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Treatment of Staphylococcus folk remedies

Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of a dangerous infection which may affect any human organ and is the cause of more than a hundred of dangerous diseases. Staphylococci can cause appendicitis, cholecystitis, purulent mastitis, and infectious pneumonia.

Suppurative lesions of skin and mucous membranes, which are caused by Staphylococcus acne, furunculosis, carbunculus, folliculitis, eczema. The development of these diseases is associated with the ability of bacteria identify the enzyme lipase that breaks down fat in the mouth of the hair follicle, which contributes to the formation of an ulcer.

Staph are also dangerous products in your life – toxins. Exfoliatin – toxin, which causes "syndrome scalded babies" - a disease that affects infants, causes the appearance of bubbles on the entire surface of their skin, like burns. Enterotoxin is another dangerous poison secreted by Staphylococcus aureus – when exposed to the human body causes vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms of food poisoning.

Aureus propagated not only in humans but also in food – meat and fish canned food, sweets with butter cream, salads and sauces, releasing the toxins. Symptoms of poisoning are manifested in humans who consume products with the accumulated toxins.

The content of the article:

Effective treatment of Staphylococcus aureus copper

Among the methods of treatment and prevention of Staphylococcus aureus special attention deserves the treatment of copper or metalotherapy, known since the time of Aristotle. Aristotle in his work mentions the treatment of bruises, ulcers and swelling by applying copper plates. Avicenna recommended in purulent inflammation be applied to the affected area, copper sulfate, and Eastern healers treated fractures and diseases of bone powder red copper, assigning it to the intake.

In the tradition of our people also have the recipes for the treatment of copper,which was used for various diseases – from injuries, ulcers and suppuration to cholera. An important role in the prevention of staphylococcal infection is the use of copper utensils in the household. Wash water from the copper basin, food from copper utensils provide a constant supply of this metal in the body. Copper is needed for the occurrence of many vital biochemical processes of synthesis of collagen, absorption of iron and synthesis of hemoglobin. In addition, copper has strong antibacterial properties, killing even methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus that are not susceptible to antibiotics.

Antiseptic effect of copper is higher than silver, so in America, Japan and England it is antimicrobial, hospital equipment, door handles, hand rails and other contact surfaces, through which can spread the infection.

Copper is the only metal that embedding the cell of the aerobic organism (pathogenic flora), causes in them processes of suffocation, and they in turn die naturally. The copper is completely harmless to anaerobic organisms (lactic acid bacteria and bifidus bacteria)! This is especially important when Golden staph in life allocates a huge amount of strong poisons, but if you kill with antibiotics, he will allocate more dangerous poisons, after which the person becomes even worse!

If your items are missing items from copper (real copper should be reddish, not Golden tide), it is necessary to ensure its intake with food (or added to diet Supplements, such as EULISS). Much copper is contained in spinach, lettuce, buckwheat, raw oats, beef and pork liver.

The daily rate of copper for an adult is 2 mg, with doses over 3 mg can show symptoms of intoxication: nausea and symptoms of food poisoning, salivation and metallic taste in mouth, diarrhea, kidney and liver failure, disorders of the nervous system.

Note also that colloidal silver when taking it inside also has a positive effect on staph. Colloidal silver – the best natural antibiotic

Chlorophyllin against Staphylococcus aureus

The drug is used for treatment of purulent diseases of ENT organs and inflammation caused by staphylococcal infection. The drug shows good results even in the treatment of antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus,applied topically, as a gargle and applied to the foci of inflammation.

The drug is in the form of alcohol and oil solution, an alcohol solution of 1% concentration is used for rinsing throat and lubricate oil solution inflamed tonsils. The oil solution is also used for rinsing the nasopharynx, so as not to injure the mucous alcohol. Two-percent oil solution hlorofillipta use as nose drops three times a day during the week, which ensures sanitation of the nasal cavity. Rinse often conduct a course of four to ten days. Young children and babies instead of rinsing is recommended to apply tampons soaked with oil solution into sites of inflammation, and wipe with a cotton swab of the oral cavity and throat, moisten it with diluted alcohol solution hlorofillipta.

Other popular recipes for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus

The course of treatment is two to six weeks depending on the severity of the disease, before starting it is necessary to consult a herbalist for the high effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Comfrey leaves and burdock. A mixture of dried crushed leaves of burdock and comfrey in the ratio of one to one pour boiling water and infuse for fifteen minutes. Received the infusion, taken three times a day to facilitate the patient's condition. Fresh leaves of burdock is used for topical treatment of skin with purulent lesions – they help to relieve inflammation and to accelerate healing of the skin.

  • Black currant berries against Staphylococcus. Fresh berries and juice of black currants contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals and volatile – the natural antibiotics that help the body fight infection. In the complex treatment of staphylococcal infections useful every day to eat the berries of black currant, to strengthen the immune system and enhance the action of antibiotic drugs (tetracycline, biomitsin and others). Take three times a day, Cup of berries after each meal.Studies have proven the effectiveness of black currant in the treatment of staph infections – Staphylococcus aureus infected experimental animals at a daily consumption of berries and currant juice survived and were cured five times more often in comparison with the control group.

  • The Golden thorn. Grass Golden spines or drip pan used in the form of decoction to treat skindiseases, mastitis, staph infection. Two tablespoons of dry raw material is placed in a fabric pouch and put it in a container with boiling water (1 liter). Boil until the liquid acquire a Golden hue for the treatment of children and to rich yellow or light brown for adults. The resulting broth for ten days drinking instead of water and used for washing the affected areas and suppuration.
  • Infusion of medicinal herbs. The mixture of herbs containing the leaves of meadowsweet herb, hop cones, root calamus, chamomile, mint, oregano (two teaspoons of each plant), and seeds of fennel, grass cyanosis (one teaspoon) and three tablespoons of leaves of fireweed grind and pour boiling water. Per liter of boiling water to two tablespoons of herbal mixture. To insist in a thermos for ten hours, take half a Cup three times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment – up to three months. Composed herbal treatment for staphylococcal infection is also used Echinacea, the leaves of the walnut, the root of Wheatgrass, tricolor violet, kidneys black poplar and white dead-nettle. A decoction of a succession added to baths for bathing infants in order to reduce the symptoms of staphylococcal infection and to reduce the activity of the pathogen.

  • Baths with Apple cider vinegar. For the treatment of skin staph infection use compresses and baths with Apple cider vinegar. In a hot water bath, add 50 grams of vinegar, the procedure is performed three times a day for fifteen minutes. The mixture to compress are in the proportion: two tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Apricot pulp. Apricot fruits used ancient Oriental healers to treat wounds and suppuration, fresh pulp applied to the affected areas to relieve inflammation. Apricots contain volatile, with antibacterial activity and pectin, which have astringent, anti-inflammatory effect. The fruit puree of apricot for the treatment of Staphylococcus take twice a day, morning and evening on an empty stomach.

  • Propolis tincture. Soft small pieces of propolis crushed and poured rubbing alcohol or strong alcohol like rum, brandy or vodka. Insist in the tank with a shaded glass in a cool, darkplace, after which the infusion can be used to gargle in tonsillitis, sinusitis or sinusitis caused by staph infection and orally to treat staph. Propolis has a strong antibacterial properties that can reduce the resistance of bacteria to other antibiotics and to activate your own body defenses, providing the immunostimulatory effects.

Topic: How to prepare and adopt propolis solution?

Drugs used for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus by the broad-spectrum antibiotics can lead to deterioration of the patient, therefore, assigned only in case of serious infections in patients with lesions of the heart valve, staphylococcal pneumonia and osteomyelitis. As a result of this treatment aureus may acquire resistance to the antibiotic, and in the future the drug will not have effect. In addition, the antibiotics inhibit the activity of non-pathogenic microflora, arusaadavalt microorganisms and occurs dysbiosis, which aureus could proliferate even faster.

Drugs for the treatment of staphylococcal infections are divided into four groups:

  • Actually antibiotics and antiseptics for local treatment is applied when life-threatening infections in combination with other anti-staphylococcal drugs;
  • Drugs that stimulate the immune system, contributing to the development of its own antibodies and formation of immune protection against the pathogen;
  • Drugs whose action is directed at the destruction of Staphylococcus aureus, the effect of which is similar to antibiotics, but the side effects are weaker. These include staphylococcal bacteriophage;
  • Drugs not affect the growth and reproduction of the pathogen, but stimulating the metabolic processes in the body in General, what helps him to cope with infection (liquid aloe and other biogenic stimulators).

Currently imeetsya9 types of drugs for the treatment of diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus:

  • Antiseptics broad-spectrum – used for local treatment of skin and mucous membranes. One of the most famous drugs octenisept – they disinfect the surface of the skin after burns, purulent lesions andpostoperative seams, also used for the treatment of staphylococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

  • Baneuoqin – ointment for local application when staphylococcal lesions of the skin, it contains two antibiotics – neomycin and bacitracin.
  • Mupirocin – antibacterial cream for topical use for staph skin lesions. The eponymous antibiotic ointments contain mupirocin, baktroban and bonders.
  • Imudon, rutaskorbin Rue "Belmedpreparaty", IRS-19 – bacterial lysates containing fragmented body of staph and other microorganisms. Harm your health they can't, but if ingested, triggers the immune response that contribute to immunity against infectious agents. Available in spray and pills.
  • KIP (complex immunoglobulin) and antistaphylococcal human immunoglobulin. The active substance is released from the donor serum, and directionally acts on cells of the pathogen. Contains antibodies to the toxins of Staphylococcus aureus, supports weakened immune system and is used for the treatment of infectious pneumonia and sepsis.
  • Staphylococcal toxoid injected subcutaneously, it is used to treat staphylococcal infections in adults, contributes to the development of its own antibodies, are safe to use for women during pregnancy.
  • Staphylococcal vaccines – contain thermostable antigens of the pathogen, used for the production of antimicrobial immunity.
  • Bacteriophages are used to destroy cells of the pathogen staph infection at the high focustitle. Preparations of bacteriophages as antibiotics, can contribute to the development of resistance in staphylococci, and therefore they should be used with caution and under medical supervision.
  • Biogenic stimulators of human metabolism, improves overall body tone and his resistance to infection. These include aloe Vera, which is used as in pill form or as syrup orally or subcutaneously, and as an ointment for local treatment.
  • Chlorophyllin in the form of alcohol or oil solution (1% or 2% concentration) administered orally in the form of enemas for the topical treatment.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist