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The blockade bundle branch block

Causes and symptoms of the siege of his feet, diagnosis and prevention

Definition of blockade legs bundle branch block

Conduction of the bundle branch block is a serious disease that is directly related to serious breaches of the pulse required for the proper functioning of the heart. This disease is diagnosed in many countries around the world. Incomplete blockage of right bundle branch block is considered a partial violation of passing of important electrical pulse on the right leg of bundle branch block. With the full blockade of the right bundle branch block there is an inevitable termination of the excitation

As a rule, the blockade of the right bundle branch block is very rare in young people. From the common indicators it is not more than 0.1% of all cases. With age, the incidence increases. In patients older than 40 years, such violations are about 4.5%. Specialists noticed that the disease occurs most often in men. At threat for acute myocardial infarction disease usually appears not more than 3% of cases. Often it provokes anterior transmural infarction. In posterior myocardial infarction diagnosed partial blockade.

The reasons for the blockade bundle branch block

The main drivers of development are represented of the disease are defects of the heart valves, prior myocardial infarction, and hypertension. Causes a complete blockade can be a particular congenital condition or an acquired disease.

To innate points should include stenosis of the mouth of the pulmonary artery, incomplete development of the typical right bundle branch block, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, and various heart diseases that always lead to overload of the right ventricle.

To the ordinary acquired factors referred chronic obstructive respiratory disease, neoplasms of the heart, blunt chest trauma, muscular dystrophy, progressive type, overdose of certain medications, the presence of negatively changing abnormalities in the myocardium and hyperkalemia which characterizes a high content of potassium.

The symptoms of the blockade bundle branch block

Unfortunately, incomplete, isolated blockade of a typical right bundle branch block almost does not manifest itself. However, it can be revealed by examination of the ECG. Incomplete blockade feet beam Guisa certain symptoms absolutely does not. It occurs often when listening to the myocardium andECG.

Clinical signs of particular organic diseases can manifest with the full blockade of the right bundle branch block. It should be noted that a third of patients may experience specific changes at normal listening heart sounds.

Diagnosis the blockade bundle branch block

To date, the diagnosis of the disease is based on inspection and listening to the complaints of the patient. In addition, apply examination heart ultrasound and ECG mandatory. Such medical procedures and determine certain violations in the work of the heart. No difficulties in diagnosis presented by the disease is not causes such violations are detected in the great complex of several studies.

Treatment and prevention of the blockade bundle branch block

The typical blockade of the right bundle branch block usually does not require any treatment. Experts emphasize that the progressive disease, which provokes submitted to cardiac disorders. A lot of young people without any organic heart disease, the prognosis is usually relatively benign. It is proved that the presented isolated blockade of the right bundle branch block almost never goes into complete blockade of the atrioventricular nature.

Despite this, there is a rare progression of blockade of right bundle branch block in the typical atrioventricular blockade of second or third degree. If these violations occur on the background of hypertensive disease, there was a poor prognosis, since mortality increases by approximately three times. It is necessary to mention that the forecast is also adversely affected by cardiomegaly and heart failure.

It is believed that the prognosis for disorders of the right leg is always more favorable than when the hazardous blockade of the left bundle branch block. While complications are possible in the form of heart failure or atrioventricular violations. The picture clinic of the blockade bundle branch block is typically characterized by resistance and passing a certain block is always short. Based on this, the specialist can make a specific preventive purpose.