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The treatment of colds

Every year with approach of colds we have already internally ready to pesky colds, stocking up on multivitamins and drugs that strengthen the immune system. But let's try not to leave in pharmacies significant share of the family budget, and appeal to nature. It is safe, inexpensive, and most importantly – very effectively.

Unfortunately, none of us is immune from colds and SARS, and in the fall or winter in the pharmacies you can see most of the queue. At the same time, the use of costly antiviral, antipyretic, expectorant and vasoconstrictor drugs "hits" is not only afford, but also on our health.

Today we are happy to share with you the recipe of tea, which is a devastating blow to the cold. You can drink it as a family, and prepares the tea quickly and simply.

But first consider, what is the difference between a cold, flu, acute respiratory infections and SARS:

Colds, acute respiratory infections, SARS, influenza – diseases are similar but have many differences.

ARD – acute respiratory disease is the General name of the acute diseases of the lungs.

ARVI – acute respiratory viral infection. Such a diagnosis is if the doctor pinpointed the cause of the disease is the virus.



Colds (ARI, ARI)

The speed of onset of symptoms with the onset of the disease

Quickly and sharply

Gradually and smoothly

Body temperature

In influenza the temperature reaches 38-39 and above, and, in just a few hours. Lasts 4-5 days

When cold, the temperature rarely rises above 38, lasts 2-3 days

General condition

Severe intoxication (chills, sweating, headache, dizziness, aching bones, fear of light)

The General condition is satisfactory


With flu cough appears already in the 2nd or 3rd day, accompanied by a sore throat

With a cold cough mild and dry. Appear immediately

Sore throat

Sore throat when influenza appears 2-3 days. Accompanied by redness of the throat

Sore throat with a cold ARI and ARI is one of the first symptoms. Accompanied byredness of the throat

Shortness of breath

Depending on the type of flu may be mild and strong


Runny nose and nasal congestion

The flu nasal congestion manifests itself in 3-4 days and are mild

Colds nasal congestion is a major symptom, manifests itself immediately and clearly expressed

Redness of the eyes

The flu reddening of eyes is the first symptom of the disease

A cold sore eyes is usually absent. Perhaps when joining a bacterial infection




Period of the disease

7-14 days

5-7 days

It is important to know that if SARS is a mild illness, and it does not cause much harm to your health, then flu in the world die each year 2 million people


How to treat the common cold and SARS?

To the symptoms of the common cold or SARS receded faster, you need to:

  • To quickly remove toxins from the body, you should drink as much fluid as possible, up to 4-5 liters per day (assuming good renal function).
  • If possible, make inhalation with water temperature not above 40 degrees. Add water a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus or fir.
  • For sore throat, you can rinse it with water, pre-diluted in it a teaspoon of baking soda, Apple cider vinegar or just salt. Will also be useful to chicken broth that will ease the pain. As an expectorant, suitable licorice root or psyllium.
  • During cold treatment the patient need a lot of vitamin C, so will be very useful lemons, oranges, grapefruits and any other citrus. Especially a lot of vitamin C in cabbage, especially useful cabbage juice. In addition, the record content of vitamin C is rose hips, take a decoction of rose hips every few hours.

Treatment at home tea

Tea from ginger, cinnamon and cranberries - best home remedy for colds!

So, for vitamin tea for colds you will need:

Before starting treatment, take a large porcelain teapot, boil it from the inside, put all the above ingredients, pour with boiling water, wrap a towel and wait 20 minutes. Fragrant and useful drink is ready!

There is an alternative way of cooking – in an enamel pot. Tea to simmer for 2-3 minutes, and then wrap for 10 minutes. In any case, it is not necessary to strain after brewing, let all the components settle to the bottom naturally and will continue to give the drink its valuable substances.

How to drink tea for colds? Drinking this tea is better with the whole family, a glass three times a day. As any decoction, it should be consumed either half an hour before eating or at least after a half an hour after a meal. If you are already sick, be sure to drink this hot tea before bed.

Let's say you eat dinner at 7 PM. Then at half past eight leisurely drink tea from a cold, even a couple of pints. And at 11 PM at bedtime. This order of treatment is optimal, as much ginger tones, and cranberry has a diuretic effect. This combination of, you know, is not conducive to falling asleep.

Many are confused by the bitter taste of this medicinal tea for colds. But it is better to avoid the temptation to sweeten it with sugar. Try to drink this drink vprikusku with honey. It is both delicious and very useful, especially in the season of colds, because honey is excellent strengthens the immune system. Important: do not put the honey directly into the tea. Being in a hot environment, he loses a substantial part of its properties. Better eat half a teaspoon of honey and then drink it two or three generous SIPS of tea.

Topic: How to cure a cold in 1 day?

In folk medicine the most effective and efficient tool in the treatment of colds is considered to be a vodka infusion of green pine cones. It is a natural natural medicine has a truly unique properties due to the part of the pine cones turpentine. It can help to start not only treatment, but even such serious diseases as tuberculosis and cancer, severe wounds. Because the tincture of the cones 100% natural, it is completely harmless to human bodies, besides it brings huge benefits for human health.

Due to a number of unique components tincture based on green cones of pine has established itself in the circle of ordinary citizens, and among experts, as the medicine with great healing effect, to enhance immunity, the maintenance of weakened diseases of the body, cure colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory diseases of lungs and bronchi, as well as to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.

This tool is actually in the singular gives excellent protection from cold, the level of which reaches 99%. Those people who are already ill, infusion of pine cones helps to get out of "weakness", to remove headaches, to transfer the disease in a mild form, and to say goodbye to her in just 3-5 days. Neither traditional medicine nor nature itself have not yet found the best cold medicine than a tincture based on green cones of pine.

Cooking. To collect pine cones can be the end of June, when it is necessary to take only the unopened buds, of a width of about 4 cm of the Cones will need as many to top up their litre (or liter) jar, rinsing them before and cut into slices. Pour vodka and insist 7-10 days, and then pour the tincture into a glass bottle.

Application. For the treatment of colds in the home is enough to consume one tablespoon of tincture half an hour before Breakfast, lunch and dinner. The cure can, if desired, add water or warm sweetened tea.

To prevent colds, acute respiratory infections and SARS tincture is used in the same mode, with the exception of the dose which is one teaspoon.

Contraindications to the use. Tincture of green of pine cones is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease, especially at the stage of exacerbation.

On topic: Pine pollen is a gift of nature from diseases of the lungs

Treatmentcolds honey

For colds a natural remedy is simply indispensable, because it is all safe (with the exception of persons who have Allergy to bee products). This product has a number of useful properties: it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, resolving and tonic. It is used to relieve pain and inflammation, fight viruses and infections, they treat diseases of the nose and throat. In addition, it is combined with many natural remedies, enhancing their effects and improving taste.

For therapeutic purposes it is advisable to use a natural, better – homemade honey to avoid poor quality products, which can often be found in stores. In the treatment of colds suggest to use it in dissolved form (water, tea, milk) – so its faster components penetrate into the blood and then into cells and tissues, providing a therapeutic effect. The dosage must be calculated for each person individually depending on his age and weight, because honey is a highly nutritious product and contains a fairly large amount of fructose and glucose.

Treatment of a cold with honey, lemon and ginger

Tool in the treatment of colds and viral respiratory infection – a combination of honey, lemon and ginger, which contribute to warming, and, as a consequence, excessive sweating. Vitamins and minerals that are so rich in all three components, give a firming effect, helps to restore immunity and increase the body's resistance to harmful influences. Also, this remedy relieves inflammation, prevents bacteria and viruses. As "side effects" can be noted cleansing the body of excess cholesterol, toxins, parasites, and overall rejuvenating effect.

Of these three components makes a delicious and wholesome blend, reminiscent of jams that can be stored in the refrigerator. For its preparation you need to take one large lemon, peel them, remove seeds. Add to it about 300 grams cleaned and cut into pieces of ginger, and skip these products through a meat grinder, or chop in a blender. To the obtained "slurry" add the 200 grams of honey, stir, transfer to a tightly sealed jar. The mixture can be added to the water, and those who are not afraid of spicy, eat a teaspoon of thismedication half an hour before meals. Abuse of this remedy is not recommended for the prevention of colds and SARS, only one reception of the mixture per day. During illness you can add this tool in the tea and drink three times a day.

Treatment of a cold tea with honey

I'm sure everyone has heard that a cold you should drink tea with honey is helpful. But not everyone knows how to prepare this drink. The fact that, under the influence of temperature over 40°Call Polesine properties of any product destroyed. Therefore, it is in any case impossible to melt on an open fire or dissolve in boiling water. To cook a really healthy drink, brew the tea and allow to cool, then add honey.

A few words about how helpful tea. The fact that the black tea, which is familiar to many, is a controversial product. It contains significant amounts of caffeine, which has stimulating effect, and excretes essential for the nervous system the element magnesium. Tea bags even more harmful, because small tea dust allows to obtain a more robust drink. Much healthier than green tea, as an anti-oxidant and detoxification. Besides, green tea is perfectly combined with honey, it makes a delicious and aromatic drink that will help you cope with the disease.

Treatment garlic honey

Garlic is the strongest natural antibiotic that this explains its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of the common cold and SARS. In addition, part of garlic is allicin, which thins mucus, so it is based often cook drops from the common cold. The antiseptic properties are very helpful in the treatment of diseases of the throat and lungs – active substances contained in garlic will help you to get rid of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Garlic is rich in vitamins and other nutrients which strengthen the immune system. Doctors even suggest wearing a neck something like a medallion with a cut clove of garlic to inhale the fumes – this should prevent the entry of viruses into the body.

A mixture of minced garlic, a good remedy to combat colds, which, thanks to its sweet taste, suitable even for children. To obtain this medication, you must RUB the garlic onfine grater, mix with honey in proportion 1:1, put into the refrigerator. The mixture ingested one tablespoon, preferably before bedtime. Treatment in this way is carried out at least five days, during this period, the cold symptoms will go away.

Treatment of cold milk

Milk is a unique product. It is believed that milk is not a drink but a full meal that contains in addition to vitamins and minerals the body needs protein, animal fats and sugar. During illness, when the body is weakened, it is inadvisable to eat a heavy meal, but, nevertheless, you need to provide access nutrients. A great option would be to use milk as a tool for recovery. Besides, milk has the ability to calm the nervous system, and give the feeling of warmth and comfort, to promote strong and deep sleep. Unfortunately, some people have intolerance to milk protein, so use of this product, not suitable for every person.

Treatment of milk with garlic

Given the high antiviral properties of garlic, its antiseptic action, this product is just needed for the treatment and prevention of ARVI and flu in General. Garlic is often called a natural antibiotic. Also this plant can strengthen the immune system, helping the body to resist negative environmental influences. However, garlic has its drawbacks, for example, seen it not too gentle on the gastrointestinal tract. Fortunately, there is a way to reduce it, burning mucosa, the effect with milk.

To start the treatment of cold, enough to one glass of warm milk to add 10 drops of fresh juice of garlic. This "potion"you need to drink before going to sleep, and, according to the traditional healers, the common cold may depart later in the morning. However, if the disease is already"far", then wonders to expect from similar tools is not necessary, but as an aid to the immune system, you still need to continue to take it for five days.

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract will also help the infusion of garlic in milk. For this you will need a glass of sour milk and 5 medium cloves of garlic. Milk to heat and dissolve in it the finely pounded garlic, then give the medicine to infuse for about 30 minutes. Take the infusion of warm, several times a day one teaspoon.

If cough with phlegm, to facilitate the discharge againuse the milk with the juice of garlic (you can take sour milk or fresh whey). To one Cup warm, but not hot milk you will need 1 teaspoon of garlic juice. Take small portions up to 5 times a day. This tool is also a tonic.

Treatment of milk with honey

This recipe is familiar, probably everyone. Its therapeutic effect is based on the fact that the honey heats, and in combination with milk, toxins and pathogenic microorganisms with sweat. In addition, milk is indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the throat, which gently envelops the mucous membranes, reducing pain and relieving irritation.

To prepare this milk, it should be remembered that heating milk on the stove, you need to give it a little cool, and then you can add a spoonful of honey. I do not advise to use this tool in case if the body temperature rose above 38 degrees, after all, a warming drink can only exacerbate the situation, contributing to further temperature rise. It is believed that it is better to use the milk of the higher fat content, preferably home – in this case the drink will have a larger effect.

Treatment of a cold milk with onions

Onions, along with garlic, widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds. Onion juice contains many vitamins, minerals, active substances. The juice has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound-healing effect. On the basis of Luke made some medicines. During epidemics of Influenza or SARS doctors advise often inhale the vapors of onion, because they kill the bacteria that is already in the respiratory tract.

Especially effective for the cold milk is the milk with onion juice. For this, it is first necessary to obtain the juice from the onions. One medium onion, crushed in a blender or with the grinder (you can RUB on a regular grater), then place this "slurry"must squeeze through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. The juice is better to use at once, so he did not lose useful properties. In a glass of warm milk is enough one teaspoon of juice. Drink the"onion's milk" usually before bedtime.

Quite effective remedy for colds and respiratory illnesses, infusion of onions in milk. To do this, take three tablespoons of chopped onion and pour two cups of boiling milk, cover and wrap in a towel. The infusion should be prepared at least one hour. Take this remedy during illness atone tablespoon three times a day.

The treatment of colds in pregnancy

Being pregnant, every woman is faced with a problem like SARS. The viruses in the body occur because of a weakened immune system. Any accidental hypothermia or a draft can cause a sore throat, runny nose, cough. To catch a cold even in the summer, not to mention the colder seasons.

What pregnant women more prone to colds than other people. Even healthy moms are in a constant state of stress and immune system depression. As a result of complex changes the body of the woman becomes quite susceptible to various colds.

Many women during pregnancy at the first signs of a cold begin to resort to folk methods of treatment which were always saved before pregnancy. You can't do that. Any cold as her treatment necessarily affects the child. Just some medicines act upon it without consequences and influence on its development, while others can cause various abnormalities. In any case it is better to visit a GP in the antenatal clinic, once again to make sure that you can take.

In the normal state, most likely, a slight cold you used to endure on my feet. During pregnancy to do so in any case impossible. The body in time SARS receives a double load, and if he fails, the expectant mother may become irritable, quickly being tired, feel tired all the time. All this can add anxiety about the child that pulsates in my head every minute.

To drink antibiotics? Not everyone knows that the antibiotic does not help with the common cold (SARS). They are only necessary if there are any complications during a cold. In addition, the majority of antibiotics are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Especially dangerous such drugs can be in the first trimester, when the fetus is just beginning to emerge.

What to do if a cold has already begun? At the first sign of a cold is to increase the amount of hot liquid consumed during the day. Best of all tea, rich in vitamin C or milk with honey. Besides, to help the body fight with the first signs ofcolds, refrain these days from greasy and heavy foods, salt. Inhale the pores svezhenanesennogo onions and garlic. Their pairs will help your family not get sick, but you quickly to cope with the cold.

What to do with the temperature? If during a cold during pregnancy rises high temperature, it is usual to knock it down can be very dangerous. In this case, your best solution is wiping the body with a damp soft cloth dipped in a solution of water and vinegar (mix them in equal parts). Body wrap or wet sheet extremities can also become a life-saving option. Just be sure to on top you need to cover with a warm blanket to a good sweat. To get rid of the severe headache will help massage the point between your thumb and forefinger on his right hand. Don't forget, at elevated temperatures, to drink fluids, you sweat, there may be dehydration.

Sore throat during pregnancy. If you hurting to swallow, the most effective means is the usual rinsing. Warm water should be diluted in equal parts of 1 tsp. of baking soda and 1 tsp fine salt. Some added to this solution and another 1-2 drops of iodine. Also suitable decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula or sage. To folk remedies that you can use during pregnancy can be attributed solution for gargle, made of tincture of propolis. 250 ml of water dilute 1 tbsp of the tincture, gargle should be every 1-1.5 hours.

Cough during pregnancy. Treat a cough better folk safe means of tablets it is better to refuse is a solid chemistry. With a strong cough throat to reduce the sore will help the butter piece, which is put in the mouth and let it melt. Drink hot milk with raspberry jam. Well will help to soften harsh cough inhalations with herbs and saline. Do it at least three times a day. If you have no special inhaler, you can breathe in the steam from svezhesvarennogo potatoes, stooping over the pan and covering your head with a towel. You can also use a pot of boiling water, which added essential oil.

What if a stuffy nose? Pharmacies many drugs, quickly helping to breathe again freely. However, do not rush to buy them. The fact that you can use for pregnant women, often has no effect, you only spend the money. Better chop the onion and garlic andinhale their fumes. Boil eggs, wrap it in a towel and warm up them sinuses. As it cools down the eggs, remove the towel and warm directly, attaching the shell to the skin. If a bad cold, it will help the drops made from the juice of carrots and sunflower oil. The mixture should cook no more than 3 hours, the ingredients mix 1:1.

What not to do! "The treatment of colds during pregnancy must be comprehensive, all good measures" - this statement is not applicable to pregnant women. In any case, do not take a hot bath, and even more floating legs. Choosing traditional treatments, keep in mind that many plants have contraindications for pregnant women. Before taking any herbs be sure to read the annotation. Here are some plants that you cannot accept expectant mothers: tansy, wormwood, pennyroyal, barberry, juniper, celandine, mistletoe, oregano, thuja, hellebore, and others.

List pharmacy drug

Be sure to note in the article about drugs for colds. Here we list 10 of the most popular tools.

The most popular cold remedies are:

  1. Anaferon

  2. Antigrippin

  3. Amiksin

  4. Arbidol

  5. Bralets

  6. Grameen

  7. Galavit

  8. Grippferon

  9. Ingavirin

  10. Kagocel

  11. Coldrex

  12. Rimantadine

  13. Rien

  14. Ringold

  15. Theraflu

  16. Sinupret

  17. Solpadein

  18. Cycloferon

  19. Alferon

  20. Esberitox

If you have a cold complicated and you need to think about the use of antibiotics, the first thing you need to consult a physician! Reada list of popular antibiotics you can in this article.