Home / Herbalist / The benefits and harms of cucumbers, and useful properties of cucumber juice

The benefits and harms of cucumbers, and useful properties of cucumber juice

The smell of fresh cucumber is difficult with something confused: light, crisp, refreshing, it gives energy and increases efficiency. Studies have proven that the scent of cucumber relieves symptoms of depression, promotes a positive Outlook on life, ease the headache, give brightness to any positive emotions.

During exam preparation (annual report, delivery of the diploma) good to do breaks every 45 minutes they have to eat 1 fresh cucumber out of the fridge.

The benefits and useful properties of cucumbers

Cucumber hiding under its green skin is unusually useful properties. It finds its application in areas such as:

  • Prevention of diseases;
  • Cosmetology;
  • Dietetics;
  • Aromatherapy.

Use cucumbers in various diseases

Cucumber is very good for the heart, as despite the fact that 95% of the mass is water, it is one of the leaders in potassium content.

Due to this, the cucumbers help to prevent cardiovascular disease associated with lack of this element:

  • Arrhythmias;
  • Decrease power of cardiac contractions;
  • Swelling.

Due to the special ratio of mineral substances and water in the pulp of cucumber, it has the ability to reduce the acidity of the internal environment, that is to oxalacetate blood.

Increased acidity of the organism develops in diseases such as:

  • Diabetes;

  • Renal and liver failure;

  • A number of endocrine diseases.

In contrast, chronic reduction of the pH of the body leads to stimulating the reproduction of malignant cells. Therefore, cucumbers are helpful in the prevention of cancer.

Rich fiber content and the special structure of water in the form of a flowable gel which is the basis of the pulp, allow the cucumber to be a great remedy for constipation. In addition, this composition prevents the absorption of animal cholesterol, trapped in the digestive tract with food. This prevents the development of atherosclerosis of vessels and as a result, the development of such severe complications, like stroke and heart attack.

Separately want to mention the useful properties of bitter cucumber.As you know, the base of the vegetable becomes bitter in that case, if he is not getting enough moisture. Despite the sharp taste of these fruits will stimulate the Department of bile. So you can use them to prevent stagnant processes in the liver.

High content of specific substances – cucurbitacins that inhibit the growth of tumor cells, making bitter cucumbers promising tool in the fight against cancer.

The cucumbers for the skin?

Cucumber – a wonderful beauty tool. Grated cucumber pulp has on the skin the following effects:

  • Tonic. Makes skin supple, nourishes it with moisture.
  • Matting. Struggling with oily Shine, and increased oiliness of the skin.
  • The whitening. Slightly outset the skin, giving it an even tone and radiance.
  • Cleansing. Clears the pores and eliminates blackheads.

Cosmetics on the basis of cucumber suitable for all skin types. The main thing is to pick up additional components.

Dry skin. There are many simple and effective tools based on cucumber, which are able to give dry skin the softness, relieve irritation, peeling, nourish it with moisture and prevent premature aging.

Cucumber-olive lotion:

  • Take 1 small cucumber, peel it from the skin, cut into small cubes, put them into a glass jar and pour virgin olive oil is cold-pressed at the rate of 1:1 (1 tbsp Pulp 1 tbsp oil). Let stand in refrigerator for 12 hours. Every day before bedtime after washing, wipe the face with a cotton pad dipped in the resulting lotion. Ready means to be stored at a temperature of +4C for 2 days. Energy mask

  • Take 1 cucumber medium size, chop on a fine grater or in a blender, squeeze the juice. Mix 3 tbsp cucumber juice with 1 tsp of cream and the yolk of 1 egg. Apply on cleansed face and neck, leave for 10-15 minutes. After drying the mask, rinse with warm water, the face dry with a towel absorbent motions (do not RUB).
Oily skin. This type of skin is characterized by increased activity of sebaceous glands. Means on the basis of the cucumber is able to normalizesebum production, clear clogged pores and give the face an even tone.

Matting mask. 1 cucumber medium size with peel grate (grind in a blender or mince), add 1 egg white and whisk with a fork until abundant foam. Clean your skin using the cleanser for 1 minute to apply to the face towel soaked in hot water, it will help to open the pores. Apply the cucumber-egg mask onto entire face except eye area and lips. Leave to dry. Rinse with warm water. Dry with a towel absorbent movements.

Lotion. Grate a cucumber together with the skin, squeeze the pulp, strain through a sieve or double cheesecloth, add 1 teaspoon of Cologne (any alcoholic lotion or infusion of herbs in alcohol) and stir. Apply using a cotton pad to cleansed face, paying special attention to the T-zone. Do not rinse.

Normal and combination skin. For these skin types you can simply wipe the face with slices of cucumber or pieces of ice (cucumber juice frozen in molds).

Cucumbers for weight loss

Useful properties of cucumbers are manifested in the diet for people who want to lose weight. Cucumber is an amazing food product, with its unique low-calorie – 100 g of the product contains only 16 calories, due to the high fiber content it quickly creates a feeling of satiety. So salads on the basis of the cucumber is an important component of any diet.

The high content of tartronovoj acid in cucumber stimulates lipid metabolism and reduces the conversion of excess carbohydrates into fats, thus helping to get rid of extra pounds.

Due to the high water content cucumbers are a great thirst quencher, so they are indispensable companions of lovers in nature.

Fiber, part of the pulp, and a special form of water in the form of a fluid gel, which is rich in cucumber, stimulate the intestines, reducing the absorption of fat received with food.

All this leads to a gradual normalization of body weight.

In dietetics apply fasting days on the basis of cucumbers. They help:

  • Purify the blood from toxins
  • To "flush" the urinary tract;
  • Reduce cholesterol;

  • To replenish water in the cells.

Cucumber fasting day is better to do this once a week in season ground vegetables. As greenhouse cucumbers contain a lotchemical impurities.

For relief you need during the day to eat 1.5 kg cucumbers, divided into 5-6 receptions. Better to eat them with the skin on. But if not cucumbers from your garden before eating, the peel should be well washed hard side of the sponge for washing dishes. This will allow to remove from the surface of the vegetable residues of fertilizers and growth stimulants. The menu did not seem monotonous, you can slice the cucumber salad with greens of parsley, cilantro, dill. To fill better – virgin olive oil 0.5 tablespoon is enough. For better absorption it is recommended to sprinkle the salad with lemon juice. From lightly solting should be abandoned.

Harm cucumbers and contraindications

Like all food, cucumbers also can harm the health when consumed, not paying attention to contraindications.

In some cases it is better to abandon the cucumbers:

  • In diseases of the stomach and duodenum with increased acidity in the period of exacerbation;
  • Disease, accompanied by alkalinisation of the body;
  • If the woman is breastfeeding;
  • Cucumbers grown in season.

The ability of cucumber juice to increase the production of hydrochloric acid makes it one of the prohibited foods during exacerbation of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

As cucumber record – ability to oxalacetate blood, it is contraindicated in diseases associated with alkalosis (increased pH of blood). These include:

  • State, accompanied by profuse vomiting (morning sickness during pregnancy, poisoning, infectious diseases of the digestive system);

  • Operated bowel cancer;
  • Prolonged use of diuretics;
  • Some endocrine diseases.

The use of cucumbers during breastfeeding can cause irregular bowel movement, the development of colic in babies. Therefore, nursing mothers need to be careful to introduce into your diet this green vegetable.

The main danger of cucumbers is that it is a common greenhouseculture. So, if its cultivation were the most aggressive agronomic technology: large doses of fertilizers, growth promoters. The matter is compounded by the fact that the flesh of cucumber can accumulate large doses of the nitrate, did not change its appearance. Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning, it is necessary to abandon the purchase of a very early greenhouse cucumbers. It is especially important to use vegetables grown in season when preparing the children's menu.

Use of cucumber juice

A concentrate of beneficial properties is cucumber juice. It's all about the water, which is part of this vegetable. She presented it in a special "structured" form, that is reminiscent of the liquid inside the living cells of the body. Due to this, water cucumber juice easily washes away toxins accumulated in the intercellular space and cause rapid aging.

As a separate remedy, cucumber juice is used for:

  • Prevention of heart diseases;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;

  • Eliminate constipation;

  • The reduction in cholesterol levels;
  • Detoxification, toxins, heavy metals;
  • Improve the condition of skin, hair, nails.

How to make cucumber juice?

  • To prepare cucumber juice is better to use vegetables grown in the open ground. It is good to wash the surface of the cucumber with a brush or sponge for washing dishes, particularly relevant this advice for varieties with dimpled skin.
  • It is best to skip the cucumbers through a juicer, but if this is not possible, then fit a blender or Rondo. It is undesirable to use for this purpose grinder and an iron grater. The juice obtained from the extractor drain is not necessary. If you have used a blender, you can strain through a strainer with large holes.
  • In order for the cucumber drink was more pleasant to the taste, you can add lemon juice: 1 teaspoon per Cup.
  • Start drinking cucumber juice to 0.5 cups 2 times a day. In good health, you can increase the dose to 1 Cup. More of this to take is not recommended.
  • The best option is to cook the juiceimmediately before use. But if this is not possible, it should be poured into a glass jar, cover tightly and store in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Cucumber juice with a shelf life of 24 to 36 hours can be used as a component of care products for skin and hair. But if he stood in the refrigerator for more than 1.5 days, then not use it even for outdoor use.

For best effect, you can make cocktails out of cucumber juice with addition of other vegetables and herbs. So, for the skin there is nothing better than to mix the juice of cucumber and carrot. And hearts will add value to a cucumber-tomato cocktail. Cucumber-spinach juice is a real energy boost for the immune system.

"'ll be back fresh as a Daisy" – is a fresh look at these humorous words of wishes for a speedy recovery. Perhaps soon it will mean to be healthy, full of strength and energy, like a big cucumber.