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How to get rid of constipation at home

What helps and how to deal with constipation?

Best products for constipation:

C problem of a long delay of a chair or difficulties in bowel movement experienced by many, but in this case with the ailment successfully cope home remedies are not providing the body any side effects. This healing effect is capable of producing different vegetable oils, herbs, as well as the inclusion in the diet of a number of products that help to deal with constipation: bran, some dried fruits, cereals, dairy products, juices and honey.

A certain mechanical action is able to facilitate the human condition and help to avoid the consequences of the long stagnation of feces in the body is a special enemas and abdominal massage. Several non-traditional way of getting rid of constipation – soap, although effective, may pose a threat to health, especially when it comes to younger patients, therefore this method must be thoroughly investigated before use.

Oil for constipation

Different oils are considered the primary means to solve problems with a chair. Their effectiveness is due to the fact that they can have a laxative effect, to act as a lubricant of the intestine and stimulate bile processes that also help to eliminate constipation. To eliminate disease use vaseline, castor, linseed, sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn and pumpkin seed oils, each of which solves the problem of delay bowel movement.

Mineral oil for constipation

Mineral oil for constipation successfully cope with the task of excretion of feces. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the peculiarities of this substance, otherwise known as liquid paraffin. It is extracted from oil is a natural, eco-friendly, but means non-plant, non-toxic, having carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, and afterchecking with your doctor can be used even in infants.

Chemical stability of paraffin oil does not give him the after ingestion to be absorbed into the wall of the gastrointestinal tract, which distinguishes it from the organic analogues. Therefore, liquid paraffin is distributed over the walls of the intestine, penetrating between them and stagnated contents, stimulating motor skills. Special viscous structure allows the oil to resist even on vertically oriented surfaces. By thus treated, the gut the stool starts to slide freely, they themselves are thus softened paraffin oil, which greatly facilitates defecation.

Features receive funds are:

  • time: 2 hours before or after eating;
  • dose: infants – 0,5 teaspoon, older children and adolescents – 1-2 tsp, adults can take up to 2.5 teaspoons.

You must strictly adhere to the dosage and specified time frame, exceeding may cause the appearance of the opposite effect – the development of chronic atonic constipation, weakening of the immune system and the occurrence of beriberi because of difficulties with absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. To prevent mineral oil cannot be used, the duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Contraindications to the ingestion of paraffin oil is ulcer or a bowel obstruction, the presence of infectious diseases in the abdominal cavity, pregnancy, during which stimulation of the motility of smooth muscles can lead to uterine tone.

Castor oil for constipation

Castor oil for constipation is taken orally, after which the acid constituent is linoleic, ricinoleate, oleic acid under the action of lipase are split with the release of thermal energy, irritating receptors of the colon and increases the activity of the contractions of smooth muscles of the digestive tract. As a consequence, starts the spontaneous excretion of feces.

Without consultation with the treating specialist to take castor oil for a long time is impossible, it is fraught with addiction, digestive disorders and weakening of the peristalsis of the intestines. In addition, this substance may lead to violation of salt metabolism and dehydration.

The correct application of castor oil can last no more than 3 days and the dosage should be 10 grams. for children and up to 30 gr. for adults 1 time per day. The action of the drug starts in the interval from 2 to 8 hours after consumption in the form of liquid or capsules. Castor oil is quite unpleasant to the taste, so it is recommended to drink with tea, milk, or ginger beverages, or add to any drink.

For the treatment of constipationto use castor oil for pregnant women is strictly forbidden, it can lead to premature birth. To abandon this tool need are suffering with typhoid fever, acute appendicitis, hypotension, adhesive illness of intestines, poisoning fat-soluble substances and women during menstruation.

Flaxseed oil for constipation

Flaxseed oil for constipation has a particularly gentle effect. Its biologically active substances – vitamins and omega acids – not only to deal with the disruption of the intestine but enhance immunity and have a positive impact on metabolic processes in the body, including the digestive system as a whole. Linseed oil will neutralize saturated fats and becomes a natural lubricant which helps to forget about chronic constipation.

There are several ways to apply linseed oil, here are some of them:

  • a tablespoon of remedy to use on an empty stomach in the morning, drinking cold water an hour before a meal;
  • mix a spoonful of butter and a half glass of chilled milk and drink before sleep;
  • before the night's rest, you can prepare a special mixture of honey and linseed oil, taken a tablespoon added to a jar of natural yoghurt.

In addition, this wonderful product can be used as a dressing in a variety of dishes, most importantly, do not heat them after that.

But there are a number of contraindications for taking Flaxseed oil, pancreatic disease, disorders of the gallbladder, especially accompanied by stone formation, pregnancy, lactation, the passage of the therapeutic course of antiviral drugs or antidepressants, oral contraceptives.

Sunflower oil for constipation

Sunflower oil constipation applied as a therapeutic and preventive measure. It helps to cope with constipation and has a beneficial effect on General well-being. To combat constipation is better to use unrefined varieties of sunflower oil, in their composition of nutrients is the most complete.

Taking this product on an empty stomach, quite a tablespoon, and an hour later start to Breakfast. This oil should be actively used as dressings for the prevention of constipation. Gives good results using the product, along with cereals. A portion of the finished dish add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and I eat it once a day. To eliminate constipation in this case is better than othersperfect oatmeal, buckwheat and millet groats.

Sunflower oil does not give undesirable effects, especially if they are not abused. It is not recommended to use it only for people suffering from obesity.

Olive oil for constipation

Olive oil for constipation used in different kinds, the choice of which depends on the therapeutic or preventive task is. To prevent the emergence of the disease in its chronic course, or rare manifestations for an hour before Breakfast, drink a tablespoon with a glass of warm lemon water.

At the time of exacerbation of constipation, it is recommended to do a cleansing oil enemas, which successfully cope with fecal stones and other symptoms. For their preparation mix 5 tsp of olive oil with egg yolk and pour a glass of warm water. Do an enema before bed and leave before awakening, and in the morning noted a positive therapeutic effect. Use of oil improves the therapeutic effect and simultaneously to relieve the patient from constipation.

Good prevention of occurrence of problems with a chair is the daily consumption of olive oil in small amounts in various dishes.

Unwanted effect this product can give only if you are hypersensitive and have problems with the gallbladder due to pronounced cholagogue action of this herbal substance.

Sea buckthorn oil for constipation

Sea buckthorn oil for constipation used for the treatment of advanced and chronic cases. The product of processing of sea buckthorn in addition to anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound healing properties, has a pronounced laxative effect, which determines the high effectiveness of this tool in solving delicate problems.

Therapeutic dose of sea buckthorn oil is 1 teaspoon, which if necessary can be divided into two steps, but should take on an empty stomach. Therapeutic course is about 4 weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil can be part of mikroklizm to increase their effectiveness. For such therapeutic measures take half a liter of warm liquid, and add 20 gr. oil.

This product should be wary to accept those who have problems with the pancreas. All the rest is as necessary to coordinate the intake of sea buckthorn oil with a specialist.

Pumpkin seed oil for constipation

Pumpkin seed oil for constipation has proven efficacy. The rich composition of laxatives and abilities allow him to become an important component of variousrecipes aimed at addressing problems with timely emptying of the bowel and atony.

The absence of significant contraindications allows without fears to use pumpkin seed oil as the most vulnerable category of patients – pregnant women, who because of the nature of prenatal physiology are often confronted with constipation. But we can not do without specialist advice.

Pumpkin seed oil drink in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals for maximum of 10 days and 3 weeks later, repeat the course.

Pregnant take it on a teaspoon three times a day for a full normalization of stool.

Sometimes make a mixture of tablespoon of pumpkin oil and a teaspoon of honey added to the third Cup of yogurt. Thoroughly mixed components eat an hour before bedtime.

Pumpkin the product can be used for mikroklizm 5 ml., made at night after cleansing.

Bran for constipation

One of the reasons for the unstable chair is the lack of fiber and dietary fiber. Therefore, the inclusion in the diet of bran helps to fight the signs of constipation and to deal with their root cause, particularly effective are wheat and rye. By itself, this is a waste product produced after grinding of the grain.

Penetrating into the body, bran absorb water, swell, loosening the stool and increasing their volume, thereby contributing to the fast and easy defecation. In the process of digestion they simultaneously absorb various harmful bacteria, toxins, bacteria, wastes, leftover food, food waste, cleansing the body, improving and stabilizing the intestinal flora, that is, contribute to the prevention of recurrence of constipation.

Here are a few guidelines for the use of bran for constipation:

  • during the month in the morning, 2 tbsp bran, pour a glass of hot milk or boiling water for an hour and eat for 30 min. before Breakfast;
  • pre-steamed bran can be eaten for lunch and dinner, the course of treatment lasts a month;
  • 1 recipe branny water – 4 tbsp bran pour 20 tbsp water, leave for several hours, strain and drink the liquid on an empty stomach, mixing with honey, fruit or berry juices;
  • 2 recipe branny water – Cup of bran, pour a liter of chilled water, hold 8 hours, to take to troubleshoot problems with a chair in small SIPS three times a day immediately before meals;
  • to improve peristalsis of the intestine, excretioncholesterol and cleanse the body bran in pure form is injected into the finished drinks and meals;

  • to enhanced laxative effect will help a few spoonfuls of a mixture of bran, dried fruit and honey, eaten before bed.

Including into the diet of bran it is necessary to increase the daily rate of fluid intake to avoid dehydration.

You should avoid excessive consumption of this product, as well as to refrain from it in the period of acute gastritis, colitis, enteritis, peptic ulcer. Before using bran for medicinal purposes you should consult with your doctor.

Prunes, apricots and figs for constipation

Laxative properties of dried fruits is well known, and high taste qualities of these products make treatment delay bowel movement not only efficient but also very pleasant. Dried apricots, figs, prunes are beneficial to the digestive system and help cleanse the body. For treatment of constipation each of the dried fruits can be used in pure form or be part of the healing drugs.

Recipes for trail mixes:

  • Good exposure to the stagnant fecal masses having a mixture of 50 grams. dried apricots, prunes, honey, raisins, the herb Senna and vegetable oil. Dried fruits are crushed and gently ground with other components. Take a medium dessert spoon before sleeping with warm water.
  • You can prepare a special candy that relieve constipation. They are made from equal parts of chopped figs and prunes, seasoned with a little coriander. The resulting mixture is made into small balls-candy that's eaten during exacerbation of the disease 5 pieces a day, and for the prevention of quite a couple of products.

  • Composition a laxative paste – take 250 g twisted in a meat grinder dried fruit (figs, apricots, prunes) and the same amount of honey, mix with 50 g of crushed Senna and stir. The resulting tool, usually several times a day a tablespoon, the duration depends on the nature of constipation, but make the paste in large doses is not recommended.

With the use of dried blue plums infusions and decoctions, they are added to recipes and eaten separately. Some variants of application of the fruits if you have problems with a chair:

  • A decoction of prunes for constipation prepared as follows: 200 g of oats thoroughly mixed with a few berriesdried fruit, brewed two cups of boiling water, stirred and cooked on a slow fire about half an hour. The resulting tool insist a few hours and filtered, and then used a glass 3 times a day.
  • Grind 100 g of prunes and mix with 2 tsp. of herb Senna, pour a lot of hot water in the amount of 600 ml.., hold for 3 hours and drain. Pete cure for 3-5 tsp every hour until complete disappearance of the constipation.

Anyone suffering from problems with a chair after a meal is recommended to eat 5 stuff dried apricots. Is it possible for all categories of patients, even year-old children. Dried apricots are used extensively in therapeutic mixtures, to normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

A decoction of dried apricots for constipation usually cook before bed, and drink in the morning, preferably right after you Wake up. 6 cookies dried apricots are washed, pour boiling water and leave overnight. You can cook it for a while, but the risk of loss of some nutrients increases. Wake up, drink the liquid and eat the fruit. It is an effective way to improve bowel function and reduce the possibility of constipation.

Juices from constipation

Types of juices:

To provoke the stagnation of feces may inadequate fluid intake, so increased drinking may bring relief for constipation, especially if some of the water replaced by fresh juice of vegetables, fruits and some plants. The composition of these drinks a small amount of plant fibers that promote bowel cleansing and improve the effectiveness of its work.

Beet juice for constipation

Beet juice for constipation gives a positive result due to its laxative abilities. In addition, the use of the drink leads to cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances, which helps to improve the digestive system and body as a whole, as well as completely get rid of the unpleasant signs of unhealthy bowel.

The juice of the beet in its pure form can have a too strong effect, until the unpleasant symptoms, so start to take it always in the mix, that only increases the therapeutic result and has a positive effect on the taste of the final beverage. Initially, the share of beet component in the glass of this medicinalcocktail should not exceed 20 ml., with a positive reaction of the body gradually adjusted to show the therapeutic norm.

The best recipe vegetable mixture with constipation consists of carrot, cucumber and beet juice, taken in the ratio of 10:3:3. Drink take in the morning half an hour before meals on an empty stomach. For prevention a glass of beet juice divided into several doses and take throughout the day.

The preparation of the drink beet has its own characteristics. It is not recommended to drink immediately after pushups, it is better to leave it for 3 hours in the fridge to have time to evaporate hazardous essential nutrients, during this time, a precipitate, which needs to be drained.

Excessive consumption of beet juice can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting, it is contraindicated in the presence of diseases such as peptic ulcer disease, acute gastritis. The use of such potent substances requires co-ordination with specialists.

Carrot juice for constipation

Carrot juice for constipation has a mild laxative effect. It also removes toxins formed as a result of stagnation of fecal matter, thereby reducing the damage from ailments for the body.

Take for medicinal purposes should be only fresh product. Drink it on an empty stomach 40 minutes before your Breakfast in the volume equal to 200 ml.

Using the juice of carrot cocktails, outstanding effectiveness:

  • You will need 50 grams of juice, squeezed from the spinach and 100 g of the drink from carrots. Mix drink in 4 doses per day.

  • In 80 ml of beet, carrot and celery juice mixed, divided into three doses and drink during the day.

Monitor the number of daily beverage consumption of carrots because its overdose has a negative impact on health. People suffering from severe forms of diabetes mellitus, exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis should refrain from this curative measures.

Pumpkin juice for constipation

Pumpkin juice for constipation is considered the best tool, it facilitates bowel movement and reduces the negative effects of the disease. To produce such a squeeze is not difficult, it is enough to clean the vegetable outside and take the seeds out and use the juicer. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to use a ripe young fruit.

To eliminate constipation pumpkin juice drink for half an hour before Breakfast for 100 ml. the treatment course is 10 days and in addition sokoterapii needsto put it in the right diet.

Juice of a pumpkin can be used in combination with others, for example, carrot or orange for a speedy improvement in health.

This product is dangerous to use for people with reduced stomach acidity, gastritis and ulcer in acute, diabetes mellitus.

Tomato juice for constipation

Tomato juice for constipation is able to suppress putrefactive processes in the intestine, to improve performance and stimulate the pancreas. In atonic form ailments are advised to take a half Cup of juice from the tomatoes for half an hour before meals three times a day.

For the treatment of ailments it is better to use a freshly prepared drink made of ripe fruits, crushed manually or with the help of a blender, meat grinder. The resulting mass is filtered and used for a purpose.

Harm to health can only misuse of tomato juice. It cannot be mixed with potatoes, fish, eggs, cheese and bread to prevent kidney stones. Should not be subjected to heat treatment.

Aloe Vera juice for constipation

Aloe Vera juice for constipation has mixed effects: it improves the functioning of digestive system, cleanses the digestive tract of stagnant and harmful elements, stimulates natural bowel movements, softens the stool.

To obtain the juice of aloe Vera need to take a few leaves of the plant and place them on 2 weeks in the fridge, it will contribute to biostimulation of healing potential of the drug. Then, from raw materials to extract juice and take 2 tsp three times a day for 10 days.

To increase the effectiveness of the drug can honey. Two of these components must be mixed in equal quantities and eat a tablespoon half an hour before a meal. After 2 days the dose of allowed to reduce. In this way, treat chronic constipation.

Aloe juice speeds up the flow of all processes in the body, so cancer, uterine bleeding and pregnancy make it impossible. To refrain have in the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, and if there is inflammation of the bladder.

Potato juice for constipation

Potato juice for constipation is most often used at spastic form of the disease. For this purpose, from purified and grated tuber is squeezed a drink, leave it a minute, to donkey starch, drink 150 ml. on an empty stomach, and the residuepoured. To start Breakfast in an hour.

High efficiency of different potato mixture and beet juice in equal parts, which you drink half a Cup before meals.

You cannot use the drink made from the tubers, long time were in the sun. They produce solanine, a special poisonous alkaloid which can cause severe poisoning.

Herbs for constipation

Medicinal plants give a good effect with prolonged delay of defecation caused by a variety of reasons. The most efficient means is prepared on the basis of rhubarb, Senna and buckthorn. Decoctions of them stimulate peristalsis, exerting the same effect as a laxative.

For the preparation of a medicinal product of the plant one of them in the amount of 20 grams pour a glass of water, boil for about 20 min. on low heat. Ready means top up with water to a full glass and drink half the norm twice a day. The therapeutic effect after 8 hours.

Resort to this remedy constantly is not recommended, as it may be addictive, after which the dose will have to periodically increase.

A softer impact of herbs in the following recipes:

  • You need to take on a table spoon the flowers of the elderberry and fruit zhostera ions, brewed with boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting brew filter, cool and drink a glass of morning and evening.

  • Drug collection from 20 g of leaves nettle nettle, 15 g herb yarrow, 30 g of buckthorn bark 1 tbsp. add water and cook on slow fire for 5 minutes, then cool and make the facility 100 g for 30 min. before bedtime.

  • Chamomile constipation mixed with an equal amount of oregano ordinary, tablespoon of the mixture, put in a thermos, pour boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. The next morning, filter and take twice a day 200 ml. This tool is used for spastic constipation, because the flowers of this plant have a pronounced antispasmodic action.

  • The use of dandelion root due to its cholagogic abilities. Production of bile stimulates peristalsis and relieves the symptoms of constipation. The infusion is prepared from 2 tablespoons of crushed roots or leaves,insist in a thermos 400 ml of boiling water over night, and the next day drinking, divided into 3 doses.

The use of various herbal infusions and decoctions should be mandatory agreed with the doctor to avoid unwanted side effects.

Cereal for constipation

One of the main reasons for the malfunction of the intestine is poor diet. Therefore, in some cases enough to change your diet to forget about this delicate issue. This may help in the usual on each table mashed potatoes, but not all, and prepare them for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes should be different.

To combat constipation is ideal barley, buckwheat and oat cereals. Their seasoned vegetable oil, enrich with raw vegetables also improve digestion. In this case you cannot use cereal foods, only full grain. This is cooking for 10 minutes, then removed from the fire, wrapped and finishes the cooking by the steam. Only cooked this way the quinoa is to promote well-being.

Tea from constipation

A variety of teas, effectively stimulating the activity of the intestine and cause a bowel movement, basing their action on the specific abilities of individual plants, in particular those that contain hrizofanovuyu acid. This substance irritates the receptors, thereby increasing intestinal secretion and peristalsis. Therefore, tea is an effective remedy even long lasting constipation.

To the features a product should include a gentle effect and the absence of significant contraindications, can be used even for treatment of children.

Container plants for a tea you can do this yourself or purchase already prepared in the pharmacy network. The finished drink is not to store and take longer than 3 days as it quickly loses its healing abilities. The duration of intake of this tool is around 3 weeks, after which you need to take a break, a preventative measure from addiction. To ensure a consistently high level for the beneficial effect of this tea is recommended to periodically change its composition.

Here are some recipes for creating effective product:

  • Chopped dill and flax seeds to mix with the bark of buckthorn in the ratio 1:1:4. Spoon collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, and warm on a water bath for 10 minutes, to filter. Drink tea before bedtime.

  • Clover, nettle leaves, buckthorn bark, joining in the proportions 1:1:3. Fee1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, allowed to stand, filtered, take 0.5 tbsp. at night.

Garlic for constipation

This wonderful product enhances the secretory and motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, can inhibit the fermentation in the intestinal canal, caused by a decrease in its motility, and relieves pain caused by such ailments. It is not surprising that garlic can help to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of constipation.

Enough in the evening to eat 1 clove of garlic, rubbed it on bread or a bit of sugar with a small (10 g) with a piece of bacon that morning with no problems, empty the bowel. In the latter case, the fat will also have a choleretic effect and improve intestinal peristalsis, increasing the effectiveness of this tool.

Yogurt and milk with constipation

Dairy products can impact on the digestive system. Fresh yogurt and milk contain special enzymes that affect the dilution and promotion of intestinal chyme, that is, to eliminate the possibility of constipation.

Special healing properties has a so-called daily yogurt. It is made from 800 ml. hot milk, to which add a spoonful of regular yogurt or sour cream, stir and put in a dark place for a day. After 2 hours the drink is ready, drink it to solve problems with constipation.

Plain yogurt will have the desired impact if the glass of this fermented milk product is to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and drink slowly before bedtime. Few days the stool is completely normal.

Gripe water for constipation

The efficacy and safety of this drink it is proven in practice and allows you to use it to treat ailments, even in infants. Dill water is used in atonic constipation. Interestingly, this drink can be prepared not only from dill and fennel seeds. The latter has a more mild effect and taste, so often intended for children.

For the preparation of gripe water you need to take 2 tablespoons of seeds pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Make ready to drink in 90 ml. three times a day 20 minutes before meals. For children the ratio of ingredients is somewhat different – half teaspoon of seeds in half a Cup of boiling water. The prepared water is filtered and prepared daily fresh.

Honey for constipation

This product has a mild laxative effect and has hygroscopicity, i.e. the ability to absorb moisture and keep it for a long time. Thus, once in the intestine, honeymoisturizes and softens the stool, ensuring timely defecation. To enhance the effectiveness of the product is capable of additional components used to prepare various mixtures. Here are some of them:

  • Honey melt in a water bath, mix with 50 g chopped dried berries of viburnum, cover and leave for 8 hours. To make this tool need up to 4 times a day for half an hour before meals for 2 tsp.

  • 2 tsp. honey grind with 200 g oven baked pumpkin and eat at a time.
  • to get rid frequent constipation will help a mixture of 80 g of honey and 20 g of sulfur pharmacy, make you need a teaspoon once a day, and the rest of the mass stored in the refrigerator.

Honey can be used for preparing enemas, and also as a lubricant in mechanical impact:

  • enema in a glass of warm milk dissolve 15 g of white and honeydew honey (this dosage is designed for children, adults can increase it);

Use the offered recommendations can only those who have no Allergy to bee products.

See article - what you can and can't eat for constipation

Soap from constipation

It is quite old and now rarely practiced, but very effective method of getting rid of stagnated fecal material. For the treatment soap use household, from which cut out candles or used to make enemas. Homemade suppositories inserted into the anus. If they have not had the desired effect, from an aqueous solution of soap is prepared enema, the tip of the syringe smeared with vaseline and after the introduction into the anus begins to turn clockwise, thus massaging the stomach in the opposite direction. This should give a quick and positive result.

This method of getting rid of constipation can not be used for childrenand adults it is suitable only in cases of emergency. The fact that the soap is composed of fat and alkali, which under certain conditions may not take the position of the reaction and remain unchanged in the finished product. During interaction with the mucosa may be the release that will damage the health.

Abdominal massage for constipation

The effectiveness of a mechanical impact with stagnation in the intestines is very high. There are several types of massage that is used for the treatment of constipation – segmentarno-reflexive, hardware, acupressure and self-massage. The latter may be the most popular because the help of professional therapists are not always available.

Before you begin self-massage, you need to fulfill a number of conditions:

  • Before a session you need to empty the bladder and bowels, if necessary, using the enema. This requirement is due to the fact that a profound impact in the process of massage has to reach the front and rear walls of the internal organs, and are in their solid masses can cause irritation of mucous membranes and impaired circulation.
  • Begin self-massage can be no earlier than a half hour after eating, duration of treatment should not exceed 10 minutes.
  • The body and hands should be clean.
  • The abdominal muscles should be more relaxed, which is necessary to adopt the most comfortable position.
  • Direction of massage movements should repeat the flow of lymph to the near lymph nodes.

Self-massage begins with the right iliac side, then move in the direction of the right hypochondrium, beating him down to the left iliac side. The first movements are in the nature of light strokes, gradually moving in a spiral or circular rubbing with the weights, intermittent pressure, shaking. The session ends with the vibration and circular strokes.

To use massage for constipation is not allowed to people who have diseases of the skin, blood, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. Sessions are not carried out during pregnancy and for 2 months after delivery or abortion.

Enema for constipation at home

If medicines and folk remedies have been ineffective, to facilitate use of an enema.

How to do an enema for constipation? Features of the procedure depends on the type and composition of the enema:

  • Oil. Into the rectum by means of a rubber pear administered olive, vaseline or sunflower oil in a volume of 50-100 ml, which is mixed with the stool, making them slippery and accelerating their promotion to the anus. Usually the oil is heated to 37S substance that relieves spasms and also promotes the early defecation. The effect occurs late, after 10-12 hours, so this enema is usually put for the night.
  • Hypertensive. Has an instant action. For its preparation using 10% sodium chloride solution or 20% magnesia. 100-200 ml of fluid rubber bulb is inside. These substances when injected into the intestine increase in this osmotic pressure, causing fluid from the adjacent tissue is drawn into the stool and softens them. Meanwhile the saline solution irritates the mucous membranes of the rectum, causing it toactive reduction and promotion of feces to the anus. The effect is achieved in 20 minutes.

  • Cleaning. This type of enema can be used if the previous had no effect. It does not affect the bowels and just washes away feces from the body. This enema is not recommended to put themselves, it is better to ask for help. It will require water of suitable temperature, which is poured into a mug Esmarch pre-blocked tap. The fixture is suspended a meter above the bed. After the introduction of fluid in the body, the patient should lie down for about 20 minutes to keep water evenly distributed through the intestines and soften the stool. Then there is defecation.
  • Sequence of actions:

  1. Tips enema smeared with vaseline.

  2. The patient lies on his left side and brings the knees bent legs to the stomach.

  3. Index finger and thumb of his left hand he pushed the buttocks and the right takes the tip and careful rotational motion introduces not more than 10 cm into the anus.

  4. The contents of the enema slowly injected into the cavity of the intestine. When cleaning open the regulator on the hose for the gradual penetration of water into the intestine.

  5. After the introduction of the solution for 10 minutes, you need is rest, and then go to defecate. After the oil enema the patient lies down to sleep, and bowel movements occur in the morning.

Enema can not be done too often, as well as the presence of ulcers, fissures, erosions on the mucosal surfaces of the intestine, bleeding in the region of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes in the colon, hemorrhoids, abdominal pain.

There are many ways to deal with constipation at home, but their application should be agreed with experts. Any of the options will produce consistent and high quality results only if its use will be supplemented by correct diet, feasible physical activity and treatment of major causes of bad disease.