Ingrown nail is no longer an issue

Ingrown nail is not uncommon. It gives a lot of discomfort. Some even have to lie on the operating table.

You need to exude a leg, a little also otstegat fused part. Take a needle file and Bessarabia it with alcohol. The next step is to saw through a nail in the middle, but not completely. Takes seven days and you will not notice how you will pass your concerns. More the ingrown nail won't bother you.

Plantain will do everything for you

Steam the foot in a solution of potassium permanganate. Take a piece of plantain, mash it and apply to the toe, top one plantain leaf, wrap everything with a bandage and wear socks. Change your every day dressing. Will be held for 7 days – and you will heal.

The butter will soften the nail

An ingrown nail usually on the big toes. At this disease our grandmothers used the following folk remedy.

Put the evening of the fingertip, which is filled with butter, and top sock. This must be done every day. In the morning the compress should be removed. Will be about twenty – one days, and the pain will stop. Once that happens, you will need to gently push back the nail and put it under him something, for example, bandage.

Cutting the nail

The good folk recipe if you have ingrown nail. One of the aloe leaf must be finely crushed and add twenty drops of water to wet the cotton wool and apply at night, wrapped on top of plastic wrap. In the morning the nail will soften, allowing you to just cut it down.

But besides this, if you for some reason will not flower and aloe Vera, that is another one effective method. Another tip: There is such a mushroom called the "chaga", it is called a birch mushroom. Wrap this nail fungus overnight, this will soften it, after which you can easily cut the nail.