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Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis in adults and children

Description of the disease


Contact dermatitis – a disease based on inflammatory lesions of the epidermis. Characterized by the appearance of the rash. Usually appears as a result of the impact on the skin substances irritating type.

It is possible to speak about existence of two forms of the disease. Irritant contact dermatitis occurs due to the fact of skin contact with toxic substances of chemical or irritant type. Allergic contact dermatitis is manifested particularly rash, it can appear only in those whose body is sensitized to a particular allergen, after an appropriate contact. It's not always a toxic substance. Where there was such contact, may be induced by the immune response. This is possible if such an allergen has caused a reaction. This process is called sensitization. He is training the immune system to similar reactions.

Acute contact dermatitis is accompanied by other symptoms arise:

  • swelling of the epidermis,
  • redness in the lesion,
  • erosion,
  • rash in the form of bubbles, etc.

The last stage is peeling. In severe cases, there is pigmentation.

In acute inflammation, the patient complains of symptoms such as:

  • pain and burning sensation,
  • the feeling of tension of the skin,
  • the total rise in body temperature,
  • there are cases of General malaise.
Chronic contact dermatitis can occur due to constant or prolonged friction and pressure, if they were not very strong impact. His simptomatika in the short description looks like this:

  • the skin thickens,
  • often an infiltration,
  • licensure duethickening of the epidermis and on the background of developing hyperkeratosis.

Causes of chronic dermatitis are different. The danger may be not only physical contact. A similar reaction is impinging ionizing radiation (it appears due to sunlight, x-rays, beta, alpha and y-rays, neutron radiation). Because such effects appear acute or chronic radiation dermatitis. Depending on the portions, having its penetrating ability of the radiation and sensitivity similar to contact dermatitis manifests itself is quite typical – in the form of erythema with bluish or purple tones. It is distinguished by other symptoms, including:

  • loss of hair,
  • the reaction bullous type,
  • intense swelling and redness,
  • persistent alopecia,
  • skin atrophy,
  • of telangiectasia.

Possible manifestation depends on the stage of the disease, the type of infection and if proper treatment is markedly reduced. It is also necessary to carry out prevention of this disease.

The symptoms of contact dermatitis

The symptoms of contact dermatitis are pronounced or relatively hidden. Much depends on the characteristics of each organism. Traditionally, the disease can be recognized by the following manifestations:

  • Skin itching.

  • Burning.
  • Pain when you touch it.
  • A high body temperature.
  • Rash in area of contact with the allergen.
  • The affected area is covered by dry crust.
  • When heal wounds – the formation of peeling, dryness of the epidermis.

The need for immediate treatment say symptoms:

  • Redness.
  • Swelling.
  • Blisters.

These are the symptoms of acute contact dermatitis. Especially dangerous such manifestations on the face. During the arrest, therapy leave marks that are difficult to remove or camouflage, ranging from age spots.

Causes contact dermatitis

Causes of contact dermatitis are obvious from the name of the disease. The most common remains heredity. But the provocateur of the disease often:

  • The synthetic products. This includes the material to create fabrics and clothing, detergents, some brands of cosmetics.
  • A number of metals, such as Nickel, silver.
  • Drugs. The greatest activity have antibiotics and some hormone treatment.
  • Some natural materials (latex, rubber, wool).

To establish the causes analyze the last few weeks of life. It is necessary to determine which allergen can come into contact with the skin. There are times when it is diagnosed independently. If this is not possible – conduct allergodil.

There are cases when to identify the cause quite difficult. For example, this often happens, if he appeared on his hands. To identify a stimulus more difficult, if in the hands of a lot of things during the day. It is important not to confuse the symptoms of dermatitis with other skin diseases. Often symptoms are very similar to eczema.

The epidermis is also on. It is responsible for the appearance of certain reactions of delayed and immediate types. Also commonly believed that it is the immune body. It is a whole system of lymphoid centers participating in the definition of hypersensitivity reactions. Their participation is impacting the formation of inflammatory lesions with the immune nature.

The type of disease and determines its causes. For the occurrence of contact dermatitis enough touch to poison and poisoned substances. Often the disease occurs due to mechanical irritation, for example, shoes that are not of an appropriate size. Contact dermatitis often appears due to skin burns and frostbite, and direct exposure to sunlight.

The treatment of the disease, it is customary to start with in order to avoid contact with the allergen. Most likely, it will need to do forever. When the appearance of contact dermatitis is based on the professional activities of the patient, you have to constantly use protective equipment, starting with gloves and ending with the protective suits.

Contact dermatitis on hands

Contact dermatitis on hands is very common among skin diseases of hands. It is the most common.

This type of dermatitis is considered the most simple. It is a consequence of contact with some irritants. These include:

  • lye,
  • acid,
  • the effects of UV,
  • frostbite,
  • burn,

  • pressure,
  • friction

As you can see from the list – not necessarily that the substance was represented in "pure" form. They can be part of a product. For the emergence of a known disease and its signs the necessary allergen. In this role medications, chemistry used in everyday life, some cosmetic and toilet articles. About the disease can be recognized by any foci of edema, burning sensation, blisters and other symptoms. When the blisters burst, you create layers of crusts, weeping ulcer type. Remain visible dark spots. Pain in the hands it does not pass.

You can't run the treatment of dermatitis. From the very first of its manifestations it is necessary to do everything to he had not moved to a further stage – eczema.

Treatment for contact dermatitis on the hands is carried out in several steps. First apply the allergen samples to determine the allergen causing inflammation. Better to find a way to avoid such things, it is recommended that each patient in the first place. Only after this can follow the drug treatment.

In some cases, prescribe antihistamines, such as:

  • claritin,
  • the pain,
  • her
  • fenistil.

Best treatment for contact dermatitis on hands is with drugs, which help to eliminate toxins from the body. It helps to cleanse the blood cells, the allergen is quickly excreted from the body. For optimal results, you need to look for a combination of the two means.

Contact dermatitis on the face

Contact dermatitis on the face has a specific clinical picture. It is easily distinguished by areas of destruction, and also that his agent. The disease – wide symptoms. But the most notable characteristic of the following manifestations:

  • redness,
  • eruption of vesicles, erosions, nodules,
  • swelling,
  • weeping the affected area.

If there is a severe form of dermatitis – there are severe headaches, chills, weakness, bouts of fever. When the recovery period is affected fragments dry up, much peel. If not addressed, the disease will appear dark spots.

What causes them dermatitis on the face? The reasons are many. To name only one of them can be difficult. Usually refer to substances that, in contact with which the disease manifests itself. The list is complicated by the fact that they are often associated with professional activities. Excluding this item from the treatment or protect themselves at the moment of touching, you can reducethe risk of infection. Treatment is based on the use of special external devices or drugs for oral administration.

Contact dermatitis in children

Contact dermatitis in children – a common disease. It is a skin inflammation that occurs when contact with a particular irritating substance. Adults are experiencing discomfort due to contact with substances that are considered aggressive. These include acids, wool, etc. Often contact dermatitis occurs after touching plants such as nettle, caustic Buttercup, spurge, etc.

Inflammation develops stronger on the delicate and thin skin. The child's body is not sufficiently immune to their organs such influence ends particularly noticeable. In children the symptoms are quite painful, given that the allergen excreted from the body in all possible ways – as part of sweat, feces, urine. Appears contact dermatitis in children for a variety of reasons:

  • Because of the personal care products and cosmetics (including use of washing powder, cream, shampoo).
  • After friction (recall that clothing for children choose with special seams, flat or outside).
  • From touching to some types of metal.

But poor maintenance is usually the cause of other dermatitis – diaper. Contact dermatitis in children goes by itself. In the case of accession of a secondary bacterial infection such as Staphylococcus aureus, the consequences of the disease become much more difficult.

The symptoms of contact dermatitis in children is similar to that for disease in adults:

  • redness,
  • swelling of the epidermis,
  • itching,
  • burning sensation, fever and fever.

Contact dermatitis in infants is considered the norm. It occurs in most patients in this group.

It manifests itself in almost all children. It's okay if, for example, chose the wrong diapers, small shoes, clothing many synthetics. Often harmful for a particular child chemicals are in children's weight or creams, etc.

Manifestations of the disease are particularly noticeable in certain parts of the body:

  • in the folds of the skin,
  • in the perineum,
  • onthe hips
  • on the surface of the buttocks.

In most cases, the disease is facilitated by simply. Helps increase of air and water treatments. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to replace the entire uncomfortable synthetic clothing on any counterpart. It is also recommended to postpone all the baby oil and replace them with the boiled vegetable. Gradually accustom a child to the more common means.

Treatment of contact dermatitis

Treatment contact dermatitis is complex. Often the disease is associated with inflammation of a certain area of the skin. When there are typical blisters or vesicles containing serous fluid color, a doctor may recommend antihistamines. Then we will be able to eliminate the itching and to protect treated areas, eliminating the infection. Among the suitable medication of the Pain. It is accessible, cheap price and ease of use. It is taken a certain way – namely, one pill three times a day, sketchy way.

Also usually prescribe antihistamines with concomitant treatment. For example, prescribed ointment flutsinar. It contains corticosteroids, due to which the skin is a certain effect:

  • Revive damaged cells.
  • Eliminates infiltration.
  • Treated swelling of the skin.

If there was a mechanical rubbing – prescribe zinc ointment (like Sulfur ointment).

All questions on the drugs helps clarify a dermatologist. This will help you to find the best medicine for infants with onset of contact dermatitis.