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Itching of the labia – what to do?

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Itching of the labia – this particular skin reaction to a stimulus that causes women desire to scratch the itchy area. The reasons that trigger itching of the labia can be many. You should not ignore them because in some cases you may need serious treatment.

Itself itching of the labia is not a single disease but only a symptom indicating problems in the body.

The causes of itching of the labia

Reasons for itchy labia include the following:

  • The woman's age is important in determining the causes of itching. So, hormonal fluctuations in the body can occur during puberty, during pregnancy, during menstruation and in menopause and lead to itching.
  • Itching during menstruation. Menses represent a favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of the bacterial flora. During this period, immunity, women become particularly vulnerable to various external and internal factors. If, in addition, did not respect the rules of intimate hygiene, it is possible the development of inflammation – vulvovaginitis. He becomes the reason of itching of the labia.
  • Itchy labia during pregnancy. The cause of the discomfort often lies in hormonal changes occurring in the body. These fluctuations result in the weakening of immune protection, change in the normal vaginal flora and pathogenic bacteria growth.
  • Itching of the labia occurs after birth. This discomfort is also associated with hormones. In order that the hormonal background is stabilized, it will take some time. Hormonal storm ends with the onset of menstruation. Until that time, there is an increased risk of various diseases of the genital organs, which may be accompanied by itching.
  • Itching of the labia during menopause. Violation of trophism of the mucous membranes and skin of the vulva often occurs during menopause. Gynecologists call this process a kraurosis. In this disease the itching is getting a serious disease that causes a woman to experience pronounced discomfort. Often on the background of kraurosis vulvathere are different degrees of breakdown. Kraurosis leads to a sharp drop in the body female sex hormones, which has previously provided a protective effect on the mucous membranes of the genitals. Sometimes the disease is quite difficult, the labia having abrasions and cracks with the subsequent formation of ulcers. Increases the risk of infectious lesions, join vulvity and vaginitis.
  • External factorsthat affect the occurrence of itching of the labia.
  • Pollution. Often itching of the labia occurs in women working in manufacturing with increased air pollution with dust.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene, rare, and improper cleaning, rare changing of the pads, the inability to take a shower.
  • The impact of low or high temperatures. Able to provoke itching as overheating and overcooling.
  • The mechanical effect. In this case we are talking about wearing underwear made of synthetics, its mismatch with the size range of exploitation linen with rough internal seams. In addition, adversely affected too frequent washing and douching of the vagina without medical advice. Using sanitary pads with fragrances can cause discomfort in the area of the labia.
  • Taking certain medicines.
  • The impact of chemical compoundscontained in, for example, condoms or gels for contraception.
  • Infectious diseases that can cause itching of the labia.
  • The vaginal candidiasis is caused by fungi, which under normal immune status always exist in the mucous membranes of the woman's body. When reducing the protective forces is their active reproduction. Itching of the labia is one of the prominent symptoms of candidiasis. In addition, the disease is evidenced by white cheesy discharge, pain during attempts to urinate, during sex, etc.
  • Gardnerellosis. The disease develops because of replacement of normal vaginal flora to pathogenic. Itching and burning of the labia in this condition is always pronounced. In addition, a woman concerned about discharge that has an unpleasant odor, resembling the smell of the missing fish.
  • Genital herpes is also one of the possible causes of itching of the labia. In addition, occasionally on the genitals appearthe rash of vesicles that occurs during exacerbations of the disease.
  • For Jock itch is skin lesions of the labia, the appearance of her pink spots with the center of inflammation. At the same groin area is itchy, and the lesions peel. Then the skin form inflammation, having clear boundaries in red.
  • Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease that leads to redness and itching of the labia. The discomfort occurs in the background appears a rich yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  • Parasitic diseases that can cause itching of the labia. Cause discomfort in the area of the labia is capable of scabies. This disease is contagious and develops because of contact with dermal skin scabies. As reproduction of parasites, the itching covers all large areas of the body including groin area. Itching tends to increase at night. Also, cause itching of the labia and groin area capable of pubic lice, which are caused by infection of pubic lice.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system women can provoke itching of the labia. Sometimes cause itching of the labia be a disease of the reproductive system of women. In endometritis and cervicitis can cause pus nature that will irritate the skin of the labia and cause itching. Although sometimes these diseases are asymptomatic.
  • Itching of the labia diabetes. Itching in the groin area occurs for the reason that the urine of women suffering from diabetes contains plenty of glucose. In addition, trips to the bathroom become more frequent. The remains of such secretions on the genitals lead to the fact that there is a faster start to breed bacteria that provoke irritation and itching.
  • Liver diseases causing itching of the labia. Severe liver can become a cause in the blood and in the skin will accumulate bile enzymes. Besides the fact that they give the skin a yellowish tint, they also act as an irritant. As a result, the woman may experience itching all over the body, including in the area of the labia.
  • Diseases of the urinary tract and itching of the labia. If abnormalities of the bladder and kidneys is a violation of their functioning. It contributes to the development of polyuria and accumulation in the blood of decomposition products of urea. These two factors act as irritants to the skin of the labia.
  • Diseases of the blood,of the endocrine glands, tumors of the genital organs. All these diseases cause the immune system women starts draining. The decrease in the protective forces leads to growth of pathogenic microflora, which cause various diseases causing itching of the genitals. Diseases of the endocrine glands also can cause a hormonal imbalance.
  • Psychological reasons.

Prolonged stress, serious shock, nervous breakdown, depression can cause increased sensitivity of the skin. This, in turn, causes itching on body and intimate places.

The treatment of itching of the labia in women

  • To avoid the development of candidiasis during menstruation, it is necessary to efficiently perform intimate hygiene. Pads should be changed after a maximum of 6 hours. The amount of menstrual fluid it does not matter. If inflammation has already begun, you should not use tampons. Cleaning must be performed with the use of antiseptic solutions, including: Miramistin, Furatsilinom, etc.
  • If the itching started to bother a woman during gestation, require that you call your obstetrician and delivery of appropriate analyses. You may need the use of drugs aimed at the normalization of the vaginal microflora and improve the immune forces of the body. Pregnant women are often recommended treatment local medication – use intervaginal candles and ointments, cleaning with antiseptic solutions.
  • When the cause of itching is getting vulvitis or vulvovaginitis requires the elucidation of the causes that led to the development of the disease. The woman will need to stay in bed (in the acute phase of the disease), change the diet, increasing the number of alkalizing foods (milk, vegetables, steamed, fresh fruit, mineral water). Local treatment includes application of medical antiseptics (Chinosol, Chlorhexidine, Miramistina) may lubricate affected skin of the labia ointments, for example, Sangviritrin 1%. Doctors also prescribe antibiotic ointment – Tetracycline, Erythromycinbuy, Elaterinae. Inside is shown taking antimikoticeski assets (if fungal), antibiotics (if bacterial lesion). Choicea specific preparation depends on the type of pathogen and its sensitivity.
  • Yeast infection treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. He selects the appropriate woman drugs, such as Clotrimazole, Natamycin, Miconazole, Isoconazole, is a comprehensive treatment regimen (gives recommendations regarding food, lifestyle, local treatment of the genital organs, assigns drugs to eliminate intestinal dysbiosis, immune support, etc.).

  • Gardnerellosis, leading to itching, require treatment with antimicrobial agents – Metronidazole, Tinidazole, Clindamycin. You also need the restoration of normal microflora of the vagina, which is assigned eubiotics.
  • When genital herpes is shown taking antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Panavir, etc.), sedatives (Valerian Extract), vitamin (intake of ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B6), receiving antigistaminnah drugs (Suprastin, Tazepam), immunomodulators (Lavomax). After the passage of the therapeutic course, the introduction of a herpes vaccine. (see also: Genital herpes in men and women to the genitals)

  • Therapy Jock itch is to implement lotions with a solution of Retzina and silver Nitrate to the desired concentration. Possible to take antihistamines, treatment of affected areas with antifungal means, for example, Lamisil, Nizoral, Mycosamine etc.
  • To get rid of trichomoniasis doctors prescribe a treatment of Metronidazole or Trichopolum. Treatment may be weekly or may be recommended a single dose of funds in the amount of 2 g. The combined with local treatment gives you the opportunity to get rid of the disease. To do this, use candles Terginan, Betadine, Klion-D and others. If the disease is in a complicated form, it will require longer antimicrobial therapy.
  • For relief of itching caused by scabies, it is necessary to use specialized ointments, creams and aerosols. Alone is a disease can't pass. Among the medicines to get rid of scabies: Lindane, Esdepalletrin, Permethrin, Crotamiton, Benzilbenzoat etc If itching caused by the spread of pubic lice, that require treatment inguinal areas such drugs as: Pedilin nix, Nittifor, etc. in addition, when a parasitic infection is necessary to carefully handle all the things the patient. For this purpose, specialdezinfektanty. Things can also be boiled and ironed.
  • If itching is caused by psychological disorders that need mental health counseling, checkups and medication, which will appoint this specialist.

Intimate hygiene rules the same for all women:

  • Cleaning after using the toilet (the movement should be from front to back);
  • Change underwear twice a day (the young girls change underwear more often – as it is pollution);
  • Thorough washing and rinsing of underwear, which is better to use hypoallergeni powders;
  • The use of soap for cleaning not more than once in 12 hours;
  • Wearing underwear made from natural materials;
  • Using only personal funds to perform hygiene procedures.

In addition, at the time of treatment will require the rejection of intimate life. Sometimes treatment will need to pass both partners. In any case, if itching of the labia passes after normalization of the rules of intimate hygiene, it is necessary to consult the gynecologist, venereologist or dermatologist.