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The benefits and harms of pine nuts

What is a pine nut?

Under the common name "pine nuts" refers to several species of edible seeds of the pine plants. All of them are actively used in different spheres of life. Today it is customary to divide the nuts into two classes - taiga (aka small) and dirty (or large). For the layman there is no fundamental difference.

To understand what is a pine nut, enough to try to clean it. In order to obtain a small kernel of the nut, you must crack quite a strong shell.

In Russian latitudes in pine nuts understand seeds of Siberian (cedar) pine, evergreen plant, which reaches 44 meters high. In science it is not customary to call these seeds that is nuts. So they became known as in cooking.

Initially, the pine nuts were widely used in the field of cooking. Soon, people noted and other properties of the seed, and began to use all the components: the shell, and walnut oil, and oil cake (meal).

The shell of pine nuts is widely used in manufacture of special liqueurs. Nuts are the basis of manufacturing luxury finishing material - Kedroplast. Husk, bran and meal of pine seeds used in the preparation of curative and preventive baths. In General, pine is widely distributed in traditional and folk medicine. Its beneficial properties are used in cosmetics and nutrition, and aromatherapy.

The content of the article:

Use of pine nuts

  • The seeds of cedar extremely useful, despite its small size. The protein content of 16-17%. A balanced plant-based protein, this nut is so close to protein compounds of human tissues that are capable of binding up to 99%. Its composition rich in amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, B, C, D, E, P and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  • The inclusion in the diet of pine nuts a positive impact on the heart and blood vessels, nervous system, liver (infeatures its main function – hematopoiesis). Regular consumption of seeds helps to restore visual acuity, strengthen the immune system and normalize the function of the endocrine glands.

  • Use pine nuts promotes their use not only for treatment but also for prevention of diseases of the digestive system, atherosclerosis, diabetes and anemia.

  • Modern medicine includes pine nuts in the production of various pharmaceuticals prescribed for the treatment of anemia (anemia); coronary heart disease associated with chronic pathologies occurring as a result of insufficient blood supply to the muscles of the heart. Effective drugs, which include pine nuts in allergic diseases and conditions, characterized by low immunity, or its absence. In this case, the seeds of cedar contribute to the restoration of metabolism, strengthening the immune system at the cellular level.

There are many recipes, used in gynecology, urology and neurology. Folk medicine makes extensive use of cedar nuts in the treatment of gallstone and stomach ulcer, atherosclerosis, catarrhal diseases and avitaminosis.

It is better to buy unshelled pine nuts since cleaned quickly deteriorate and absorb harmful substances from the environment.

If the cedar is already bitter, so the oil contained in it has already gone bad and it is not! Rancid oil – the strongest poison

Other benefits of pine nuts?

Amazing effect of pine nuts is that they promote weight loss. Along with the fact that the caloric content of pine nuts exceeds the nutritional value of bread, meat and vegetables, they possess the property of stimulating the synthesis of the hormone cholecystokinin.

Cholecystokinin hormone is designed to send signals to the brain about the saturation of the body and the necessity of ending the meal. Thus, pine nuts can reduce appetite and fill you up quickly body.

Taking a smaller amount of food, the person loses weight, therefore, the main recommendation of the researchers is to use pine nuts for half an hour before meals.

Pine nuts from excessive hair growth

The seeds of cedar are used in the fight against unwanted hair growth. Women are often unhappy with excess hair on different partsyour body, but the diversity of modern ways of getting rid of them is not as safe as we would like. And the use of pine nuts not only hurt the skin, but also will allow to obtain effective results for a long time

The recipe is the ash obtained by burning shells of pine seeds: 300 grams dry shell set on fire and allow to burn completely. The resulting ash is filled with water (you can use vegetable oil). The resulting mixture is applied to areas of the body that require removal of unwanted hair, allowed to stand for ten minutes and remove with a damp cloth. Only three such treatments for unwanted hair are gone.

For this purpose use a decoction of pine nuts. They cover the feet to the hair on them become brittle and fall out.

Damage of pine nuts

  • The seeds of cedar are useful in certain quantities. If their daily dose exceeds 50 gramsthey can cause the body harm. Make these nuts are better in the first half of the day, as a standalone product.
  • You cannot combine the pine nuts with the meat and dairy dishes, because protein foods will inhibit the absorption of nuts and the extra load on the digestive organs cannot be avoided.
  • Pine nuts do not give to small children, because smaller nuclei can cause a blockage of the airway. The use of kid pine nuts should be carried only under the supervision of an adult.
  • The health hazards are cleaned pine nuts, which can often be seen at markets and stores, as the cleaned nuts progorkaet fast to light and upon contact with oxygen!

Rancid pine nuts contribute to the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of the condition of intoxication or poisoning. So during meals may be noted that in the mouth there is a certain feeling unpleasant bitterness. It can last about a week and grow, if you eat sweets. Bitter and metallic taste of food can appear a few days after consumption of seeds of cedar. Recovery of taste occurs naturally, without medical intervention, but it takes some time – from 2 days to 2 weeks.

Tincture of pine nuts in vodka/alcohol

The making of potions using pine seeds is quite common. Most of these tincturesdo with vodka or alcohol, but vodka tincture is not as strong and more pleasant in taste.

Tincture of pine seeds in vodka for appearance and taste similar to cognac. However, the abuse of even such a healthy drink is harmful to health, therefore the tincture is used in small amounts for medicinal and prophylactic purposes.

There are many ways of infusion of pine nuts. The most popular are the following:

  • No. 1. In a glass container 40 grams pine nut 0,5 pour vodka or alcohol. The infusion is left for 40 days in a dark place. Every three days the mixture should be thoroughly shaken. After a specified period of time infusion filter and take as directed.
  • No. 2. In a glass jar placed 500 grams pine nuts and fill them with vodka (or alcohol) so that the liquid covers the nuts completely. In 12-14 days the tincture is already possible to accept.
  • No. 3. Pine nuts carefully knead and pour vodka or alcohol so that it covered the nuts at least 5 centimeters. A week later, the tincture is filtered and poured into glass containers.

Useful properties of cedar nut tincture. The infusion has a therapeutic effect. First and foremost, this is a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system and the sexual sphere of man. In addition, it promotes the correction of disorders of visual and auditory functions, and can prevent the process of calcification and has an antitumor effect. This tool has no equal in strengthening the immune system. Lotions with this infusion is used to restore skin, heal wounds, bruises, burns and cracks. It heals diseases of the joints and cleanse the lymph and blood.

Receiving infusion courses in 1-2 months. Then therapy is interrupted for 30 days and repeat the appointment again. Use the tincture as follows: a couple of teaspoons diluted in 10 grams of boiled water. Take this mixture several times a day just before meal. Before application it is necessary to consult a doctor!

Contraindications to the use of medicinal tincture on cedar nuts are individual sensitivity to the components contained in the product, as well as allergies to components of medication. Pine nuts are harmless, but the basis of the liqueur – vodka or alcohol – can have a negative impact on children's health, women during pregnancy, persons with intolerance to alcohol and suffering from severediseases of the liver.

The shell of pine nuts

The use of the shell of pine nuts

Cedar shell has long been recognized as valuable raw material. Its application is embedded in several production industries. So, in medicine with the use of the shell from the seeds of cedar are made ointments, creams and liqueurs. In the food industry the use of shell of pine nuts associated with the production of syrups and liqueurs. Even in the construction industry-shell pine nuts play an important role in the manufacture of decorative plates.

Tannins - tanney that are included with this shell, real antiseptics, making pine nuts a unique therapeutic anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.

Regularly used the tincture on the basis of the shell of pine seeds has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels and strengthens the immune system of the human body. Various settings on the shell of pine seeds used to treat leukemia, anemia, uterine bleeding, periodontitis. With their help, carry out preventive actions for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Tincture of shell of pine nuts

  • In leukemia. Tincture from the shell pine nut is effective in the treatment of treatment of leukemia. The recipe is simple: 100 grams of the shell is placed in a glass container, pour vodka so that the liquid covers the shell completely. The mixture is left in a dark place. After a week strain. Take daily drink 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  • With sciatica this effective tincture: 200 grams of dried shells are pounded into a powder, pour vodka and tightly closed. The mixture is infused for months. After straining the infusion drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals for 2 tablespoons.
  • To strengthen the immune system the infusion is prepared as follows: half-liter glass jar filled with dried shell, fill it with alcohol, close tight lid. Insist this mixture for three weeks. After straining the tincture should be poured into a container made of dark glass, so it is better to remain. the tincture is performed twice a day on a tea spoon for half an hour before meals.
  • Tincture not only enhances the immune functions of the body, buteffective in case of pathologies of the genitourinary system, with diseases of the eye and disorders in the digestive tract.

The pine nut extract

Broth recommended for use in disorders of the functions of the digestive system. First and foremost, it is an anesthetic with anti-inflammatory action. The pine nut extract useful for women during menopause and in case of bleeding.

The preparation of this decoction is reduced to the following: 1 tablespoon dried shell of the cedar seeds pour a glass of boiling water and insist 15-20 minutes. Drink filter and take half a Cup up to five times per day between meals.

Decoction of cedar shell successfully treat allergic rhinitis, cough and bronchitis. This glass crushed shell (usually for grinding using a grinder), pour a liter of cold water and boil the mixture in a water bath or on a very low heat. Cover the pan must be tightly closed. The cooking process is at least 3 hours. The mixture is then cooled, filtered and sent to storage in the refrigerator. Ready broth is used for 2 days: twice a day for half a Cup before meals.

The use of cedar oil

Cedar oil is a product with a unique set of healing properties. Analogues it does not exist neither in nature nor in industrial production.

By cold pressing produces the pine nut butter, or seed of the Siberian cedar. The use of cedar oil is associated with a valuable therapeutic, wholesome, and nutritious properties.

All vegetable oils have valuable properties and are useful for the human body. But the seed oil of cedar is unique in that it only includes the whole complex of therapeutic and preventive qualities of all other vegetable oils: sea buckthorn, burdock, coconut, olive and others.

Seed oil of cedar contains five times more vitamin E than olive and 3 times more than coconut oil.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that contribute to the neutralization of oxidative processes in the body. As a result of his actions reduced the level of cholesterol in the blood, the body is rejuvenated.

The complex of B vitamins is recommended for use in disorders of the nervous system. It normalizes brain activity and improves condition of hair, nails andskin.

A concentrated b-vitamin R – unsaturated fatty acids present in the oil of pine nuts in such quantity, that even ahead of the target is known fish oil. This vitamin is designed to renew skin cells, enhances lactation in nursing women. The lack of vitamin R manifests itself in frequent colds, skin problems, appearance of trophic ulcers and allergic reactions. The most serious disruption due to a deficiency of vitamin P is associated with lesions of the digestive system.

How to make pine nut butter?

Take the cedar oil seeds and as a medicinal remedy and as a preventive tool. Particularly effective therapy in this oil in diathesis, the psoriasis, eczema and vitamin deficiency. It's good for respiratory diseases and atherosclerosis. There are a number of other indications for its use: SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions, intoxication conditions associated with overdose of heavy metals or radionuclides, peptic ulcer, alopecia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

How to take? Application of the oil depends on the disease, treatment which it is directed. So, the problems with the skin treated topically, i.e. by applying lotions and bandages with cedar oil.

For admission directly into the oil take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Therapy courses within three months according to the following scheme: 10 days taking the oil of pine nuts – 5 days off – 10 days of receiving oil – 5 day break and so on throughout the entire quarter.

How to clean pine nuts at home?

Cleaning of cedar nuts is a time – consuming process. In industrial plants the use of specialized equipment. But how to clean pine nuts at home?

To facilitate the process recommended by many to start to roast the nuts in a dry frying pan or carefully warm it in the oven, after a temperature of 130°C for a couple of minutes. This method, of course, controversial. Doubt is the fact that the walnut kernel contains much fat, which tend to oxidize quickly when heated, and, therefore, lose most of their nutrients. Therefore it is better to crack nuts in their raw form.

The splitting kernels in the home produce with a hammer or heavy wooden pestle. With thistask will manage chesnokodavilku, pliers and other similar devices made from quality durable materials.

Will have to exert some physical effort, because to separate the kernels from the shell is not so easy, but at home, the set of available tools for this purpose is extremely limited.

Contraindications to the use of pine nuts

The use of pine nuts has no significant contraindications, with the exception of their excessive use, for example, if you have problems with excess weight.

Of course, every rule has exceptions. So, contraindications for use may be represented by the so-called individual intolerance to the components included in the composition of the product.

Besides, pine nuts are often used not in pure form but as spirituous liquors. Hence, the harmful effects of alcohol on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, digestive organs. Thus, if a person suffers from diseases of these systems, the rules of receiving funds on the basis of pine nuts, you should discuss with your doctor or even to exclude them.