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Use fish posts

Every year an increasing number of middle-aged people suffering from different diseases of the cardiovascular system. This alarming situation has forced scientists and nutritionists from different countries to think about how to prevent these diseases. They have paid the most attention to seafood, namely, fish.

Examined the lifestyle and health status of the Greenlandic Inuit, scientists suggested a possible link between the heart and the fish. As previously thought, food, only animal food, leads to early heart attack, and so ate the Eskimos (fish and marine mammals). They used a huge amount of fat and cholesterol in their menu almost was not included, nor vegetables, nor fruits, it was not green. However, the heart and arteries was in perfect condition. After these studies, fish and fish oil has been recommended as a means to prevent heart attacks.

For example, residents of Japan, Italy and other Maritime countries also eat like the Eskimos. They don't so often suffer from cardiovascular diseases, obesity and disorders of thyroid function. They are more energetic and the life expectancy is longer, in contrast to those who rarely eat such food.

Why is it so useful fish?

Compared with animal meat, seafood and fish, the most easily digestible protein. It is so easy to digest due to the fact that in muscle tissues of marine inhabitants, fish, shrimps, crabs, the amount of connective tissue is less in 5 times than meat animals. As you know the connective tissue slows down the digestion of protein. Also in their muscle fat content is minimal ( and the fat adds to the load on the digestive gland). According to this, after you eat a portion of fish, weight in the stomach you feel. It is the seafood great food for someone who wants to be always energetic and not to waste time for their afternoon NAP.

In addition, fish protein contains essential amino acids. The lack of one of them in the diet leads to the development of anemia, atherosclerosis, immune deficiency, neurosis, depression, insomnia, rapid skin aging and other health problems.

Protein and fat in fish and other seafood, enough easily digestible. Compared to meat him there, for a lot less. For example, take such fish as: carp, cod, whiting, the fat content in them is 3 to 6%. In the meat of animals contains 18% fat. Fish oil is the cure. It is recommended especially in children. Fish is the diet.

Vitamin D

For good absorption of calcium and phosphorus, necessary vitamin d is fishfat completely fills the organism with this vitamin. A growing body needs these micronutrients. Of them are built of bone, cartilage, other connective tissue. Phosphorus, which are rich in seafood, takes part in metabolism of nervous tissue. The lack of it, leads to the fact that the person becomes irritable, he may be numbness of the skin, tremors in the extremities.

The large amount of vitamin D available in halibut. If you take a teaspoon of fat from the liver of the halibut, it's enough for two weeks. However, you should have in mind that the daily requirement of vitamin D exceed unnecessary, for this reason, liver halibut will leave it alone. Required dose of vitamin D is found in salmon(100g), or fifty grams of herring, or 180 g canned sardines.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish oil, has a lovely property, not to allow the cholesterol to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis. After forty years, people often begin to appear in vessels of the first plaque, so from this age fish and seafood in a menu must be systematically. Similar fatty acids are produced by small sea algae. These algae feed on small fish, they are prey to larger fish, etc. On this principle these valuable fats to us get to our table. But that's not all their useful properties. Polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent malignant transformation of cells, in addition they have the ability to slow down the already started process. In chronic inflammation, especially with arthritis they simply are not interchangeable. Under the influence of these fats calm inflammation in the intestines, including colitis. In asthma, many skin diseases, kidney diseases, depression and in chronic fatigue syndrome very useful polyunsaturated fats.

Common mackerel is one of the best sources of fatty acids. Followed by brown trout, Pacific and Atlantic herring, tuna and salmon. Expensive acne and oily halibut contains less than half of these fats, in contrast to the simple herring.


Also in fish there is scarce a trace mineral iodine in an easily digestible form, as it is organic. Inorganic iodine contained in the salt or the tablets more difficult to digest. The lack of iodine affects the health of the person, he gets tired quickly, this phenomenon is often mistaken for chronic fatigue syndrome. It also affects thinking, perhaps eventhe slowpoke.

Pregnant women, iodine deficiency threatens unpleasant consequences. If during pregnancy, especially the first three months after conception, the child does not have enough iodine, the baby could be born with congenital cretinism. Also such deviations as deaf-mutism, squint.

Trace elements

In addition to all these advantages, fish is a rare trace elements, copper and zinc. Each of these trace elements are actively involved in many enzymatic reactions. In such as protein digestion, the building of germ cells, building immune cells, hormones. For this reason, seafood is recommended to use all, as a General tonic.

How much you need to eat fish in order to support all of the above effects?

According to who experts, to obtain the maximum of useful effect from seafood, to use them requires approximately 150 grams 2 – 3 times a week. So one fish day in a week is not enough, several times a week will be fine.