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The symptoms and treatment of bullous impetigo of newborn

Bullous impetigo of the newborn refers to a variety of infectious lesions of the skin caused by streptococci or staphylococci. The disease is considered contagious and can easily be transmitted to healthy toddlers from staff, parents and relatives who are caring for babies. Sources of infection can serve as carriers of staphylococcal or streptococcal infection, which include patients with relevant skin diseases (boil, hydradenitis) children and adults, as well as people who recently had similar diseases. The infection is transmitted through linen, care items, hygiene, bath, failure to comply with hygiene requirements. In maternity hospitals meet the outbreaks of bullous impetigo.

The symptoms of bullous impetigo

The symptoms of bullous impetigo in neonates appear in the first days of life of children in severe pathological process may lead to death. For this age this form of pyodermia is considered the most typical.

In the background is slightly reddened or normal colored skin bubbles appear, they are located in a limited area. Bubbles have one camera, and their size does not exceed a pea. At the initial stage of the disease bubbles violently, hemispherical in shape, with a thin tire. Their contents – watery, serous effusion. Later, the bubbles grow at the periphery, however, they become flat, and the tire is contracted; the liquid that is inside the bladder, cloudy. Further growth of the bubble to the size of a cherry occurs in rare cases, as a very thin tire easily burst for minor damage, leaving a pink-red erosion round or oval. On the edge of the erosion you can see the collar, formed from exfoliated epidermis. Erosion very soon dries without the formation of crusts. After a couple of days at the place of the pathological process leads to a complete epithelialization, and after a few days disappear and pale pink spots oval shape without pigment changes. Integuments eventually acquire a healthy kind, no marks on the site of the lesion remains.

The pathologic process may be localized in any part of the body, appearing at the site of entry of the pathogen. Most often the lesions are bullous impetigo occurs in the umbilical wound in the lower abdomen, anal area, genitals, inner thighs, under the armpits, on the neck. In most cases, the cause ofthe pathological process becomes improper skin care of the newborn, the contamination of her urine and feces, a violation of asepsis in the care of the umbilical wound, bandaging stump of the navel, covering it with a band-aid.

Very rarely the symptoms of bullous impetigo of the newborn occur on the face, palms and soles. It is an important symptom in the diagnosis and to differentiate bullous impetigo from syphilitic pemphigus.

It should be remembered that a limited vesicular impetigo in children of this age are practically not observed, it can be restricted only exceptionally. Such cases are very favorable and can be treated with timely diagnosis. In practice, often the disease occurs at a later stage, since the pathological lesions spread quite quickly due to the highly infectious contents of the vesicles, which arises when blasting tires. Thus, the process of dispersion in the form of one or more of the attacks and the disease takes the form of a diffused bubble piodermia (epidermal pemphigus newborns).

Treatment of bullous impetigo of newborn

Treatment of bullous impetigo of the newborn is accompanied by the opening blisters with a sterile tool and the processing surface of the erosive solution of aniline dyes.

Forecast bullous impetigo in infants is quite favorable, but in the presence of concomitant pathology of the disease may occur more severely.