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Redness and itching of the glans penis

Redness and itching of the glans penis is a symptom, which quite often face men of all ages. This symptom could indicate either a minor problem, such as those associated with inadequate hygiene and serious diseases of the genitourinary system.

The glans penis is covered with skin – thin and tender, not like in other parts of the body. In the head are multiple nerve endings that even with a slight damage and irritation of the skin give a signal to the brain. This causes the man to experience marked discomfort in the area of the genitals.

Causes of itching and redness of the glans penis

We can distinguish several groups of causes that can lead to redness and itching of the glans penis:

  1. Sexual and asexual infection, inflammatory processes:

    • Balanoposthitis and balanitis. When balanitis inflames the head of the penis, while balanoposthitis is affected and the head and the foreskin. Besides itching and redness, the man will experience pain acute. It may cause inflammation and an increase in size of the lymph nodes located in the groin area, the body temperature rises. If the inflammatory process is ignored, then the place of redness covered with erosions and may start festering. The current long-term inflammation leads to necrosis of the skin of the head. The disease can be caused by improper hygiene, when under the foreskin smegma is going. It becomes a favorable environment for bacteria. In addition, the reasons may lie in the genital infection in the anatomical peculiarities of the structure of the genitals men, and General diseases of the body, among which diabetes, Allergy, vitamin deficiency, etc.
    • To provoke itching and hyperemia of the head, diseases such as gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. Infection with gonococci occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner. When the disease enters the acute phase, the male begins to experience a feeling of discomfort, he is concerned about the burning and itching near the head of the penis and urethra. Uncomfortable sensations during urination. When infection with Trichomonas itching and burning will occur predominantly during attempts to empty the bladder. In addition, from the urethra possible the mucus. Whenyou notice even the slightest discomfort in the area of the genitals is necessary to address to the urologist, because often a man is the carrier of Trichomonas and not know about it. The continued existence of the pathogen in the body can lead to decreased immunity, infertility, chronic prostatitis, etc.
    • Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, genital herpes. All these diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to the sensations of itching, burning, and redness of the glans penis in men can cause rashes on the genitals and around them (mainly when herpes infection), sometimes increased body temperature, there symptoms General malaise.
    • Urethritis. This disease is characterized by inflammatory process in the urethra. Urethritis occurs or when the cause of activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora, or on a background of genital infections. During the acute stage of the disease, the head of the penis swells and itches, engorged with blood. Besides, the man experiences a painful sensation localized in the head of the penis and in the groin area can appear rash. See also: Urethritis - symptoms and causes .

    • Candidiasis in men. Redness of the glans penis, its intense itching and burning sensation may indicate candidiasis. Thus from the head the unpleasant smell of sour bread, or yeast on its surface revealed a whitish coating. During urination and during sexual intercourse may be painful. The candidiasis may cause a lot of stress, illnesses (anemia, diabetes, long-term use of antibiotics, excess body weight) or infection of the fungal colony.

  2. Damage of different nature:

    • Mechanical irritation and trauma during sexual intercourse. Too frequent sexual intercourse may cause redness, swelling and itching in the area of the glans penis. Sometimes there is pain, which intensified when touched and when you try to empty your bladder. If you have any of these symptoms, you should refrain from sexual activity for a short period of time. Excessive friction during intercourse on the background of inadequate allocation of lubrication in women also causes redness, itching and pain of the glans penis.
    • Frostbite or burn. Burns to the head can occur by the ingress of chemical substances or because of exposure to high temperatures. Most often, such situations result in occupational injury oraccidents. The degree of redness, itching, burning, and pain will depend on the severity of the injury. Treatment should be qualified and be conducted either in the areas of trauma or in surgical departments.

    • Congenital anomalies of development. Phimosis physiological origin affects almost all boys under the age of three years. This condition is not regarded as pathological. However, due to earlier balanoposthitis possible the replacement of the normal foreskin scar tissue. In the end, the foreskin loses its ability to stretch. To perform intimate hygiene qualitatively fails and the man begins to experience itching, irritation and hyperemia of the glans penis. Attempt to expose the head will be accompanied by pain of varying intensity.

    • Violations of the rules of hygiene. Failure to comply with the terms intimate hygiene of perineum and penis the unpleasant smell. The man himself has itching in the relevant field. If you do not produce a regular washing of the external genitalia, under the foreskin will begin to accumulate prepucialna lubricant or smegma. It breed bacteria that causes such symptoms as inflammation, itching and redness of the head of the penis. Wearing too tight underwear can cause burning sensation and itching due to excess friction. Often uncomfortable underwear rubs the skin of the groin and glans penis this may apply. This problem is especially acute for men who have gone through circumcision.

    • Allergic reactions. Allergy, which causes redness and itching of the glans penis often occurs in response to the use of inappropriate personal hygiene. It may be a new soap or shower gel and washing powder used for washing underwear. Also itching and redness of the skin of the head may occur as the result of an allergic reaction to condoms or lubricant used during intercourse. Another potential allergen is the dyes included in the composition of underwear. Cause irritation itching and capable of taking medications.

Treatment of itching and redness of the glans penis

Therapy itching and redness of the headthe penis depends on the cause, this symptom is caused:

  • Balanitis and balanoposthitis require qualified treatment. Individual therapeutic course is chosen by the doctor after diagnosing. An important condition is the observance of hygienic measures. Ablution heads are soap solutions, and also antiseptics – Miramistin, Furatsilinom, hydrogen peroxide. In advanced stages of the disease are appointed antibacterial rate, both local and General action. May need surgical intervention;
  • Gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, genital herpes, trichomoniasis are sexual infections and require specific treatment after determining the type of the pathogen. Used antibacterial drugs (Ornidazole, Metronidazole, Tenantry, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Gemifloxacin etc) also need correction of the immune status men, symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Self-treatment is unacceptable, as there is a risk of transfer of disease into a chronic form, the emergence of drug resistance, development of complications;
  • Therapy of urethritis is also carried out after identifying the type of agent. Bacterial urethritis requires antibiotics, viral urethritis treated with antiviral drugs, for example, reception of Herpevir, Acyclovir, Ribavirin, etc. If urethritis allergic nature prescribed antihistamines. Non-specific chronic urethritis must be treated with immunostimulatory drugs that are selected by the doctor;
  • To eliminate candidiasis will require treatment of both partners. To commonly used antimycotic drugs include Nystatin, levorin, Pimafutsin, Mycosoral, Nizoral, etc. will Also need to diet with avoidance of spicy, pickled and spicy dishes. Not excluded receiving Immunostimulants. To accelerate the healing process using topical therapy;
  • When injury of the glans penis need access to a doctor and perform treatment in accordance with the nature of the damage. If itching and burning occur after sexual intercourse because of inadequate allocation of lubrication in women, it is possible to use special gels to reduce friction during intimacy;
  • If itching occurs because of inadequate hygiene, you need a more thorough and regular washing of the glans penis;
  • When irritation caused by an allergic reaction, it is important to establish the allergen and eliminate it. Notshould be used for intimate hygiene with funds forming part of dyes, fragrances and flavors. May need revision diet, the exclusion of allergenic drugs. Underwear should be made of natural fabrics, should not be too tight or narrow.

You cannot ignore the itching and redness of the glans penis, as it can be a symptom of serious diseases. With the exception of reasons related to lack of hygiene, Allergy and wearing low-quality underwear itching and redness should go away within three days. If not, you need to consult a urologist, venereologist, andrologist a specialist. It is important to exclude sexual infection or other serious disease, such as diabetes.

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