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Treatment bloating folk remedies and methods

Treatment bloating infusions

Most often in folk medicine for the treatment of bloating employing a variety of decoctions and infusions. They are designed to reduce the release of gases and to remove discomfort.

Very simple but effective in this situation is a recipe of infusion of chamomile. One scoop flowers plants pour a glass of hot (not less than 80 °C) water and boil for 5 minutes, then insist 4 hours and strain. The resulting tool, take before meals for two tablespoons.

Very often with the same purpose in the home used the seeds of various plants. A popular remedy for flatulence is a so-called "gripe water". For its preparation you need to chop 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds and Bay 400 ml of boiling water, infuse for half an hour. The resulting infusion should strain and drink every hour for 1/2 Cup. Alternatively, instead of dill you can use the seeds of wild carrots.

Also in this infusion you can add 2 teaspoons of the roots of parsley (dry or fresh). In this scenario, pour half the amount of water, infuse for about four hours and take every half hour for two tablespoons.

Well bloating helps cumin. The infusion of its crushed seeds (3-4 teaspoons cumin, plus two cups of boiling water) is kept in a sealed container for two hours, filter and take a quarter Cup every half hour.

Sometimes swelling occurs as a result of operations on the internal organs, as in the postoperative period is often a possible attenuation of the motor activity of the intestine.

To cope with this unpleasant problem will help the infusion of herbs oregano, thyme (2 parts), BlackBerry leaves (3 parts) and leaves of strawberry (1.5 parts). Taking two tablespoons of the mixture should be poured 0.5 liters of hot water, infuse for a quarter of an hour, strain the resulting tea through a sieve and drink before meals in 100 ml.

If bloating is due to digestive disorders, it is possible three times a day before meals take an infusion of the crushed root of Angelica, drenched with boiling water for 10 minutes. You can also chew some fresh leaves of Angelica.

Treatment bloating herbal

Traditional medicine knows many recipes of decoctions of herbs. Their compositions are diverse, and the choice of the recipe can be made depending on the availability at home of certain ingredients.

To combat bloating, you can use a decoction of the crushed rhizomes of rhubarb, calamus, gentian, Angelica, mixed with grass centaury and St. John's wort in equal parts. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour half a liter of boiling water and hold in a water bath for half an hour, then strain the resulting broth and to take a warm half a Cup.

In the same way is prepared and accepted and the following composition: 2 parts of buckthorn bark and root of Valerian , and 1 part dandelion root and stinging nettle.

To relieve the discomfort of flatulence and heartburn can be extract from the herb St. John's wort, cudweed, and yarrow (in equal proportions). Three tablespoons of the collection to insist in a liter of boiling water for 2 hours and then filtered. Apply tincture 4-5 times a day.

You can also mix 2 parts of leaves of mint peppery, Valerian root 1 part fennel fruit. Bay 2 teaspoons of the mixture 200 ml of boiling water, they should insist at least 20 minutes. The strained infusion is recommended to take morning and evening for half a glass.

To prevent bloating, you can drink tea from ginger, cinnamon, mint, Melissa, fennel and chamomile.

Flatulence during the premenstrual period should apply a decoction of horsetail , field and ground celery seed.

To cope with bloating after feasts will help the spices: cumin, ginger, and Cayenne pepper. You can prepare a decoction of cumin and marjoram. To do this, one tablespoon of pounded seeds brew 200 ml of boiled water for quarter-hour and drink twice a day for half a Cup.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist