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Treatment of follicular ovarian cysts folk remedies

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The recipes using medicinal herbs

To begin, we emphasize that traditional methods of treatment is relevant only in the case of functional ovarian cysts (follicular or yellow body). More complex tumors, the more unknown and possible malignant nature require immediate examination and conventional treatment. In the case of women often occur and spontaneously resolve follicular cysts, traditional recipes can be a good alternative to hormones and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment ovarian cysts herbs:

  • Burdock. Collect young, fleshy leaves of burdock and squeeze out the juice (best to use a juicer). Store the juice in glass containers in the refrigerator and take it within a month three times a day before meals for 2 tablespoons. Remember that every three days you need to prepare a fresh batch of juice mug, as he loses part of useful properties;

  • Nard. From this medicinal plant can be prepared a magic brew to treat follicular ovarian cysts. Fold in three-liter jar of 100 g of root elecampane , and one tablespoon of honey and yeast, pour the brim with clean water, cover with cheesecloth and let stand in a dark, cool place for 2-3 days. Ready brew, strain and drink half Cup 4 times a day immediately after meals for a month or longer, depending on the testimony of ultrasound;

  • The celandine. Mix a Cup of liquid honey with a glass of fresh juice of celandine and a quarter Cup of alcohol tincture of propolis. Store this medication need in the fridge in a glass container and take one tea spoon for 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 1-3 months before full recovery. Be careful not to exceed dosage: treatment of follicular ovarian cysts celandine is very effective, but can be dangerous, because the plant is poisonous;

  • Cinquefoil goose. Separte two tablespoons of dried goose Potentilla half a liter of boiling water, cover the saucepan with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours, then infusion of strain and drink half a Cup before meals 3times a day within 1-3 months;

  • Walnut. In the partitions of a walnut, and also in unripe fruits contain substances that normalize hormonal balance. For the treatment of follicular ovarian cysts can be used two methods. First: boil 4 tablespoons of partitions in three cups of boiling water for half an hour, strain, divide the decoction into 4 equal parts and drink throughout the day before meals. Treated as a month, or as necessary to recovery. Second: take 10 pieces of green, unripe walnuts, finely chop, put in half-liter jar, pour vodka and insist in a dark, dry place for 2 weeks. This tincture should be taken 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals for 1-3 months.

  • Kalina and honey. In a glass jar, mix 100 ml of liquid honey and the same amount of fresh juice of the berries of viburnum. Store in the refrigerator and take 1 teaspoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals for at least two months.

  • Folk treatment of ovarian cysts herbal:

    Any components of the collection are mixed in equal proportions. In one liter of boiling water you will need 2 tablespoons of the collection. Prepare the infusion in the evening, preferably in a thermos, and the next day drink it all,dividing into two equal parts, half an hour before meals. Every 2 months is necessary to make a break for two weeks and then proceed to the treatment of follicular cysts using a different collection from the list. During the year one can get rid of recurrences.

    Follicular ovarian cyst – treatment infusions:

  • Tincture of acacia. One bottle of vodka 0.5 liters, take 4 tablespoons of acacia flowers, preferably fresh, for at least weeks. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day during the month;
  • Tincture Golden mustache. For the same amount of vodka you will need 20-40 sustavchikov Golden mustache, depending on size. They must be pre-crushed, pour vodka and store in a dark place for 2 weeks. Ready infusion for the treatment of follicular ovarian cysts take on a special scheme: in a glass of water morning and evening on an empty stomach drip 10 drops drugs and drink. Then, each day for 25 days dosage increase by one drop until you reach 35 drops per day. And then in the reverse sequence to reduce the dosage back to 10 drops a day. These courses may take from three to five, and between them you have to do a ten-day break;

  • Tincture of mushroom. Collect young, cone-shaped , the fly agaric is bright red with white spots on the caps, clean them and chop, add to a quart jar, not tamping, and pour the brim with vodka. Tincture to withstand in a dark, dry place for a few weeks until it becomes a rich reddish-brown color and a sharp characteristic odor. Then it is necessary to drain and clean the refrigerator and make the following scheme: the first day one drop three times a day, and then increase the dose by one drop until you reach 15 drops at a time. After that, you need to gradually return to the initial dosage, as well reducing by one drop every day. Treatment of follicular cyst by this method usually requires 2-3 courses, between them make a break for two weeks;

  • Tincture on pine nuts. Take a tablespoon of unrefined pine nuts, mash in a mortar, put in a glass jar and pour half a liter of vodka.Leave in a dry and dark place for 2-3 weeks and take 1 tablespoon three times daily before meals, diluting the tincture in water. Treatment of follicular ovarian cysts cedar tincture – until the end of the prepared portion, then if necessary it can be repeated, making the break 10-14 days;

  • Tincture to raisins. On a bottle of vodka 0.5 liters will you need 300 grams of good, large, dark raisins. Leave the mixture in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks, and to take tincture need 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. A standard course of treatment is 1 month, but after a short break of 10 days, it can be repeated;

  • Tincture lumbago. 1 liter of vodka you will need 100 grams of dried cross davurica is a rare herb, but very effective in the treatment of follicular ovarian cysts. To survive you need the tincture in a dark place at room temperature 1-1,5 months, and take three times a day, starting with one drop, gradually bringing the dose back to 20 and reducing to one. After this course, you need a break for 2 weeks, after which you can continue treatment, if necessary;

  • Tincture of Borovoy of the uterus. A rare plant called upland uterus used in the treatment of many gynecological diseases, including in follicular ovarian cyst. Half-liter bottle of vodka you will need 50 g of dry powdered herb. Prepare the tincture for two weeks in a dry, dark place, then filter and take three times a day before meals for 30-40 drops with milk, so as not to burden the liver. A standard course of treatment is 21 days, and before the next course must take a long break, at least a month;
  • Combined tincture. Half-liter bottle of vodka, take 1 finely chopped leaf agave (room aloe), 1 teaspoon of birch buds, 2 tablespoons chopped tarragon, preferably fresh, and one pod of red pepper of Chile. Prepare infusion 10 days in a cool, dry place, then filter and take 1 tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals, for the convenience of dissolving the medicine in half a glass of water.

  • Home treatments for the treatment of follicular ovarian cysts:

  • Onion tampons. Squeeze the bulbs of the young core with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, and in the morning put it in the honey. In the evening, without wiping, wrapthe core of the onion in a piece of sterile gauze and enter into the vagina as deep as possible, leaving the outside a piece of cheesecloth for easy retrieval. Waking up, remove and discard the swab. Treatment of follicular ovarian cysts this method is carried out for two consecutive weeks, after which the cyst usually resolves completely;
  • Wormwood compresses. Before bed separte small bunch fresh tarragon boiling water, wait for the grass to cool a bit, wring it and wrap in gauze, apply to the lower abdomen and obviates a warm scarf. Hold the compress for at least two hours, and then remove it and immediately go to sleep, getting out of bed. Repeat this procedure 2-3 weeks in a row;
  • Ointment of beeswax. In a small enameled saucepan, heat 1 Cup of vegetable oil, put a piece of beeswax the size of a matchbox, wait until the wax has completely melted. Then take the yolk of pre-boiled eggs, crumble and throw into the saucepan gradually, one tiny bite. In the process, the cream will foam and shoot, that's fine. Finished medicine filter through sterile cheesecloth, cool and store in the refrigerator. For the treatment of follicular ovarian cysts treat ointment on a sterile tampon and insert into the vagina at night for months;
  • Baths with baby soap. The third briquette quality baby soap RUB on a small grater, mix this mass with four raw eggs, pour into a bowl and add 3 litres of hot water. Sit in the bath every evening, starting from the tenth day of the menstrual cycle (counting the first day of menstrual cycle) and before the first day of the next. Treatment of follicular ovarian cysts in this way is carried out for 2-3 cycles, until the disease has passed.

  • General recommendations for the treatment of ovarian cysts

    To resort to the popular method of treatment is possible only in the case when agree with your gynecologist. Decoctions, tinctures and home treatments do not replace a full diagnosis and hormone therapy, especially if we are talking about a complicated case, frequent relapses or pregnant patient.

    During the treatment of follicular cysts should avoid physical exertion, sudden movements, jumps and slopes. It is also advisable to refrain from an active sex life. Just remember the pledge of women's health is regular preventive visits to the gynecologist. The only way to timely detect and cure many dangerous diseases.