Home / Easiest way to quit Smoking / Avoid false incentives

Avoid false incentives

Some smokers, when they want to quit, just push yourself to the stimuli. But these incentives turn out to be false.

Let me give you a few examples: "the money that I save, my whole family will be able to spend a wonderful vacation."

Yes, this example is very true. But let's not kid ourselves. Any smoker will be better to work all 52 weeks a year without a vacation at all than to quit Smoking. And besides, every smoker hesitant to spend those 52 weeks without cigarettes. He also doubts that vacation without cigarettes will bring him any pleasure. This approach strengthens the relationship of the smoker to get rid of Smoking as something terrible, terrible.

Then the smoker starts to think that the cigarette is for him important. And, therefore, its value increases. So, he begins to believe that you can not get rid of dependence, if this relief had come to him at such a price. And all this time spent on pointless thoughts, instead of taking this time to think about what brings you Smoking.

About second stimulus

"I can afford to buy a new car."

You will not be able to smoke until, like buy a new car. And when we buy, we would consider itself deprived of something, and purposes have no will So, again just to start Smoking.

There is another example. For example, if you signed an agreement not to smoke from colleagues or family members in his family. Such agreements are forced not to smoke you for some time, but usually fail due to the following reasons:

The first reason of failure

Why you need to quit Smoking just because other shouldn't? Such a "false incentive"only reinforces in you a feeling that something you are deprived. It would be great if all smokers once again want to quit Smoking. But they are never forced to do it, despite the fact that they're all secretly dream about it. Such agreements will only increase the craving for cigarettes all the parties to the agreement. Because while you are definitely not ready to quit Smoking and not suffer from it, you can smoke on the sly, and it would only complicate the situation. Because you will feel worse and feel the addiction even stronger than before.

The second reason for the failure

During that time, as a smoker tries to deal with his addiction by force of will, his expectation that one day there will come a day when he will no longer desire to smoke increases. And if the party to the agreement after all will surrender, he will have to pursue the feeling of failure and dissatisfaction. And then any ofthe parties can wait for failure. All other participants get a great advantage. Now they can safely assume and say that they withstood this argument, but if not the poor guy who gave up first, they would never had gone back to Smoking. Although in reality almost all of them have long been in secret violated their agreement.

The third reason for the failure

When you quit Smoking alone, you will appreciate friends, relatives. You will feel like a hero, and to rejoice in his victory. But if you quit Smoking collectively, this joy and sense of victory to be shared. And, therefore, is not so significant.

Another false incentive

There is also a"false incentive", as a bribe. For example, parents give a teenager reward if he will quit Smoking. But this incentive will not lead to the desired result. In one of the shows, I heard a story that the police who are trying to quit Smoking, put it in a pack of cigarettes dvadtsatifutovyh bill. He made a bet with myself that if I smoke, he'll have to burn this bill. So he was able to go without cigarettes for several days, but in the end lit up and burned those twenty pounds.

Don't be fooled

Let us not deceive ourselves, if the smoker does not stop the huge money he spends their lifetime on cigarettes. If it does not stop the contempt himself to himself and contempt of others towards him, and the terrible condition of the skin, teeth, the risk of Contracting a deadly disease, and many other factors. If all this does not frighten him, then why should he quit because some of the false incentives that are not needed at all?

And you need to look at the other side of the coin. Better ask yourself: "What gives me non-Smoking?"

The answer is: "Absolutely nothing."

So why we don't want to quit Smoking? So punish themselves, if absolutely nothing received from your addiction? You have no need to smoke and stop it, finally, to deceive ourselves. You already for a very long time doing this!

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