Home / Treatment / Diarrhea, vomiting and fever in a child what to do?

Diarrhea, vomiting and fever in a child what to do?

Older children

  1. The use of substandard or prohibited products;

  2. Acute intestinal infection;

  3. Fermentopathy;

  4. Chronic diseases of the digestive system;

  5. Enterocolitis of various etiologies

  6. Foodborne diseases and poisoning;

  7. Acute leukemia;

  8. Dysbiosis after antibiotic use;

  9. Stressful situations and nervous tension;

List above shows direct correlation of diarrhea with intestinal disease and other systems that become more frequent with increasing age of the child. Small children are often prone to the negative effects of eating disorders and intestinal normal microflora, and various congenital abnormalities. The older the child, so they are less important. But such children are already exposed to other negative environmental factors and diseases that manifest diarrhea.

Not be amiss a little to highlight some of the causes of diarrhea, often occurring in childhood. It is, undoubtedly, the intestinal infection. They can be viral and bacterial. In recent years there has been a tendency of growth of diarrhea caused by viruses. In children they are particularly long and difficult, extremely difficult medical treatment. This is due to enteroviruses, and the imperfection of the cellular immunity of children's intestines. As a result, the virus infects the intestinal epithelium throughout the intestinal tube. This process can take weeks. If at this time the child not to infusion therapy, be sure there is severe dehydration with exsicosis.

Diarrhea in child after antibiotics

This situation is caused by the uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs. Because the introduction in the natural relationships of microorganisms with the human body does not always go unnoticed. Especially when it comes to the destruction of microbes. Unfortunately, antibiotics can not selectively kill only pathogenic bacteria. Of course, that suffers and the normal microflora, primarily in the intestines. When the balance is disturbed, it is the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic representatives who acquire the properties of the pathogens. First and foremost, is a fungal flora, and various staphylococci, enterococci.

What to do?

Do not use antibiotics at all? This is not a solution to the problem. The most important thing to learn – everything has to be monitored by a physician. Even when diarrhea after antibiotics will arise in the child, he immediately will be able to provide correct assistance. It is the elimination of the drug, purpose of intestinal antiseptics, antifungals and probiotics.

Diarrhea, vomiting and fever in a child

The most common triad of symptoms in all intestinal disorders in children are vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Not always, but often one of them fit abdominal pain. This is not surprising, because the most common cause of diarrhea in children are intestinal infections. The whole scheme of their pathogenesis is ingested with food, and gradual advancement to the stomach, thin and thick intestines. As a result, the alternate joining of symptoms to each other. According to their sequence and characteristics of diarrhea, you can even pre-determine the disease that caused these symptoms.

Causes vomiting and temperature with diarrhea in a child

Vomiting in a child is a natural protective mechanism of removing unfavorable substances. Thus a sensitive child's body is trying to protect themselves from harm. Why vomiting is so often the case with children. After all, they have a very sensitive gag center. In this regard, do not panic when there is this symptom. Better to just watch the child, noting a re-emergence or attach additional symptoms. It is not necessary to feed the child at this time, with the exception of children breastfed. You can and should otoiti his regidron, alkaline water or light tea. If there is a recurrence of vomiting – nothing. The main thing is to make sure that vomit does not hit the Airways. Cause for concern can only be the annexation of diarrhea, temperature, or uncontrollable vomiting.

If vomiting is due to intestinal infection, soon after its appearance with fever, and then diarrhea. All these symptoms are much more dangerous when they develop together. Because each of them causes enormous losses of fluids, regardless of their intensity. All require a separate focused remedial measures. You should start from the fact that at a particular moment prevails over the others. After all, they aggravate each other according to the type of vicious circle. Against the background of high temperature frequently occurs vomiting, which leads to faster metabolism and increasedheat production. If there is vomiting hard to reduce the temperature of the syrups and pills because they induce vomiting and exited from the stomach along with vomit.

How to bring down high temperature in a child?

What to do?

It turns a kind of desperate situation in which the mother is not able to understand. At home it can be resolved that way. You need to evaluate which is more severe symptom, such as vomiting or fever. If the first, proceed to the priority to resolve it by otpevanie aqueous solutions.

Definitely need to give sorbents: activated carbon, enterosgel, APSCO, smectite. Even a short stay in the stomach absorbs from the surface of pathogenic microbes and toxins that divorce used fluid and excreted with the subsequent vomiting. When the baby is high temperature on the background of vomiting, you need to strip it and grind was or vinegar solution. After this, you must hospitalize the baby to the pediatric ward.

Doctor Komarovskiy - fever with diarrhea and vomiting, what to do?

The child stomach ache with diarrhea

Another, in addition to vomiting and a temperature, a symptom that accompany diarrhea is abdominal pain. In children the intestine is very sensitive, reacts to any irritation powerful contraction. Naturally, this spastic is manifested by pain, especially in umbilical region. That is the place point brand all the kids that would have not happened.

But if vomiting is a protective mechanism, pain is an alarm signal. She said the problem in her tummy, so it's important to treat the symptom, although it is not easy even for an experienced specialist. The problem is that you need to consider the balance of pain and intensity of diarrhea, the time of their appearance relative to each other.

In situations where first there is pain and bothers the baby more than diarrhea, which was observed 2-3 times, you must think of acute surgical pathology. First, acute appendicitis. This occurs when the location of the inflamed Appendix near the root of the mesentery, which is irritating it , causing the acceleration of peristalsis, and as a result of short-term diarrhea. But the main symptom is still pain in the abdomen.

Additionally, the appearance of pain in the tummy of the child with diarrhea can becaused by inflammatory changes in the intestine: colitis and enterocolitis. Characterized by their appearance of paroxysmal with periods of sudden gain, and progressive remitting. In the interictal period the child is calm.

Usually observed in addition to the pain and other abdominal symptoms: rumbling, transfusion, bloating, nausea, vomiting, false urge to defecate. There is often a rise in body temperature. The diarrhea is not very intense, but the stool almost always contain impurities (mucus, verdure, veins of blood).

The color of diarrhea in a child


Real doctors-the virtuosos of the past generations it could have on the character and color of stool diarrhea to determine its exact origin. Now this is not possible to do, but not because of a lack of these same doctors virtuosos. The fact that early medicine was known to only a few diseases that could cause diarrhea. The current situation is quite different – lots of new viruses, toxins, pathological conditions and even in distorted form, sometimes baffled even the most experienced clinicians. But some of the postulates still working.

Green diarrhea in baby

One of the most persistent laws, evidence of microbial origin of the diarrhea. It can be bacteria and viruses with enterovirus, Salmonella, dysenteries, staph and other types of intestinal infections. All doubts immediately go to the side in the event of pronounced temperature response. Support green diarrhea vomiting virus says about its origin.

In addition, diarrhea of green mucus may indicate any limited or widespread colitis. Its appearance is caused by the secondary multiplication of pathogenic coccal flora (staphylococci, enterococci) on the surface of inflamed mucosa. The more intense and harder this inflammatory process, the more greenery stands out with diarrhea.

Yellow diarrhea in a child

A very interesting form of diarrhea. On the one hand, the yellow colour of stool is absolutely normal, on the other – liquid stools is considered diarrhea. Out a paradox. But to shed some light on this situation may help consider some physiological aspects.

Yellow color fecestells about the lack of any intestinal inflammation, which excludes infectious and other inflammatory its nature. It means that the problem is in the accelerated bowel motility, inadequate digestion of food or intolerance to individual components. Therefore, we can say that the yellow diarrhea the child may be due to stressful situations and experience that accelerates the movement of food through the intestines, gross food or other components does not perceive the child's body (celiac disease, lactose intolerance , etc.)

Black diarrhea in a child

Often it is a signal of trouble. This is possible when bleeding into the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. It was black as tar feces, is only the localization of the source of bleeding in the stomach. Of course, that this is only possible with older kids who can get sick of a stomach ulcer or erosive gastritis, duodenitis, esophagitis, portal hypertension with varicose veins of the esophagus.

For young children is not typical except in certain cases. This is mainly due to consumption of dyes or coloring foods: beets, blueberries, mulberries, activated charcoal and the preparations of bismuth (de-Nol). Although the latter drug can be passed only by older children. But in any case black diarrhea you must contact your doctor urgently, because the baby's life in danger. Let the experts decide for themselves the origin of the symptom.

The child has diarrhea with mucus

This symptom is uneven. He could testify about overeating and eating poor quality food, or on the inflammatory process in the mucosa of the intestine (enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis).

In the first case parallel to the diarrhea should develop abdominal discomfort, slight pain, poor appetite. In the case of inflammations necessarily a very sore stomach and increased body temperature. But sometimes the mucus with liquid stool have been reported in children during teething. And let the official medicine denies this fact, but almost every mother has experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Bloody diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea with blood says a lot of trouble in the intestines. After all, to such occurrence should happen the complete destruction of the mucous membrane in a particular area. This is possible in severe ulcerative colitis, polyps, tumors and diverticula of the small intestine and colon. In suchsituations not even discussed the possibility of self-treatment. Shows the inspection of a specialist.

The child diarrhea water

Clearly indicates the microbial origin of this diarrhoea. Children most often enterovirus infections cause watery diarrhea. However, he is of a frothy nature, perhaps with a sour smell. Confirmation of viral nature can be a concomitant rise in body temperature. But there is another very dangerous disease, which is characterized by watery diarrhea. Is cholera. But when it first develops uncontrollable vomiting, then diarrhea, which do not cause thermal reactions.

What to do if your child has vomiting and diarrhea?

If the child simultaneously develops vomiting and diarrhea, it most often indicates an intestinal infection, or poisoning (food, medicine, chemical, etc.).

Parents need to try to find out the cause of diarrhoea and vomiting, as it depends on the future action plan. Intestinal infection shown one treatment, and if the poisoning is quite another. Therefore, if possible, you should ask the child leading questions and carefully observe how he is feeling.

Found that diarrhea and vomiting will ease the child's condition in case if they are provoked by the poisoning. Therefore, be sure to check with baby, whether it became easier after the next attack. To indicate poisoning can symptoms such as: pale skin, cold clammy sweat, chills, cold extremities. The chair usually remains normal color and does not contain impurities.

In case of intestinal infections relief after a bout of diarrhea and vomiting will not. Stool often become fetid odor, green color and may contain impurities of blood. If you offer child water or food, it will trigger his gag reflex. Over time, does not come easy, vomiting and diarrhea increase, the body temperature begins to rise.

So, after establishing the cause, you can start first aid. If the child poisoning, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and give the drug-sorbent.

Rules gastric lavage are as follows:

  • In warm water to dissolve potassium permanganate or activated charcoal. Per liter of water will need a tablespoon of activated charcoal, powdered.
  • Potassium permanganate is added to water for gastric lavage until then, until it acquires a pale pink color.To not have to remove the liquid because of too high concentrations, potassium permanganate you need to add small grains.
  • A child is forced to drink 2 to 3 cups of the resulting solution, and then cause vomiting.
  • To provoke the gag reflex, it is necessary to introduce the fingers into his mouth and pull the tongue root.
  • To wash the stomach several times. To complete the procedure, when vomit will be submitted to clean water.
  • The veil gastric lavage technique sorbent. It can be drugs such as POLYSORB, Polifepan, Filtrum-STI, etc.

Not less important procedure is to replace the fluids and electrolytes lost during vomiting and diarrhea. For this purpose there are special preparations, for example, Regidron, Disol, Trisol, etc. They are bred and offer the child to drink the resulting solution in small SIPS. The knocks should drink about 1500 – 2000ml of saline solution. You can also give the baby juice, non-carbonated mineral water, tea. To feed it should not be, but if the baby asks to eat, it is permissible to give him a biscuit and sweet tea. From the more heavy meals preferably refrain throughout the day.

When the cause of diarrhea and vomiting is an intestinal infection, self-treatment is not acceptable. It is important to promptly call an ambulance. Until the arrival of the doctors, you can try to collect the vomit and stools, to quickly pass them for analysis. Lavage of the stomach with enteric infections should not be done.

To prevent dehydration, it is possible to offer the child an antiemetic. This can be a Reglan or Metoclopramide in the amount of 1/2 tablet.

Doctors most often prescribe antimicrobial therapy, especially if you suspect a bacterial nature of intestinal infection. In addition, prescribers-sorbents for the speedy withdrawal of the child's body of toxic substances. This can be a Smectite, Polyphepan, Activated carbon, Filtrum-STI, etc.

If the disease is mild, it is often the parents refuse hospitalization. However, home treatment should be done under medical supervision. In addition to receiving the recommended medicines, it is necessary that the child followed the diet. It is important to give him the means to restore the intestinal flora. Drink plenty of liquids required for the normalization of water-salt balance. If after two days the child's condition is not improving, then mandatory hospitalization.

Topic: How to stop diarrhea at home.

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