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Treatment of felon folk remedies

People's treatment of felon

One little girl appeared panaritiums. She couldn't sleep, cried constantly from the pain the mother didn't know what to do. At the hospital they said that I need to remove the nail and other treatment of this disease is not present. Mother would really be operated on his daughter, but the girl's grandmother learned of the scourge, strictly forbidden to go in for surgery. Instead, he began to treat the felon folk remedy.

For this recipe take a shot glass, pour into it one egg protein and added slowly to it with 96% alcohol. While protein stir with a spoon. Alcohol pour until then, until the protein will not fold and will not turn into flakes of white. It will take about 40 milliliters of alcohol. Then the composition pass through a strainer and put the flakes from the protein on the gauze, folded in several layers. Put this compress on the sore spot on top cover with polyethylene and tie a bandage. The wrap is removed after seven hours and a new bandage. After three days of this treatment the finger my daughter has healed, and the disease made itself felt.

Treatment of felon soda

Will help you when panaritiums this method national treatment: take hot water in a Cup, put into it two tablespoons of baking soda and let this solution a sore thumb will be about thirty minutes.

The procedure is repeated three to four times per day. All this will take two or three days. Every time after such treatments panaritiums you need to lubricate around the sore spot with iodine. After this treatment, the entire nail will come down itself without any pain.

Treatment of panaritium green paint

There is a very simple method of felon. You need to steam as it follows your finger, after you pour panaris green paint. But that's not all: you will need to take a piece of cotton wool, twist it in his hands to slip under the nail in the place where there was a felon. Then the nail is pressed on the skin, and the pain will pass.

So do from time to time, and gradually the nail will start to grow up a little and doesn't cause you suffering. Of course, over time everything will return to normalplace, but by the time the felon will pass and all will heal.

Treatment of felon with copper sulfate

The felon is still referred to as "hair". At this disease swelling finger, which is the diseased nail, the pain does not allow the person to sleep.

But if you take a pinch of copper sulphate and drop it in fifty milliliters of warm water, get the treatment solution. It is necessary to dip a sore thumb and hold it for fifteen minutes. After a few treatments the felon will recover. Very helpful.

By the way, there is a perception that more Kombucha quickly cures any disease of the nails. Should do compresses at night and after two or three days the nail itself falling off without any suffering.