Home / Treatment / Frequent regurgitation in the newborn, in infants — the fountain after feeding

Frequent regurgitation in the newborn, in infants — the fountain after feeding


In the first months after birth, the baby is in a difficult situation. The aggressive environment, many trials for the body.

All of this requires time to adapt to new conditions. This period is the final "setting" of all organs and systems of the child. No exception and digestive system. Because there may be some problems associated with feeding baby.

Young parents baffled and afraid of such a phenomenon in children, as vomiting. The inexperienced mother is usually associated regurgitation with vomiting, thinking that the child is sick with something.

In fact, the regurgitation has nothing to do with vomiting occurs for totally different reasons. Accordingly, the danger of a child's life is not.

Spitting up after feeding — pathology or not?

Regurgitation is a process in which the child's stomach through the oral cavity evacuated some (usually small) number of previously consumed food. Typically, regurgitation is a physiological norm. In this way from the stomach and esophagus is removed from the air, which the baby swallowed along with food. Regurgitation also testifies about the normal work of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • According to the medical (pediatric) statistics, about ¾ (about infants up to 3-6 months regularly vomit before or after feeding).
  • After 9 months this physiological phenomenon of regurgitation is practically not observed (isolated cases).
  • Sometimes regurgitation may indicate immaturity of organs and systems. Often the question in this case is about children who were born prematurely. Because in the womb they did not have time adequately to develop the "maturation"of the body occurs in vivo. The process of"maturation" lasts exactly as long as time the child was supposed to be in the womb tochildbirth, i.e. from 5 to 8 weeks.
  • At the end of "ripening" of physiological systems (including in children born at term), unpleasant phenomenon disappears and everything is back to normal.

In assessing the nature of regurgitation, it is important to pay attention to the General condition of the child. If the baby is satisfied, happy and not concerned with the regurgitation no attention — no reason for concern there. But if the child behaves restless, cries often, there are sleep problems, frequent and profuse vomiting a fountain, most likely, a pathology which can be life-threatening to a newborn. In this case, do not hesitate to consult a pediatrician.

Define: vomiting or regurgitation?

To determine whether there are grounds for concern, parents should set:

  • Whether it is a natural physiological process of regurgitation
  • Or vomiting, indicating a particular disease.

Regurgitation occurs without tension or muscle contraction abdominal cavity. Food flows in small amounts without any effort. Regurgitation is usually manifested immediately after feeding and/or during change of body position of the baby.

Vomiting is recognized relatively simply. The selection of food masses profusely, is accompanied by spasms and tension of the abdominal muscles. The child is crying, has his concerns. Vomiting is a complex process. Vomiting is an active contraction of the abdominal muscles and the press diaphragm. Before the onset of vomiting is observed pallor, nausea, sweating, dizziness, increased salivation. If there is vomiting, should seek medical help.

To determine the difference between regurgitation and vomiting in a newborn is not difficult. Regurgitation occurs immediately after a feeding or after 60 minutes max. This releases a small amount of milk or water. Vomiting begins with discomfort: nausea, dizziness, which are symptoms. Vomit much more rich, have a brown or yellowish tint, because in addition to the food they mingled with the bile.

It is also easy to determine whether the expression of natural or pathological:

  • The urge to vomit under natural physiological regurgitation are absent.
  • The amount allocated to the masses of poor.
  • Regurgitation is rare, no more than 1-2 times a day.
  • Regurgitation goes with age itself, without any treatment.
  • Childis developing normally, gaining weight.

Why is regurgitation a child?

Regurgitation can have many causes. They are all somehow United by one factor: the immaturity of functional systems of the child, particularly of the digestive system.

The specialists-pediatricians there are several causes of regurgitation:

  • Overeating. Due to natural reasons, the child may continue to drink milk even after. Especially often it is observed in children breastfed. For the baby sucking breast is not only a way to satisfy their need for food, but also a way to get the parent's attention. Regurgitation in this case is to get rid of excess food, so as not to overload the digestive system. Thus, in this case, the vomiting is a protective mechanism that prevents the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Swallowing of air (aerophagia). Regurgitation is often due to the swallowing of air during feeding. Aerophagia can be caused by incorrect position of the child, too large a diameter of the aperture is too large quantities of milk, incorrect gripping of the chest, etc.
  • Flatulence. Another reason for the regurgitation acts increased production of intestinal gas. Flatulence is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which is responsible for regurgitation. In this case, the mother should change its system of supply (if the child is breastfed). To exclude the development of flatulence, you need to limit the use of products that contribute to the formation of gas: beans, apples, fresh bread, cabbage. Should be refused in full or to cook through baking.

  • Constipation. Regurgitation constipation occurs for the same reasons that flatulence: increased intra-abdominal pressure. If constipation is broken the rate of movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. It becomes an additional cause of regurgitation.
  • Feeding should be streamlined. Messy feedings contributes to the regurgitation.
  • In the upright body position, the baby spit up more often. The fact thatthe stomach air bubble is formed. Passing through the digestive tract, it can carry along some food of the masses.

Prevention of physiological regurgitation

There are many ways to eliminate the regurgitation. It is easy enough to carefully observe the child, then it will become clear why.

In General, pediatricians provide the following recommendations:

  • Ideally, both the child and mother have to be before feeding in a calm state. Regurgitation can have psychosomatic causes, also in a nervous, excited state, the child often swallows air. Before feeding the child can be put on your stomach to do a light massage to back Gaza. The baby's head is in the process of feeding should not be thrown back. The nose of the baby needs to breathe freely. If the child has a runny nose, it will swallow a lot more air.

  • If the child is breastfed, it is important that it is properly seized of the breast: nipple and part of areola. The lower lip should be slightly turned out.
  • If the baby is on artificial feeding, it is important to choose the right bottle. Preference should be given protivotankovy bottles (although they do not cure colic, it's still great prevent the ingestion of excess air). It is important to properly hold the bottle when feeding. Milk should rush to the base of the nipple. Hold the bottle should be below 40 degrees for the lying child and under 70 for a child sitting.
  • Immediately after feeding, the baby should not "shake". Also eliminated the tight swaddling, to avoid increased intra-abdominal pressure. Baby you can help out to do this, lightly Pat him on the back.
  • If the child is prone to frequent regurgitation, laying in bed it must to the side. This will help prevent food masses in the airway. If this happened, you need to raise a child and put it face down.
  • Weighing of the child is not descriptive enough, but it will help to understand whether there is enough child ate. To determine this it is necessary to avoid undue feeding. Another method to avoid overfeeding is to reduce the feeding time.
  • There is a safe way to avoid regurgitation. For this purpose, it uses special antireflux mixture. It is based include the addition of carob. It is not digested and enters the stomach creates a dense clot, which prevents the release of food beyond the stomach.

When should you seek medical help?

There are a number of cases, when to be wary:

  • There is a regular (usually 2 times per day) vomiting fountain.
  • The process of vomiting does not stop after 6 months of life.
  • Children have a fever.
  • A baby showing signs of dehydration and intoxication: weakness, headache, rare, or frequent urination etc.

  • Disorders weight. The child is not gaining weight.
  • Allocated food supply have a brown or yellowish tint, have the texture of spoiled milk odor.

Pathological regurgitation in infants

Babies are very often prone to regurgitation by natural causes. But not always the source of regurgitation lies in physiology.

Often, the root of the problem may lie in the development of a particular pathology, conjugations with increased intra-abdominal pressure, transferred disease mother during gestation:

  • Perinatal encephalopathy.It is a kind of classical diagnosis. It is regularly a huge number of children. Cause of disease — complicated pregnancy, a difficult birth. The main symptom of the disease — abnormalities in the functioning of the Central nervous system. These disorders can have different symptoms, including regurgitation fountain, violation of sleep, tremor (shaking) of the hands and chin, worry and anxiety. High-risk birth with encephalopathy includes babies that have experienced hypoxia, are prone to short term stopping breathing, having at birth of less than 5 Apgar score.

  • Hydrocephalus. Also is a common cause of vomiting of a fountain. Thus there is almost all eaten milk. Children with hydrocephalus susceptible to delayed mental and physical development, and improve muscle tone in the limbs and impaired development of the stepping reflex. In hydrocephalus the child is anxious, sleeps badly. While sleeping his head off.
  • Other pathologies of the Central nervous system. Reasons for frequent vomiting of a fountain can be birth trauma, disorderscerebral circulation, underdevelopment of the Central nervous system, for example, not term infants. In this case, there are regurgitation of undigested food immediately after each feeding. Diseases are accompanied by belching.
  • Developmental pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Basic pathology — or pyloric stenosis diaphragmatic hernia. This is quite a formidable disease, the essence of which is the inability of food to pass beyond the stomach. Processed food is only half, then there is regurgitation storozhenkoi, semi-processed mass. A chair missing even after the enema.
  • Infectious diseases: hepatitis, meningitis, poisoning, sepsis.Accompanied by symptoms of intoxication, and also in diseases of the liver, yellowness of the skin. In the structure of selected food masses may be mucus, which indicates a dysbiosis or infections of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • In addition, regurgitation can be in the presence of hereditary disease: phenylketonuria, adrenogenital syndrome.
  • Will originalimage develops when renal failure.

Fountain regurgitation in infants

This phenomenon may indicate significant problems in brain function or pathology of the digestive tract. It can also be poisoning. In this case, you should immediately seek medical attention because the poisoning is fraught with dehydration and serious consequences.

With regurgitation, the fountain there is a risk of aspiration, when the food mass block the lumen of the respiratory tract. To avoid this, the child is better to put on the side.

The child on artificial feeding should be given antireflux mixture. The breastfeeding to give it.