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Useful properties and applications of marine algae

The beneficial properties of algae

Algae included in our diet just a few decades ago. And interesting is the fact that we use them virtually every day, but not even notice it. The fact that the composition of ice cream, marshmallow, marmalade contains alginic acid, extracted from this sea of grass. It is extremely beneficial to the human body due to its composition. It contains: potassium, bromine, manganese, boron, vitamin A, vitamins C and E and several vitamins of group B. Especially famous for this natural drug for its high content of iodine.

Iodine – one of the basic elements for maintaining human immunity. It has on the body strong antiviral and antibacterial effect, improves the synthesis of thyroid hormones. With viruses this trace mineral is struggling through participation in the formation of cells called phagocytes, and these cells protect people against diseases. The content of iodine, this plant can compete with such well-known sources of this element as walnuts, persimmons, and even iodized salt. In contrast to the iodine in the salt, the iodine – organic.

It should be noted also that the rational use of algae is able to render salutary effect on the functioning of the whole organism. They contained calcium strengthens bones, phosphorus is actively involved in the creation of cells of the nervous system, the presence of magnesium can slow the aging and to increase tissue regeneration. Aluminium in the structure of the plant is useful for stress and severe psychological stress.

The use of algae

Seaweed has long been used in folk medicine in many countries of the world. They were particularly popular in the Asian peoples who had free access to medicinal plants. In the absence of modern medicines, this sea grass helped our ancestors to effectively deal with many diseases: constipation, diarrhea, psoriasis, anaemia, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, problems with digestion. Healers also used it for poor circulation, depression, nervousness, and various chronic diseases.

Daily consumption of this natural medicine can compensate for a lack of fluoride, manganese, zinc, silicon, iron, aluminum and other minerals. All of thesecomponents are very important for the normal functioning of the human body. For example, fluorine has a strengthening effect on the teeth, preventing the occurrence of caries, molybdenum helps to strengthen connective tissue, the cobalt has a positive effect on venous and lymphatic microcirculation.

It is particularly noteworthy content in the algae of vitamins A B6 and B12, have a positive influence on cell renewal and the process of hematopoiesis, respectively. During the study of this medicinal herb, it becomes clear why the Japanese, who use it in daily food, is called a nation of centenarians.


Marine algae rather extensive list of useful properties. In particular, they possess anti-cancer properties, allowing them to withdraw from the human body salts of heavy metals, radionuclides and other harmful substances. Contained in these medicinal plants salt of alginic acid effectively protect from the effects of irradiation of various types. In this regard, seaweed is recommended in folk medicine as an effective prophylactic agent against leukemia and cancer.

Biologically active substances and immunomodulators largely determine the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory functions of marine algae. They also participate in the formation of immunoglobulin A, the lack of which in the body can lead to chronic diseases of the urinary and respiratory tract. According to some researchers, the constant consumption of this sea grass is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Chuka seaweed

In plants of this species contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. They are one of the ingredients of many salads, turning them into true vitamin cocktail. Present in them hormones have a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, intestine and genital organs. Grass is a natural absorbent, as has the property to absorb and excrete harmful substances.

For this reason, it is not recommended to collect in untested areas, because all parts of the plant also absorb toxic substances from water, so drinking may not be suitable.

Contraindications to the use of algae

Contraindications to the use of this usefulsea grass is allergic to shellfish, iodine or other present in the plant elements. Also algae is not recommended for women during pregnancy.