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First aid for dislocated joints

Subluxation is a partial displacement of the surfaces of bones. They touch each other, but occupy the wrong position. This type of injury requires professional assistance.

Cause of sprains and subluxations is a strong mechanical impact. It can be indirect trauma: fall on the straight hand, a bad jump shot. The dislocation is the result of some diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, dysplasia. All these injuries are considered acquired. If, during development in the womb, forming the articular head of the basin and flows correctly, there is a congenital dislocation. Most often it affects the hip joint and kneecap.

To determine the presence of the dislocation can be characterized by acute pain in the injured area. The joint becomes impossible to straighten completely, it is in a bent position, swollen. The patient is almost not able to make movement with it, as the pain becomes stronger. The skin in the joint may be red. Externally visible deformation, e.g., elongation or shortening of the limb due to the shift of the bones. Seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, but if you do it immediately is not possible, provide first aid.

Features of first aid

First of all, you should immobilize the injury and ensure the patient is at rest. Keep the joint can, depending on the nature of the damage with a bandage and cotton wool, tyres. Make it from scrap materials, such as a Board or thick cardboard. Importantly, tightly tape it to the limb so that the joint was immobile. If the victim has a dislocation of the hip, it is possible to immobilize the leg, pribinova it to healthy. You should try to fix the joints above and below the damaged. In dislocation of her hands hung with a bandage or dressing.

Transport the patient to the hospital is carried out in the supine position. Deliver it to the specialists needed within the next few hours. During this time may create a strong swelling, which complicates treatment. At the hospital the doctor will do an x-ray and right joint in the presence of a dislocation. To conduct this procedure in the framework of first aid can not. First, the reductionis accompanied by severe pain. In hospitals, local anesthesia is used. Secondly, not having experience and proper knowledge, it's easy to hurt the victim.

To provide medical care in the emergency room to get rid of the discomfort will help the application of cold to injury site, for example, ice, and painkillers. It is prohibited to use heat.

The most common ways to relieve the pain of injuries, including sprains, are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Analgin. This is a rather strong medicinal product, which is widely used due to its properties as quick absorption and good solubility. To create a high concentration of the drug in the blood, take a little time. It is very important to relieve the acute pain. However, analgin has a number of contraindications and serious side effects. Due to the negative impact on blood cells and liver, analgin is used only in special cases. The drug can cause allergic reactions such as hives.

  • The paracetamol. Is one of the most trusted and reliable products. Because of its weak anti-inflammatory properties paracetamol has no side effects, which is typical of most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Negative effects the drug has in excess of the dose and use for a long time. Paracetamol is contraindicated for people with kidney disease, with diabetes and alcoholism. The abuse of alcohol beverages the drug is taken in smaller doses. When the dislocation allows the paracetamol to relieve the pain within the hour.

  • Ketorol. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Ketorol helps to relieve moderate to severe pain in a short time. The drug is presented in ampoules and tablets. When the dislocation is not advised to enter ketorol, intramuscularly. Pills are not less effective and fast enough.
  • Ibuprofen. Low toxicity and safety of this drug allows it to be used in large doses. Per day it can reach 12 g. Ibuprofen is often used by athletes not only at dislocations, and sprains. The greatest efficiency is achieved when the combination of the drug with oxycocone. The combination of therapies allows you to quickly get rid of pain with dislocation.
  • Aspirin. Like most otherdrugs used in dislocation for the treatment of pain, refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin is contraindicated in children up to 15 years. In addition, it is not recommended to use it when renal failure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Procaine and butorphanol. Novocaine is a drug, which experts administered intramuscularly allows you to very quickly remove all discomfort. But self-giving is not necessary, in order to avoid negative consequences. The novocaine shot requires training. Alternatively can be used butorphanol. It is harmless and enter it intramuscularly is not difficult.

aplan, Alexander S., surgeon