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Treatment of Epstein Barr virus

Treatment of Epstein Barr virus folk remedies

Dangerous virus Epstein-Barr is a fairly common ailment that affects the human body. This virus is similar in origin with a known virus of the herpes. some experts are inclined that this virus infected many people. Catching the virus from such media easily. As a rule, very direct infection always occurs at an early age.

The Epstein-Barr is the cause of numerous serious violations, as well as all possible complications in the human body. It causes dangerous diseases of the Central nervous system, interferes with the performance of the gastrointestinal tract, but it also encourages bacterial and fungal diseases. It can be considered an agent provocateur of the cancer process and fatigue syndrome.

In children the disease most often occurs in the form typical of infectious mononucleosis. This virus can cause very severe and serious consequences for the proper development of the child. The virus is transmitted by touching, kissing and using household items. In addition, he passed the usual sexually transmitted during transfusion of contaminated blood. If the carrier is the mother, the infection of the baby occurs in the womb.

The infected person does not have any immediate consequences. After a certain incubation period, which is approximately two months, the virus easily spreads through the lymphatic nodes and various skin tissues. After that, he always gets into the blood, and spreads throughout the body. In most cases, a slight fever, swollen lymph nodes, chills, weakness, sweating, which is quite similar to the common signs of common colds.

To detect the virus in a patient is possible when a detailed diagnosis. The infection of man also tells a body rash, sore throat, muscle aches, and fatigue. With a very severe course of the disease in combination with infectious mononucleosis, can be strongly affected by the respiratory system, which in turn often leads to pneumonia. As a rule, that the most vulnerable people and children severely immunocompromised, as were patients with acquired immunodeficiency.

In these patients, the virus Epstein-Barr, usually affects the nervous system, heart, spleen and liver. Jaundice, and there are slightly noticeable deviances.In some complications may be dangerous ruptured spleen, which is characterized by severe pain on the left side of the abdomen. In this case, the required mandatory immediate hospitalization to avoid death.

If you suspect the presence of this virus shows a General inspection of the person, and is also assigned a number of laboratory studies. When the biochemical analysis of blood can identify the characteristic leukocytosis and available antibodies. Even in the saliva of the patient can be detected by the virus Epstein-Barr.

It should be noted that the medication was designed to combat the main symptoms of the disease and prevents the development of various complications. to prevent pneumonia, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, fever and conjunctivitis, the patient should always be under the close supervision of doctors.

Treatment of Epstein-Barr herbal

Recipe No. 1. In the treatment of this virus folk remedies demonstrates the use of various medicinal herbs that in large quantities contain all sorts of nutrients and vitamins. It may include peppermint, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, calendula, the root of the Duma and ginseng.

The above herbs can be brewed is tea, and then drink in small doses up to three times a day. These drinks will not only boost immunity, but they will also affect the weakened body as great a depressant, and it plays an important role in the fight against this dangerous disease.

Recipe №2. To enhance immunity, should regularly drink green tea with honey and lemon. You can also use the remedy based on equal parts of chamomile, centaury, Helichrysum, yarrow and mullein.

Recipe No. 3. One of the main helpers in the fight against the disease showed itself Echinacea. It can take thirty drops three times a day internally, or put compresses on boils.

Treatment with ginseng extract

To improve the immune forces of the body, it is recommended to use a unique infusion of ginseng. For child's optimal dosage is 5-10 drops, depending on age. For an adult - no more than 15 drops. Tincture shouldadd to warm tea.

Treatment essential oil of sage and juniper

When redness of the throat, which often accompanies disease of this virus, in addition to the use of Lugol's solution, you can lubricate the throat essential oil of juniper and sage Clary. This will help to reduce inflammation and plaque.

Treatment of Epstein-Barr other traditional methods

For General strengthening, both adults and young children can be given to drink plain cranberry water, which causes the appetite. Swollen lymph nodes can be lubricated with a drop of essential oil fir fir. In addition, it is recommended to make different inhalation with sage and eucalyptus.

In daily diet, you can enter various fatty acids, which in large quantities are trout and salmon. daily intake of Flaxseed oil and egg yolks will also contribute to the recovery, and almost completely eliminate complications.

Many modern doctors often prescribe a variety of vitamin complexes. Folk medicine offers the use of fresh vegetable and fruit juices. They can rejuvenate the body, and to clean it. After the compulsory recovery must lead a healthy lifestyle, a properly balanced diet and to avoid stress and mental strain.