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The benefits and harms of apricot

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Apricot is the name of the tree belonging to the genus plum, but the fruit that it gives. Where the apricot is originally set with 100% accuracy failed. To be called his homeland claimed at the same time and the Tien-Shan, and Armenia. At this time the tree successfully grows in countries which have suitable climatic conditions. Apricot prefers temperate-hot climate.

The life expectancy of the tree is large and can reach 100 years. His roots deep let it, but it does not reach large sizes. The apricot is not afraid of the cold, it can tolerate temperatures to -30 degrees.

Edible is the fruit of the apricot, which has yellow or orange flesh surrounding the bone. Side of the apricot can be pink. Apricot can be eaten as fresh or after drying. People are consumed on a bone of the fetus, which you must prepare. It is extracted from milk and butter.

The composition and caloric content of apricot

The orange color of the apricot is due to the content of beta-carotene. It is believed that the champion of the contents of this useful vitamin is carrots, but the fruit of apricot trees not less.

In addition, apricots contain the following components:

  • Inulin;

  • Sugar and pectin of the total composition of the fetus is more than 10 %;
  • Acids: malic, citric, tartaric;
  • Tanning substances;
  • Starch;
  • Phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium;
  • Potassium (in fruits of apricot more than dried apples in 3 times and more than raisins in 2 times);
  • Iodine (Armenian varieties of apricots);
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B9), ascorbic acid, and vitamin PP.

Low calorie apricot, 100 g there are only 44 calories. However, the fruits should be used with cautionto use for people with diabetes, since the sugars in them quite a lot. But the Armenian varieties of apricots due to the high content of iodine can be used as a prophylactic agent for diseases of the thyroid gland. Due to the high fiber content ( 0.8 g on 100 g pulp) apricots can have a positive impact on the functioning of the intestine.

Use fruit apricot

The use of apricot is very rich of useful properties include:

  • Stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stimulation of the function of hematopoiesis that needs people suffering from anemia;
  • Increase endurance and stress resistance of the organism;
  • Mucolytic effect which is particularly noticeable when the diseases of the organs of respiration, accompanied by dry cough;
  • Help with constipation;

  • Help with cardiovascular disease;
  • Normalization of body temperature;
  • The normalization of the functioning of the liver, stomach, gall bladder, kidneys;
  • Quenching thirst;
  • Normalization of the acidic environment of the stomach;
  • Aid the body in cleansing of toxins;
  • Providing antioxidant effect (for this purpose, it is sufficient to eat no more than 7 to 10 fresh or dried fruit);
  • Improve memory and brain function in General.

About the useful properties of apricot known since ancient times. The ancient Chinese and Arab healers, among which the famous physician Ibn Sina, who argued that the fruit is especially beneficial for women. They promote weight loss, strengthen hair and nails, give the beauty and radiance of the skin. Also, ancient healers were prepared from the decoctions and apricots, which are used for getting rid of stinky sweat, pain in the abdomen, as well as for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

The fruits have a pleasant taste and aroma, contribute quickly to the incoming saturation. But this does not mean that only the sweet apricots have such an impressive list of useful features. They even have wild fruit, sour and bitterness.

Help the body in removing toxins and poisons are able to provide a decoction on the basis of apricot leaves (both cultural and wild trees). It is used on an empty stomach, before the firstmeal in a volume of 200 ml. is Useful, this drink will be people, working in hazardous industries: the printing houses, textile factories, everywhere have to deal with poisonous chemical components.

The use of the bark of apricot

The use of the bark of the apricot is not as diverse as the positive effects from the ingestion of the fruit of the tree, but their significance is no less. Scientists have determined that in its composition there are substances that are beneficial to the functioning of the heart and Central nervous system. Their action can be compared with the effect of taking Piracetam. This fact is due to recommendations on taking decoction of the bark post, strokes, and other circulatory disorders in the brain of chronic.

In addition, a useful decoction of the bark to women who have gone through a tough process of delivery, as it allows you to quickly restore lost strength.

Resin, which can be detected in tree bark apricots has the properties of gum Arabic (acacia gum known as food additive E 414). Well she knits and coats, but also has a therapeutic effect.

Juice of apricot

Juice the body processes and metabolizes faster than the flesh, therefore from ancient times it was used for the care of critically ill patients. It is useful in children and should be used in pregnant women as a source of calcium and iron.

Enough 0.15 l juice to fill the daily needs of the body in beta-carotene. If eight times a day to drink 0.1 l apricot juice, it is possible to get rid of excess fluid in the body, thus reducing swelling. A decoction of the dried fruit will have a similar effect.

Recipes for health

  • Drink freshly squeezed juice with dysbiosis flatulence, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.
  • A decoction of apricots helps to reduce inflammation of the stomach, improve the symptoms of various diseases of the digestive system.
  • The infusion of apricots helps to reduce swelling. It is necessary to take 100 g dried fruits and pour a liter of boiling water. Container cover with a thick blanket and leave for 12 hours. Then infusion of strain and drink between meals 1/3 Cup 7 times a day.
  • Flour nuclei that are found in the bones, helps with respiratory diseases – laryngitis, tracheitis, andbronchitis, accompanied by cough. Pre-flour should be diluted with water or with milk. Take this product three times a day.
  • If you mix the apricots with the broth decoction of Dioscorea, such a tool can be used for treatment of atherosclerosis. Also useful combinations of herbal teas "apricot and Barvinok"and"apricot.".

  • To get rid of edema, to improve blood circulation helps the dried apricots. To provide a positive effect enough to eat 100 g dried fruit a day. After 14 days you will be able to experience the positive results. To secure them, the course should be extended to 12 weeks.
  • Edema of lower extremities well help fasting days on the apricots. It is necessary to allocate one day a week for which you will need to drink 0.5 l juice and eat 300 g pre-soaked dried apricots. This amount should be divided into four parts, more food on this day, do not drink. The course duration is 3 weeks.
  • Reduce discomfort from burns received after a long stay in the sun causing the pulp of apricots on the affected area. For its production you should choose only ripe fruit.
  • The juice from fresh fruits allows you to adjust the acidity of the stomach. Suitable for people with low acidity of gastric environment.
  • To saturate the body with vitamins will allow a glass of fresh juice in the amount 0.2 l once a day. Useful to have it when diagnosed vitamin deficiency.

  • To get rid of cough, you need to take 20 kernels of apricot pits and fill them with 250 ml of boiling water. To withstand infusion in a thermos for 90 minutes, then strain and drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Perhaps the use of the juice to eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis, as it has antimicrobial properties.
  • To improve peristalsis, and faster to rid the body of toxins will allow a joint reception of the prunes with dried apricots.
  • Eliminate abuse of the process of digestion, getting rid of superficial gastritis possible with the help of dried apricots. For this it is necessary to take into 8 pieces, wash and place in a glass of clean warm water. After 12 hours the dried apricots need to eat, and water to drink (0.1 l). The remaining water does not pour, and to drink in the morningnext day. Therefore, you should arrive throughout 2 weeks.
  • To get rid of constipation allows the powder from the kernels of apricot. A day should not be consumed more 10 g powder as it can cause poisoning of the body due to being part poison.
  • It should be kept in the house of the dried leaves of the apricot, as they help to deal with diarrhea. For this 10 g dried raw materials are ground into powder, dilute it with water and drink once.
  • Also the leaves of the apricot allow you to rid the body of worms, but you need to make a decoction based on them.
  • Can be useful even the flowers of the apricot, if the person has a tendency to internal bleeding. From the flowers prepare a decoction and drink in unlimited quantities, substituting broth for all other drinks.
  • If you make a poultice of the fresh leaf of apricot on the injured spot, the hematoma will be faster. Pre-sheet have to mash.
  • The leaves can be chewed fresh. This will allow not only to get rid of plaque, but also will allow to reduce the symptoms of stomatitis.

  • Infusion based on the colors of apricot can help stop a nosebleed. To this end, the infusion moistened cotton harness and inserted into the nasal passage. If you have a skin wound that won't stop bleeding, it should apply a bandage dipped in the same infusion.

  • To help the work of the heart and blood vessels atherosclerosis can the pulp of dried apricots. To do this, take 100 dried apricots and mince or chop in a blender. Is the resulting mass to three times a day throughout the month. Volume three – tablespoon. Upon completion of maintenance therapy need to take a break for 14 days and then again repeat it. The number of repetitions of such a course of treatment is not limited.
  • Fresh apricots help to reduce the symptoms of this unpleasant condition like flatulence.

  • For the past 2 months, every day to drink 50 ml of fresh juice. This should be done three times a day, in order to improve the functioning of the organs of vision.

Apricot seed

Eating apricot seed, should be in limited quantities, as they containdangerous substance called amygdalin (vitamin B17). Upon ingestion, the poison will be converted to senile acid, capable of provoking severe poisoning. However, if you consume amygdalin in small doses, it will have on the body very positive impact.

Scientists seriously interested in the amygdalin in recent years, as there are indications that he is able to fight cancer cells. Vitamin B17 works as well as chemotherapy, but the damage to the body not causes. The treatment principle is based on the fact that healthy cells are able to break down this substance and transform it into senile acid, and cancer cells need for splitting enzymes do not have, so the poison of apricot kernels destroys them.

This component can be found not only in the bones of apricot, plum but also in the bones, as well as in cherry and peach pits. And knowledge regarding anti-cancer properties resulted more than 30 years ago. It is believed that if you consume amygdalin in small quantities daily, the cancer can't develop ever.

In the Himalayas, in the tribe of Hunza residents eat daily namely apricot seeds and by the apricots. This is their main food, so they cook apricots in different ways: dried, dried, eaten fresh. The members of this tribe never suffer from cancer. Scientists believe that cancer does not develop them thanks to the apricot seed. In addition, members of the tribe live for a long time, the average duration of life is equivalent to 120 years. They do not nonsense, and quite normal, when a woman at the age of 60 years becomes a mother.

Therefore, researchers and scientists recommend during the day to eat 10 apricot kernels, but not at once, but dividing them into equal portions. This is an excellent prevention of cancer, pellagra, and scurvy. Do not just start with the highest dose, in the initial stages of treatment until the body gets used to the amygdalin, enough to eat 2 bones a day, gradually increasing their number to 10.

In addition, bones can be not only useful, but also incredibly delicious if you cook them according to the recipe, which came from Central Asia. Bones need to be chipped and boil in water with lots of salt. They are then dried in ovens, after which they slightly are disclosed, and the kernel to get it will be very easy. To taste such nuclei are very similar to pistachios.

Mask from apricot

Cosmetology actively uses not only the juicefruit, but the fruit's flesh and oil, which is extracted from bones. Apricot can be used for care of face and body, both independently and by purchasing ready-made products based on it.

  • You need to take ripe fruit, peel it from the skin, crush the pulp and apply it on clean face. After a quarter of an hour the mask is removed, and the face no longer handle. With the help of this tool it is possible to saturate the skin with nutrients, moisturize it. Repeat the procedure you need through the day.

For oily skin that will fit the following options:

  • Once in three days to put on the face of the apricot pulp with the addition of yogurt in it. The holding time is 20 minutes, resting time from mask – 3 days.
  • In the pulp of the two fruits add a tablespoon of lemon juice, apply the mixture on the skin and top cover with a cloth. Exposure time – 15 minutes.
  • Moisten a handkerchief apricot juice and apply it on the face. The exposure time is not limited, it is necessary to wait until the scarf is dry half. Most often this is done it is enough 30 minutes. After the procedure, rinse face with warm water.

For the care of dry skin prone to aging, will fit the following options:

  • To take one part of curd with a high percentage of fat and one part apricot pulp, mix everything and apply on face. The holding time is 15 minutes, after which the face is cleansed and rinsed with warm water.
  • Juice of apricot to mix with honey in the ratio – 3 tablespoons of juice with one teaspoon of honey. To this mixture add semolina with milk (a tablespoon), salt (1/2 teaspoon), egg yolk raw. Exposure time – a quarter of an hour.

Options for the care of skin prone to flaking:

  • Take a teaspoon of apricot kernel oil and mix it with the yolk. With the help of massage movements apply the mixture on your face, then rinse with cool water.
  • Take a tablespoon of vegetable oil and mix it with the pulp of two apricots. Applied to the skin and top cover with a cloth. Exposure time – 15 minutes.

Shampoo homemade

Take and mix six strawberries, raw milled rice (100 g), soaked in boiling water, 200 g apricot pulp in puree. Apply the mixture on the hair, rubbing it into the roots and rods for a long time. The rice will remove the excess sebum, and the remaining components of the shampoo nourish the hair and scalp, moisturize it. After the procedure, the hair is carefully rinsed with running water. To complete this useful shampoo rinsing canhair with a weak solution on the basis of Apple cider vinegar.

Scrub apricot

Bone in the form of flour mixed with the puréed flesh of the fruit, a teaspoon of ground coffee and a tablespoon of honey. After using this tool, the skin becomes moist, soft and velvety. Another positive aspect of using the scrub is a pleasant smell from the body after the procedure.

For making masks do not have to wait until ripe fresh apricots. For this purpose, suitable and canned fruit. Here is the recipe of such cosmetics: sorbitol is diluted with water (2 tbsp 50 ml), add glycerine (2 tbsp) and apricot puree (200 g). The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but the lid should fit snugly to avoid access of air. Containers suitable for these purposes, only glass.

The apricot oil in cosmetology

For the production of oil are the kernels of the apricot seed. Perhaps the addition of seeds of plum and plum. The oil is very greasy and it is used as the base. It consists of various acids: myristic, stearic and linoleic acids. Although it is liquid, but is able to reach. The color of the oil close to the straw, the aroma is very subtle.

Perhaps the use of apricot oil, both alone and in combination with similar composition of the oils. After adding such a tool in cosmetics, it is enriched with vitamins: A, b, C. If this tool is used for the skin, it makes it soft, supple, moisturized.

In addition, the oil has anti-inflammatory effect and can be used for both skin care baby and elderly. Often it can be detected in the composition of anti-cellulite creams. In addition to all the positive effects this oil even out skin tone.

Used oil in medicines for the treatment of heart, blood vessels, brain, disorders of the immune system. It also acts as a basis for the manufacture of cosmetic means for care of lips and skin.

Effects that can be obtained with the application of apricot oil:

  • Improving skin tone;
  • Alignment of skin color;
  • The effect of rejuvenation;
  • Hydration and softening of your skin;
  • Deep cleansing on the type of chemical peel;
  • Eliminate flaking.

Make facial contours more clear,to improve skin elasticity, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin will allow the components included in the composition of apricot kernel oil.

Oil can even be applied on the thin skin of the eyelid, not to mention other parts of the body in need of care. To enhance the effect, it is necessary slightly to warm up. Oil can use even those people who have sensitive and vulnerable skin, characterized by high sensitivity.

The oil can be found in shampoos, conditioners, shower gels and other cosmetic means for care of hair, body, face. However, you should not expect that oil will be part of a cheap cosmetics. The price is quite high, so it may be present only in high-quality cosmetics.

When in contact with oxygen there is a rapid oxidation of oil, so it is used as a base for drugs administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

  • To fight acne will help the following composition: a drop of tea tree oil + drop of lemon oil + a drop of lavender oil + apricot oil in the amount of two tablespoons.
  • The composition of anti-cellulite massage oil: 2 drops of essential oils (rosemary, lemon, orange, juniper) + two tablespoons of avocado oil + 2 tablespoons of apricot oil.
  • A tool for strengthening the nail plate, moisturizing the skin: apricot oil + jojoba oil + wheat germ oil. All the components you need to take the size of a tablespoon, after preparation the composition should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed glass container.
  • Hydration of the skin: two tablespoons of almond oil and apricot oil + two drops of oil of sandalwood, lavender, ylang-ylang. Apply the obtained product after the purification of the body.
  • Composition for the skin: capsule of vitamin Aevitum + rosehip oil + apricot oil + olive oil. Oil should be taken in quantity of one teaspoon. The tool can be applied daily before bedtime.
  • Cleansing and nourishing the dermis: vitamin E (10 drops) + apricot oil + castor oil. Oil should be taken in the amount of one tablespoon. The composition is suitable for caring for dry skin.
  • Elimination and prevention of superficial fine lines and wrinkles apricot oil + jojoba oil + avocado oil in the amount of tablespoon. Also add the frankincense (3 drops) and rosewood oil (4 drops). Apply on the face morning and evening.

Oil can be used for skin care of women who bears a child and during breast-feeding.

Contraindications and harms of apricot

  • Diarrhea may happenif after eating apricots fresh immediately drink water.
  • Don't eat the apricots on an empty stomach and after eating heavy meals.
  • No need to get too carried away apricots in any form, if you have a diagnosis of diabetes or obesity.
  • Immature apricots – food is heavy. They can cause increase gastric acidity, can cause heartburn and belching, so eating them should not be.
  • With bradycardia should abandon the use of the apricots in any form.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage should be a reason to use apricots with caution.

How to choose and store apricots?

Unfit for eating green apricots with mashed sides. The apricot should have a tight skin without spots. The pulp is juicy, but not mushy, bone is easily separated. If the apricot has more than 10 points, it indicates that it is overripe. Maggoty apricots is not necessary, but if such a fetus in the purchase are caught, it is a good indication of the environmental safety of the entire party products.

If the fruit is thin skin, and he was dry inside, this indicates that the picking of unripe and ripe it in transit to the destination. These apricots are not fully possess the whole spectrum of nutrients.

Maximum taste will have the apricot cultivar "Ananas"and"banana." They are easy to distinguish by its appearance: the fruit is yellow, oblong form and large size. If you plan on preserving apricots, it is best to choose those that have a rich orange color. They tasted sweet, but at the same time have some acidity. Small apricots, in turn, can even taste bitter.

The shelf life of fruits without a refrigerator – 3 days in the fridge – 20 days. To save the apricots for longer they need to preserve, freeze or dry.

Salad recipes with apricots

You can use apricots for baking and for making various desserts, but if one watches the piece, it would suit the following recipes:

  • Dried apricots (2 cups) fresh carrots (3 pieces) + the flesh of the lemon. All components grind and sour cream in the amount of 100 g. To improve the taste you can add sugar and parsley.
  • <200 g>

    Fresh apricots (w:st="on") + cabbage (100 g) + apples (100 g) + turnips 80 g) + carrot (80 g). All components chop, mix and add sour cream with sugar as a dressing. You can decorate with mint leaves and sprinkle with lemon juice.

  • To take a glass of dried apricots and the same amount of walnuts, mix well and add honey. Eat small portions, as the calorie content of lettuce is very high. At the same time, this dish will allow you to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Honey can be replaced by a mixture of cognac and powdered sugar.
  • A pound of fresh apricots to clean from the bones and cut into slices, place them in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice. Separately whip the cream with the icing sugar (2 tbsp) and spread over apricots. Received a low-calorie dessert to go in the fridge.
  • Place the apricots in the sugar syrup and boil for 10 minutes. To prepare the syrup, you will need a glass of water and sugar (100 g). Then from the fruit to get the seeds and fill them with the cheese. The curd is first necessary to grind with sugar and liqueur. After stuffing, the dessert needs to be put in the refrigerator to cool. Before serving you can decorate the dish with whipped cream.
  • 200 g dried apricot is part of a festive salad with the following: chicken breast + boiled eggs (3 PCs) + 2 pickles + onion. All components of the slice and mayonnaise with a low calorie content.
  • Pears and apricots are chopped, pour the honey, stir and let stand. Before serving, stir again.

How to dry apricots?

Dried apricots – the apricots, split in half and dried. Kaisa is apricot without bones, dried up entirely. Apricots – dried apricot with a bone inside. Sears is a dried apricot. To prepare the dried fruit the fruit must be large.

For the preparation of dried fruits at home fruits you should choose more Mature. The temperature for drying in the oven at 60 degrees some time later it can be increased to 70 degrees and then again lowered, opening the flap of the Cabinet.

If drying fruit in the sun, they must advance to survive in the shadow of the wind. To understand the apricots to dry, you can simply press on the fetus. He's not going to get juice, but the fruit itself will remain soft.

If dried apricots inthe dryer they should be cleaned from bones. From one kilogram of fresh fruit on the output will 200 g dried apricots.

How to grow apricot from seeds?

Apricot seed needs to be cleaned, soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Suitable for planting only those fruits that are not surfaced, and settled on the bottom. Before planting, the seeds need the winter to withstand cold, for this they should be placed on a wet sand and container put in refrigerator.

Thus they survive the winter, and in March will appear the first shoots. You need to keep them on the windowsill, watering periodically. In may it is possible to move seedlings to the garden. Sit and plenty of water will fall.

The winter will take not all plants, but the survivors will be strong and hardened frost young trees.