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Acetonemia vomiting

Acetonemia vomiting is a symptom that develops as a result of the failure of metabolism in children. Blood accumulates ketone bodies and acetone. Since the metabolism is broken, from the body they are not displayed. As a result, acetonemia, indicating the high content of acetone in the blood. Hence the name of the vomiting, the appearance of which signals about the disease.

The concentration of ketone bodies and acetone are usually growing very quickly. The response of the child's body she becomes acetonemia vomiting. Overall, however, the causes of these processes lie in the disruption of the pituitary – part of the brain, whose activity affects the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. This symptom is acetonemia vomiting, can long not be shown, for example, if the pituitary gland has been damaged during childbirth or even during pregnancy. Acetonemic vomiting and cause various diseases. Most often this symptom faced by children suffering from diabetes.

The first manifestation acetonemic vomiting usually diagnosed up to 6 years. It can last until puberty. Hormonal changes at this time to improve metabolism, the body begins to cope better with digesting animal fats, so acetoneiso bouts of vomiting teenagers after 15 years, don't bother.

As the cause of the symptom become ketone bodies and acetone which accumulate in the body, are important contributing circumstances. The synthesis of such substances is the liver. This requires the receipt with food of protein and fat. If the metabolism proceeds normally, a small amount of ketone bodies and acetone is excreted from the body. You want the child to consume enough carbohydrates. They are able to prevent over-production of ketone bodies and acetone. An unbalanced diet is one of the main reasons acetonemic vomiting. It is impossible to prevent excessive consumption of protein and fat. However, in patients with diabetes, even when adhering to a strict diet still occurs acetonemia vomiting. In this case there is the inability of the body to handle the digestion of carbohydrates.

Ketone bodies and acetone represent toxic substances. If the number is above normal, the body tries to get rid of them, which provokes vomiting. While vomit characteristic smell of acetone.

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Causes acetonemia vomiting

The main factor that leads to acetoneiso of vomiting – improper feeding. Usually children suffering from this symptom, consume too much animal fats and protein, but receive less carbohydrates. You should limit in their diet the amount of oil, fat, fatty meat. The child's body does not cope with the digestion of foods that contain a lot of protein and fats. A glut of these substances becomes the cause acetonemic vomiting.

It is necessary to watch also that the child has eaten on time. The child's body can not long remain without food, because in this case, it starts the breakdown of fat stores to provide your energy supply. As a result, together with her develop and ketone body acetone. No need to restrict the child for a long time in food. Children should eat often but in small portions. This mode is useful for health, as it positively affects the metabolism and allows the body good to digest food.

Diabetes cause vomiting becomes acetoneiso lack of insulin. The level of glucose in the blood may be normal. However, the use of the body it can't, because that requires insulin. That's why it is very important to ensure intake of children with diabetes at the time. To inactivate the insulin can also nervous shock, stress, infection, hypothermia and various diseases. Due to the impact of such factors in the blood in large quantities is ejected from the adrenaline. Glucose is not supplied to the cells, which causes the breakdown of adipose tissue to release energy, and this leads to the formation of ketone bodies and acetone.

Excessive physical and emotional stress often become harbingers acetonemic vomiting. She also appears often during the holidays, after eating, when the child is abusing too fatty and sweet food. The children in this case, feel unwell, suffer from headaches and feel weak, so they can act up.

The clinical picture acetonemic vomiting

Acetonemia vomiting is one of the symptomsacetonemic syndrome. She's indomitable, persists for a longer period of time. Acetonemia vomiting dangerous because it causes severe dehydration. However, to compensate for the loss of fluid in the body fails, as in this case, the child will immediately have the urge to vomit.

The patient loses appetite, feels headache, abdominal discomfort. Urine has a characteristic smell of acetone. He can come and mouth of a sick child. The odor is not only in the crisis period, when the vomiting begins, but shortly before. The child's deteriorating health, may begin diarrhea. At low concentrations of acetone in the blood of children are in the excited state. Over time, the concentration of a substance increases and the child becomes drowsy, suffers from weakness and headache.

Attack acetonemic vomiting lasts from one day up to seven days. The duration and frequency is largely determined by the immune system of the child, adherence to diet and drugs. If parents carefully monitor the diet and follow the recommendations of the doctor, the symptoms go away faster. Vomiting is either single or occurs several times during the attack, which is quite an ordeal for the body of young children.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the child can neither drink nor eat. Every attempt to do so raises a new attack acetonemic vomiting. So how to fill the stomach fails becoming dehydrated. As a result, the baby skin becomes pale and painful. The baby is experiencing muscle weakness, so I slowly reduced the motor activity. Most of the time children in this case have to stay in bed. Acetonemia vomiting may be accompanied by fever, abdominal pain. In some cases an increase in liver size.

How to determine acetonemic vomiting?

Acetonemic vomiting easily confused with poisoning. Many parents, frightened by a sudden and persistent nausea in a child mistakenly believe the cause of this symptom is the use of low-quality food. The results of the analyses show elevated levels of acetone in blood and urine due to what is diagnosed acetoneiso syndrome. To eliminate its causes, treatment is carried out at home, or the child will have to spend some time in the hospital. After discharge, the parents can decidethe amount of acetone in the body of a baby with the help of test strips. It is necessary to adjust the diet of the sick child and to observe the healing process.

Vomiting can also be a symptom of other diseases, so you must still consult with the doctor. Although during the attack the parents have the ability to determine its severity, using special test strips. They need to be dipped in the urine. If it is found a large quantity of acetone, the strips acquire a bright color. This method allows to determine the level of substances. It is important to prevent substantial hanging level of acetone in the blood, as it leads to serious complications.

Assistance acetonemic vomiting

If the child feels unwell, suffering from nausea, an urgent need to call a doctor. To self-medicate unsafe. Vomiting can be a symptom of not only acetonemic syndrome, but serious infectious diseases. To perform a precise diagnosis can pediatrician.

To consultation with a specialist child should be given more fluids. He needs to drink a glass of strong sweet tea in small SIPS. The flow of fluid into the organism in large quantities may cause vomiting. The temperature of water or beverages should be approximately equal to the body temperature. The child may also eat some bread or buns, rusk. However if he refuses food, should not be forced. Sweet tea and a biscuit valid in the case when it is necessary to prevent the attack acetoneiso vomiting, with its first signs.

Slight attacks and bouts of moderate severity do not require hospitalization. Must follow the doctor's recommendations and conduct treatment at home. The hospitalization is required in severe cases when the level of acetone in blood is much higher than the established norm. When acetoneiso vomiting recommended give your child to drink sweet tea, alkaline mineral water or special solutions, which help to rehydrate and minerals. Most often used for this purpose Regidron. It will be useful to do a cleansing enema an alkaline solution. It allows you to excrete the residues of acetone and ketone bodies. Enema also cleanses the intestines from fecal material and generally has a positive effect on the health of the patient.

Be sure to adjust the child's diet. The menu should not be too fatty meats such as pork, lamb, goose, duck, fat, pastryproducts with butter cream. The diet should be balanced. It should be about the same amount of fat and protein, but intake of carbohydrate is 4 times more. Preference is given to fats of vegetable origin. Every day you need to give your child foods high in carbohydrates for example bakery products, fruits, vegetables, cereals. Meats and fish you should choose low-fat. You can use Turkey, rabbit, beef, cod or Pollock. Meat and fish can be baked, boiled or stewed. Children will healthy dairy products: low fat yogurt or cottage cheese. Of fluids you can drink the sweet juice, compote and tea with lemon.

During and after an attack acetonemic vomiting up the appetite of the child no. Instead of the usual food you can offer him biscuits or crackers. When vomiting will take place, it is recommended to feed him liquid rice porridge or vegetable soup. Portions should be small, and the meals frequent. Gradually, if the food does not occur retching, diet can be expanded by adding carbohydrate-rich foods. Buckwheat or oatmeal, meat or fish patties for a couple – all of this will be useful for children.

The positive effect is subject to the recommendations of the doctor is achieved after 1-2 days. During this time acetonemia vomiting, and other symptoms of pass after a few days. But keep in mind that the attacks weaken the immune system, negatively affect the metabolism. You must continue to follow the diet and take medications prescribed by the doctor to prevent relapse. Overeating or poor diet can lead to a new attack. Compliance with the rules of power must not be a temporary measure, but a habit. Control of diet is one of the most important factors in preventing new attacks acetonemic vomiting along with the medication.

Regularly it is recommended to give the child vitamins to strengthen the immune system and control the level of acetone in the body, using special test strips. Acetonemic syndrome, part of which is vomiting also increases the risk of developing diabetes, therefore, should periodically undergo an examination by an endocrinologist.