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Treatment of vasculitis

Vasculitis treatment of folk remedies

Treatment vasculitis drug charges

For the treatment of vasculitis fees use of medicinal plants.

Collection 1. For the preparation of the first collection, you'll need the fruits of the Sophora japonica, elder flowers, grass, yarrow and knotweed and nettle leaves. All the ingredients are thoroughly crushed, take 4 tablespoons of each and connect. Tablespoon drug mixture is added to a glass of boiling water, infused for 1 hour and filtered. In two or three divided doses infusion drink half a Cup.

Collection 2. This collection of wonderful relieves allergic reactions and is suitable even in severe forms of vasculitis. You need to mix 3 tablespoons of the buds of poplar, marigold flowers and elderberry, herbs yarrow, succession, horsetail and mint leaves. Spoon collection is combined with boiling water (200 ml) and leave at least an hour. Then, the infusion of the tail and take half a Cup every three hours.

Treatment of vasculitis bitter herbs and bergenia

When vasculitis is necessary to cleanse the bowel. In folk medicine for this purpose different bitter herbs: elecampane, tansy, immortelle and wormwood. Prepare them as follows: the dried grass and add a couple of tablespoons in a quart of boiling water. To insist the drug is better in a thermos. This should be done at least two hours. After the infusion is ready, it is filtered. Drink a healing drink cooled for half an hour before meal, diluting a half Cup of infusion with the same amount of warm boiled water. In day it is necessary to do two steps.

For blood purification in vasculitis use crassifolia. Its dry leaves are added to the boiling water (200 ml) and leave in a thermos overnight. Then the drug tsedyat, add a tablespoon of honey and drink on an empty stomach.

Treatment of vasculitis pine rosin and nettles

Some types of vasculitis (e.g. Behcet's syndrome) lead to the appearance of ulcers on the genitals. For the treatment of infections folk ways use silver water and is carried out applying a kind of "Velcro".

Manufacturing hook and loop fastener consists of several stages. To start, you need to dissolve inwater bath pine rosin (200 g). After it dissolves, add in a container of beeswax (40 g). When both components are melted, combine them with unrefined sunflower oil (40–50 g ) and stir until the consistency is smooth. Then you need to find a small flap of linen cloth, spread it with a solution and applied to the lower abdomen. This compress keep the body up to three days, remove, soak with warm water, and apply the new "Velcro". Treatments to recovery and are suitable for the treatment of BPH, inflammation of the uterine appendages, and enuresis.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis has long been treated by the juice of the young stinging nettle. Juice to drink a couple tablespoons up to four times a day.

People's councils for the treatment of vasculitis

1. Patients with vasculitis helpful to take vitamin K herbal. Such plants include nettle, knotweed, St. John's wort, yarrow, shepherd's purse, plantain, buckwheat and the bees; among the useful berries – rosehips, blackcurrant.

2. Positive effect on the blood has green tea. It is also able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce their permeability, to improve the regenerative processes in the body. With green tea the formation of prothrombin in the liver becomes more intense. Taking green tea with other drug charges, you helps energize the heart muscle and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Drink three times a day for half a Cup of strong green tea, alternating it with other healing infusions.

3. Useful is the reception of tincture of Hemlock. This plant belongs to the toxic, so you need to carefully follow the instructions and do not exceed the dosage.

4. For the normalization of hematopoiesis in vasculitis treatment using medical leeches.

5. When treating vasculitis using an alcohol tincture of plants such as ginseng, devil, Eleutherococcus senticosus etc.

6. Severe vasculitis are treated with infusion of licorice root, containing kortikosteroidnye substances of natural origin. 1 tablespoon infusion drink up to five times a day.

Before using any folk prescription, make sure you consult your doctor.