the combination of allergies and anaemia, complaints of pathology of digestion. Because tropical and subtropical regions endemic for hookworm, there is always a cause for concern.

Additional methodsresearch:

  • General blood analysis – reveals low hemoglobin, decreased number of red blood cells, increased levels of eosinophils.
  • Analysis biochemistry of blood – reduced level of potassium (diarrhea), total protein level.
  • Endogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) to diagnose a lesion of the mucous membrane of the small intestine damaged by parasites.

The doctor performs a differentiation from hookworm other helminthiasis, stomach ulcer and small intestines, allergic urticaria, difillobotrioz.

How to get rid of hookworms?

Modern drugs help to expel the worms in the short term:


A generic drug that helps with many types of infestation, effective, safe and inexpensive. A course of deworming - from 1 to 3 days.


Effective drug has many contraindications, course of treatment is 1 day.


Effective and safe, it is used to treat children and pregnant women. A course of deworming - 1 to 3 days.


Often used with the expulsion of necator. The course of treatment - from 1 to 3 days.

Control of the treatment efficiency study results coprogram. In the presence in the feces of hookworm eggs, repeat the treatment. Additionally, the therapy of anaemia with iron preparations and folic acid.

Prevention of infection with hookworm

To avoid the health risk of exposure to this kind of helminthiasis, it is enough to strictly observe basic rules of hygiene: wash hands after using the toilet, before eating, pour hot water vegetables and fruitsbefore you can use them for food. Do not drink raw water, before use it need to boil. When you visit a mine or cellar, of the basement should be wearing closed tight shoes. In areas endemic for hookworm, no need to walk barefoot on grass, sand. After working in the garden, in the garden it is advisable to thoroughly wash your hands.

The consequences of the disease for the human body

If left untreated, hookworm causes anemia (iron deficiency anemia), as the day consumes the worms from the intestinal mucosa to 0.3 ml per day. Intoxication by products of the activity of the parasite causes frequent allergic reactions. The mobility of parasites, their constant attachment to the mucosa leads to traumatization of the intestine. This factor – the reason for joining a secondary bacterial infection, malignant transformation.

Treated promptly the hookworm does not leave serious consequences and complications, has a favorable prognosis.